i created the old gods

Chapter 253 The Dreamland of Life and Death

Chapter 253 The Dreamland of Life and Death

"Everyone, please be careful. The situation in Xiayi City is complicated. Don't fall for any tricks."

Standing in front of the majestic Xia Yi City, Abe Tengen said cautiously to the many Onmyojis on his left and right: "You only have one life, cherish your own life, and don't die just to be competitive and show off."

A young onmyoji heard this and immediately said, "Don't worry, we understand, head of the family."

Facing such juniors, Abe Tianyuan sighed and said nothing, but seriously said: "Let's go!"

He knows that because of the Abe family's reputation, these descendants have developed enough pride, and at some point these prides will enhance the honor of the Abe family.

But at this critical moment of crisis, this pride is enough to destroy their own lives.

Perhaps only a heavy blow can awaken their inner arrogance and pride.

Following Abe Tianyuan's low groan, the main gate of Xiayi City was slowly pushed open. The edge of the gate pushed the surrounding soil. With the swaying sound of "creaking", dust flew up and sand flew away for a moment. sparkle.


Abe Tianyuan just left a low groan and immediately stepped into Xia Yi City.

After seeing this, the other Onmyojis followed, but when they all stepped into Xia Yi City, everything changed drastically.


The moment Abe Tianyuan stepped into Xiayi City, the surrounding scene quickly became blurred, replaced by a dense cherry blossom forest, and Abe Tianyuan was lying under a certain cherry blossom tree, seemingly relaxing from his sleep. Slowly woke up.

"what happened?"

Abe Tianyuan was a little confused. He looked at the surrounding situation and was a little confused about the current situation. He only felt that the surrounding environment was familiar, as if he had experienced it somewhere before.

"Brother, brother, why are you being lazy here again?"

Suddenly, a relatively urgent shout came from the distance. Abe Tianyuan followed the sound and saw his brother Abe Jigen running from a distance. He seemed a little worried: "Father can't find you and is going to be angry!"

The Abe Tengen in front of him looked to be only twelve or thirteen years old, which actually made Abe Tengen feel dazed for a while.

"I just seemed to have had a dream."

After Abe Tianyuan was silent for a moment, he slowly said: "In the dream, I became the head of the Abe family."

"Brother, what are you talking about? You are the most talented onmyoji in our Abe family for hundreds of years. You will definitely become the head of the family in the future. This is not a dream!"

Abe Jigen said decisively: "There will be no doubt about this."

After hearing this, Abe Tianyuan fell silent and did not speak.

If I remember correctly, his younger brother Abe Rengen, who has just turned one year old this year, will be the last hope of the Abe family. He is a rare genius in thousands of years and a true son of heaven who surpasses the previous generations.

He is just a transitional product of the family. He will abdicate in favor of others when Abe's human element reaches the highest level.

When he was young, he resented his younger brother, thinking that Abe Tengen had robbed him of everything, even though Abe Tengen was 15 years older than him.

In the future, in order not to be surpassed by Abe Rengen, Abe Tengen will not relax his practice for a moment, and then he can barely keep up with Abe Rengen. You know, Abe Tengen practiced 15 years earlier than Abe Rengen!
"Why am I here?"

Abe Tianyuan fell silent and followed Abe Tianyuan according to the scenes in his memory decades ago.

Looking at Abe Tiangen, he sighed. He had the most compassion for this younger brother.

If Abe Tengen's own practice is to keep up with Abe Rengen's footsteps, then Abe Jigen is undoubtedly the most helpless one.

He is not a genius, just an ordinary person. He has an eldest brother who only meets once in a hundred years, and a third brother who represents the hope of thousands of years. There is no doubt that he is under pressure.

Abe Tengen followed Abe Jigen all the way, and he saw the serious figure from a distance. Abe Tengen could only sigh heavily: "Alas."

"Everything is nothing more than illusion. Such a situation cannot hide me."

Abe Tianyuan spoke calmly, knowing the situation in front of him clearly.

These things are the good life in Abe Tengen's fantasy, a world without Abe Tengen, a world that only belongs to him and his family.

