i created the old gods

Chapter 252 Abe Tianyuan

Chapter 252 Abe Tianyuan

Heroes are often lonely, and this is the case in Tian Yu Qingzhong.

In just three months, all the one hundred and eighty cities in the southern part of Zhongzhou Island had surrendered, and several cities in Nanzhou Island had taken the initiative to surrender. There was already a vague tendency to unify Zhongzhou.

The daimyo of Zhongzhou Island were very frightened by Tian Yuqingzhong, who was bound to win the battle and attack, and some even secretly called him the 'reincarnation of the God of War and the living master of war'.

However, in the main city of Tengo Seinaka, on this day when the sun was shining brightly and the chrysanthemums were in full bloom, Tengo Seinaka received the latest news about Hoshu from the Eight Generals of Kameda:
"Lord Tianyu, Beizhou Island has formed an alliance of eighteen daimyo, saying that they are going to attack Xiayi City together. Even dozens of Onmyoji from the Abe family are participating."

Listening to the report of the loyal Eighth General Kameda, Tian Yuqingzhong nodded slightly, feeling a little strange: "What happened in Xia Yicheng? Why did the Nara family arouse public outrage?"

The Eighth General Kameda said respectfully: "My lord, I am not very clear about the specific situation. The Eighteenth Road Daimyo Alliance seemed to say that 'the Nara family has been controlled by ghosts and needs to be conquered as soon as possible', but it turned out to be just an excuse. The true purpose is yet to be determined.”

Hearing this, Tian Yuqingzhong smiled and said: "Well, I'm sorry to trouble you, General Eight, but I'll mainly pay attention to the situation of the Nara family."

"Yes, my lord!" Kameda eight generals immediately said with fists in their hands.

After Kenjiro Mori's defeat, Kameda Yatsuma devoted himself wholeheartedly to Ame Harunaka, and during these months of getting along with him, Kameda Yatsuma got to know Ame Harunaka better. It was natural for him to have such a charming personality. It is an incomparable trust, and the current Eight Generals Kameda is willing to die for Tengo Qingzhong.

"Okay, go and do your work."

Tian Yuqingzhong gently helped Kameda Eight Generals, treated them gently, and spoke to Kameda Eight Generals with a pleasant expression.

"Then I will retire first, my lord, take care!"

Upon hearing this, the eight generals of Kameda immediately lowered their heads, said goodbye to Tian Yuqingzhong sincerely, and began to retreat slowly.

After Kameda Hachisho left, Amano Harinaka's expression gradually changed from a smile on his face to a calm and calm one.

Tian Yuqingzhong's demeanor now is completely different from before. Now he seems to be mechanical, without any emotional fluctuations, like a pool of stagnant water, calm and calm.

"Xia Yicheng ghosts, tsk."

Tian Yuqingzhong looked in the direction of Xia Yicheng in the north, shook his head gently, and did not make any further moves: "The old head of the Abe family must have also felt something was wrong. Presumably those onmyojis are from the Abe family." The old Patriarch led the elite to subdue the demons."

Amano Harinaka has been in this world for nearly four months. He knows the current situation of the world very well, even better than the ninja assassins of the Nara family.

The ninja assassins of the Nara family collect information in the form of spies, while Amano Haru is under the control of Kagegawa, and he knows every corner from a God's perspective.

This is also the reason why Tian Yuqingzhong has been invincible in all the battles in the past four months. He is not the legendary "God of War", he just knows every detail of the battlefield.

The God of Spiders, he knew exactly what kind of existence it was and what his mission was.

After finishing reading, Tian Yuqingzhong slowly lifted the sake on the bamboo table and sprinkled it on the ground. At the same time, he whispered softly: "Old Patriarch Abe, I respect you, and this glass of sake can be regarded as my farewell bar for you. "

"When I unify Zhongzhou Island and Nanzhou Island, it will be the day to send troops to Beizhou to rescue Beizhou!"


A sneeze suddenly came from the mouth of Abe's old master, Abe Tengen. Abe Tengen looked up at the dark clouds in the sky in confusion, and said to the onmyojis on his left and right: "He is indeed the Demon King. My cultivation is already extremely powerful. It is impossible to sneeze, but being here is forced by the demonic energy, which shows how powerful the demon king is."

After saying that, Abe Tianyuan added: "Everyone, please be careful and don't fall into the trap of the Demon King."