"It's so fake. I have lived for 91 years. Although I don't like Rengen Abe, there is no doubt that this guy is indeed the hope of revitalizing the Abe family."

Abe Tianyuan spoke slowly, and ashes began to burn between his fingers: "Digen and I took the risk to come to Xiayi City after learning that the situation in Xiayi City had changed, in order to prove that we can still revitalize Abe without Renyuan. Home."

'Father' looked at Abe Tianyuan seriously and scolded seriously: "Tianyuan, what on earth are you talking about? Why are you lazy today?!"

"No matter how much you look like him, you will never be him."

Looking at the figure of his 'father', Abe Tianyuan shook his head. The figure gradually became more real, and the world began to gradually dissolve.

The azure blue sky began to slowly change to khaki, everything began to dissipate, and the figures of father and earth element also began to collapse little by little.

Instead, there are endless plains, blue land, and hills.

The colors of the sky and the earth seemed to be reversed, and everything became so unreal.

It is not a direct illusion, but a sense of illusion mixed with reality.

Abe Tianyuan looked at the surrounding environment and gradually saw a large blue building not far away and the sleeping people inside.

Seeing this, Abe Tianyuan's face darkened, and he whispered: "It turns out to be a dream. The treasures or demon kings here are related to the dream."

"Having hundreds of thousands of humans imprisoned here with sweet dreams, it seems that the hope of me and Di Yuan has dissipated."

Abe Tianyuan gave a wry smile, looked at the bridge under construction in the distance, and whispered: "It seems that the Demon King is here."

Abe Tianyuan clenched his fists and was about to use the Yin Yang technique to quickly move forward and kill the demon king, but suddenly he felt a slight friction sound around him.


Abe Tianyuan's eyes were shocked and he shouted: "Come out!"

Before he finished speaking, a void talisman was pasted in the direction of the voice, and exploded in an instant.


After a loud noise, a figure stood up in confusion and shouted to Abe Tianyuan: "Don't move, don't move, don't move. This is a dreamland. We can only fight in a small area, not in a large area!"

The visitor spoke a language that Abe Tengen had never heard before. After the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, the figure that remained had red hair, golden eyes, a high nose, and a tall figure, which looked very strange.

"Red-haired ghost, where is this place?"

Looking at this 'red-haired ghost' with an unknown appearance and unclear speech, Abe Tianyuan whispered: "Where is the dreamland?"

"You don't even know about Dreamland, so how did you get in?"

The 'red-haired ghost' was obviously a little surprised. He looked at Abe Tianyuan and said in disbelief: "No, brother, don't you even know this?"

Abe Tianyuan did not speak, but looked at the red-haired ghost indifferently, and the illusory talisman once again condensed and took shape in his fingers.

"Forget it, I won't break it to you. Dreamland is the junction between illusion and reality. It is controlled by the great spider god Atrak Nakoa. It is the most wonderful place in the world."

Having said this, the 'red-haired ghost' unconsciously raised a smile, and at the same time expressed his incomparable respect for the 'Spider God': "Those who come here are all made by the great The Spider God' guides you to become a swimmer in dreams."

"Dream swimmer? It's just an illusion." Abe Tianyuan sneered at this.

Seeing this, the 'red-haired ghost' was not angry at all, but looked at Abe Tianyuan with a smile, and laughed in a low voice: "We people are dust in the world, but in dreams, we are our own heroes. "

"Hero, haha."

Abe Tengen sneered at the heroic concept of the 'red-haired ghost' and continued: "Who are you and why do you appear here?"

"My name is Jack Pinciman. I am the most loyal believer of the great Spider God. I have provided many tributes to the Spider God."

Jack smiled slightly and took off his hat to greet Abe Tengen, elegantly like a noble: "I come from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. In Boston, I am just a small drug dealer. However, in my dream, I am in charge of... All nobility.”

"Are you a subordinate of the Demon King?!"

Abe Tianyuan had been prepared for a long time and was about to activate the illusory talisman in his hand, but unexpectedly at this moment, he felt that his hands and feet were sluggish, as if he was being held back by something.

At this moment, Abe Tianyuan discovered that his hands and feet had been wrapped with thick white spider silk. These spider silks tightly held Abe Tianyuan's hands and feet, making Abe Tianyuan unable to move.

"Yo yo yo, Japanese, why do you think I have to tell you so much?"

Jack looked at Abe Tianyuan with a smile, pointed at Abe Tianyuan's hands and feet, and said with a smile: "This is the domain of the great spider god. Here, only his believers can ignore the entanglement of spider silk. It's a pity that you are not Followers of the great spider god.”

Jack Pinchman is not stupid. His ability to develop from a drug dealer whose life was thinner than paper to the current cult leader relies on his brains.

Abe Tengen was very powerful, and he knew that he would never be able to defeat him, so he delayed for time instead of directly going up and hitting GG.

This is a task ordered by the great Spider God!

Although Jack did not receive any enlightenment, such a transcendent being mixed into the dreamland would inevitably interfere with the dreamland, and he would naturally take action against Abe Tengen.

"Japanese? What Japanese? I don't know what you are talking about."

Abe Tianyuan spoke in a deep voice, trying to make Jack relax his vigilance: "I'm not from Japan. I'm afraid you've got the wrong person, I think."

Before Abe Tianyuan could finish speaking, a sharp pain suddenly shot through his heart. He endured the severe pain, looked at Jack, and after his lips trembled for a long time, he squeezed out a few words: "What have you done?!"

"I didn't do anything."

Jack pulled out a dagger, slowly stepped forward, and inserted it into Abe Tianyuan's neck. After confirming that Abe Tianyuan was dead, he spoke morbidly: "Spiders, spider silk, how can it not be poisonous? "

After doing all this, Jack looked at the Onmyoji who were intoxicated in their dreams, smiled slightly, and walked towards them step by step with the dagger stained with Abe Tengen's blood.

Although I don’t know where these Onmyojis came from in Japan, the situation in Dreamland will never allow them to be exposed.

"What's the situation in Xia Yicheng now?"

The leader of the Eighteenth Route Daimyo Alliance looked at the still majestic Xia Yicheng, frowned, and asked: "Is the old master Abe back?"

"Leader, our spies have not received any information about the old master Abe. There is a dead silence in Xiayi City, and no sound is heard."

A daimyo sitting at the bottom seat on the right took the initiative and said: "Everything is still the same, as if the old master Abe didn't go in."

"It seems that the situation in Xiayi City is quite difficult. Even the old head of Abe's family is a little helpless."

After sighing with emotion, the alliance leader said in a low voice: "Let's organize our manpower and gather a hundred powerful warriors. We will enter Xiayi City and try our best to meet up with the old Patriarch Abe and try to help the old Patriarch."

"Leader, I'm afraid that's not possible."

A daimyo frowned and immediately said: "Don't forget, when our army pressed forward, we thought that there was no one in Xiayi City, but in the blink of an eye hundreds of thousands of troops were killed. We must be careful from the past. "

"Yes, lord."

"Leader, please think twice!"

In fact, everything is an excuse. They just don't want to devote elite warriors. After all, an elite warrior requires a lot of time and resources to cultivate.

And this is just one reason. The bigger reason is that they are worried that the alliance leader in front of them will use this opportunity to weaken the strength of their other companies.

After all, after the Xia Yicheng incident was resolved, they were all enemies.

"Don't you want to worry about Mr. Abe's old family, or do you want to get rid of the demons on Beizhou Island?"

The alliance leader narrowed his eyes and put on his big hat immediately: "The old master Abe came all the way from Zhongzhou. If we do this, it will really chill the people of the world!"

When several other daimyo saw this, they laughed sarcastically and were about to sarcastically reply when they suddenly heard an urgent report from outside:

"My lords, Xia Yicheng. Xia Yicheng made a mistake. White threads suddenly spurted out from the city. Our army suffered heavy casualties, and the white threads are still spreading towards the camp!"


The leader of the alliance stood up with a look of shock on his face.

Before he could react, the big tent was instantly wrapped in white silk thread, and the silk thread strangled the necks of the seventeen daimyo inside the tent like eyes, and cut off their necks!

The Eighteen-Road Daimyo Allied Forces collapsed in an instant, leaving only a thousand people alive out of hundreds of thousands of people!

(End of this chapter)

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