"Yes, master!"

The surrounding Onmyojis all spoke together. The older Onmyojis' hearts sank and they were ready for a hard fight, but the younger Onmyojis were a little careless, with excitement on their faces, as if they couldn't wait to see him. That's the 'demon king'.

Abe Tengen looked at the cheerful young onmyoji, his lips trembled slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't speak, so he could only sigh.

These young people are in high spirits now, and seem to think that killing the demon king is the day, but Abe Tianyuan knows that after this battle, not even one in ten will survive.

It's better not to speak and let these young people be happy, lest they lose their courage and dare not face the 'demon king'.

With such a heavy mentality, Abe Tianyuan led dozens of his Onmyoji toward the camp of the [-]th Route Daimyo Alliance. Before the camp, he met several other daimyo who had been waiting here for a long time:

"Master Abe!"

"Lord Tian Yuan is indeed here. With Master Tian Yuan here, it's not a problem for mere demon kings!"

Seeing the praise of these big names in front of him, Abe Tianyuan didn't have too many emotional fluctuations, but said directly: "Everyone, let me talk to us now, what happened in Xiayi City."


One of the seemingly powerful daimyo nodded, waved, and called over a retainer who seemed to know the inside story. The retainer bowed his hand to Abe Tianyuan, and then said: "I have met Abe-sama, I Now let’s talk.”

"Four months ago, Xia Yicheng suddenly lost contact with us. No matter how many people were excluded from exploring Xia Yicheng, there was no news. Even the people sent there disappeared together."

"Just when we were wondering, Lord Abe Insuki, who was in charge of Beizhou, suddenly found us. After making a suggestion to go into the city to investigate, he went to the city alone. However, Lord Inshu never came back."

"What came back was a 12-year-old samurai boy who claimed to be the disciple of Kitano Nobuncun, our former No. [-] swordsman in Beizhou. According to what he said, Lord Abe and Mr. Kitano Nobunaga were both possessed by ghosts in the city. Kill."

"The ghosts in the city can control people's hearts. That ghost controlled more than 20 residents in Xiayi City. Those residents were like puppets and were killing them. Not only that, but the nine onmyojis who were in Xiayi City with broken magatama also Appears in battle and is also controlled by ghosts.”

"Your Excellency Kitano Nobunori and Lord Abe Insuki risked their lives to send the 12-year-old child out, reported to us, and informed us of all the circumstances."

"After we learned of this situation, we immediately sent a force of 1 people to try to attack Xia Yicheng. However, we suffered heavy losses and the Guihu family was directly eliminated."

Speaking of this, the retainer seemed a little bitter, as if he had some huge connection with the Guihu family.

After Abe Tianyuan was silent for a moment, he asked directly: "What kind of ghost is that? In addition to manipulating humans, what other tricks does it have?"

"Ashamed, more than 8000 of our soldiers died without ever seeing the appearance of that ghost. We were defeated by the 20 residents he controlled."

The retainer said in an aggrieved tone: "But the boy named 'Fire Pill' mentioned to us that it seemed to be a giant human-faced spider, but he also vaguely saw the fog image, and it may not necessarily be that... The true appearance of ghosts.”

"It's troublesome."

Abe Tengen let out a long sigh. He never expected that he didn't even know what his opponent was: "Where are the thirteen onmyojis sent by my Abe family before?"

"That's thirteen adults who are currently watching the movements in Xiayi City on the high mountains near Xiayi City to prevent the demon king of Xiayi City from actively expanding outwards."

Without waiting for the retainer's reply, the seemingly prestigious daimyo took the initiative and said, "But it has been more than two months so far. The demon king has been huddled in Xiayi City without any movement."

The 'Demon King' seemed to be extremely honest. After occupying Xia Yicheng, he did not even move for four months. It was as if he did not exist and would not intervene in the struggle for hegemony in Beizhou at all.

But it was this that caused the seventeen daimyo in Beizhou to panic. The sword still in the scabbard was the most terrifying sword. Only by solving Xia Yicheng's problem would they feel at ease.

Otherwise, they would not even know that one day they would suddenly face such a catastrophe as Xiayi City.

Abe Tianyuan naturally understands these principles. This is why he came here this time. After thinking for a moment, Abe Tianyuan said: "Well, it seems that you have to go to the city in person to understand what the situation is."

"Ah? Master Tianyuan wants to put himself in danger?!" The great name exclaimed.

"That's right, things happen according to authority. Now this is the only way."

Abe Tianyuan sighed and said: "Otherwise, when the demon king takes the initiative, we will fall into a passive position, and we will probably be wiped out by this demon king in one fell swoop."

At this time, the old Onmyoji master standing next to Abe Tianyuan also said: "This monster has not moved for four months. It is most likely that he is waiting for a certain opportunity. The master of the family is absolutely right. He can only act like this now. Only then can we open up the situation.”

"Then Lord Abe Tengen, take care of yourself."

The powerful Daimyo who could be called the leader of the alliance spoke solemnly, his eyes seemed to be filled with admiration for Abe Tengen.

In this regard, Abe Tianyuan just wanted to laugh and did not express much.

He is not young anymore, so he naturally knows that no one who can become a daimyo is a fool, especially the daimyo in front of him who became the lord of Northern Province after the destruction of the Nara family.

I'm afraid this daimyo is extremely happy now, and wants him to go to Xiayi City to solve the problem quickly, right?

In response, Abe Tianyuan could only sneer and stride towards Xia Yicheng, ignoring the famous name.

The onmyojis behind followed in a mighty way, as if the Causeway Bay reappeared.

The daimyo who was ignored was not angry, but just smiled cheerfully and watched Abe Tianyuan go to Xiayi City.

Some people take the initiative to solve their own problems. Why should they be angry if they are ignored?

It was too late for the daimyo to be happy, let alone angry.

Abe Tianyuan did not pay too much attention to the change of mentality of the daimyo. More than 30 onmyojis performed the onmyoji together and flew towards Xia Yicheng. In less than three hours, they met the thirteen who were monitoring the place near Xia Yicheng. An Onmyoji meets.


"Master Patriarch!"

The thirteen onmyojis were shocked when they saw Abe Tianyuan coming in person, and hurriedly saluted.

Upon seeing this, Abe Tianyuan waved his hand to signal them to get up, and then said: "What's the situation inside? Did the Demon King reveal any aura?"

"Patriarch, the situation in Xiayi City is really too complicated, we simply can't get an insight into it."

The man headed by the thirteen onmyojis said bitterly: "We have been monitoring here for two months, but there is no movement at all in Xia Yicheng, and not even a trace of evil spirit has been transmitted."

"As if nothing had happened, Xiayi City is still Xiayi City."

Hearing such words, Abe Tianyuan couldn't believe it. He personally sensed Xia Yicheng's aura, but found that it was not much different from what he said. Xia Yicheng was full of people, as if nothing had happened.

"what 's wrong?"

Abe Tianyuan frowned. He undoubtedly encountered a huge problem this time.

Xiayi City was bustling with people and everything was as usual, but Abe Tianyuan didn't think that was the case inside.

Apart from anything else, Abe Cunshu is the eldest grandson of Abe Tianyuan. He did indeed die in Xia Yicheng. There is no mistake in this.

But now it seems that perhaps their previous speculation was wrong, and there may be wonderful changes in Xiayi City that they did not expect.

After observing silently for a long time, Abe Tianyuan sighed: "Now it seems that what is hidden in Xiayi City is not necessarily the Demon King. Xiayi City contains huge secrets."

The old man beside Abe Tianyuan also said leisurely: "This huge secret may be a magic weapon that stabilizes the status of our Abe family, or it may lead to our death here."

Abe Tianyuan looked at the old man and said with a smile: "Diyuan, what do you think we should do?"

The old man called "Earth Yuan" by Abe Tianyuan said in a low voice: "Brother, the Ashiya family on Nanzhou Island has already threatened our status. If we master the secrets in Xiayi City, from now on the Ashiya family will not Probably more than ours.”

Abe Tengen glanced at the old man and said, "The Nara family is a century-old family that has been wiped out by this 'secret'. Do you think we can control this secret?"

The old man whispered: "Even if we fail, a few of us will die here. There is still Renyuan in Zhongzhou, and the first Onmyoji family will only be given to the Ashiya family. There is still the possibility of taking it back in the future."

Abe Tianyuan said: "Everything now is just our speculation. Maybe there is really a demon king in the city, not what we imagined."

"If it's the demon king, isn't that the purpose of our trip?" the old man laughed.

"Okay, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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