i created the old gods

Chapter 254 Savior

Chapter 254 Savior

At the northernmost tip of Nakasu Island, the Takeshita family, which controls the narrow strait between Nakasu Island and Beishu Island, is still eating and drinking as usual, without any knowledge of other information except their own territory.

After all, from ancient times to the present, due to the limitations of the terrain, no big force has ever appeared here.

Therefore, the Takeshita family has no idea of ​​fighting for hegemony. They just want to wait here for the birth of a hero who will dominate the world, and then go out and become an honest noble family.

However, such a comfortable life was soon interrupted. Takeshita-san, the current head of the Takeshita family, received a report from his subordinates and was shocked: "What are you talking about? People from Beizhou Island are coming towards us in large numbers now." , there are hundreds of thousands of refugees, and warships from several families have landed on the coast?!"

"Yes, my lord."

The retainers of the Takeshita family were sweating coldly, and they could only report hurriedly to Takeshita Shanhui: "It should weigh [-] to [-] yuan in detail. Our escort team will collapse at the first touch, and there is no way to compete with the Beishu Army!"

Takeshitayama was a little confused by this series of words. After being stunned for a moment, he quickly asked: "What happened in Beizhou? Why did it cause such a big turmoil? Why did Beizhou's army attack us?!"

Regarding the current situation, Takeshitayama was full of confusion. He didn't understand why such a thing happened. It was such a terrible disaster.

The Takeshita family has always claimed to be a neutral lord, never participating in any wars, and is famous for its love of peace.

But now, the princes and lords of Beizhou have chosen to attack their own territory. This is terrible.

"My lord, I heard from the refugees who fled from Beizhou that there is a big problem in Beizhou Island."

There was also a flash of panic on the retainer's face. He swallowed, suppressed the fear in his heart, and reported to Takeshita Shanhui: "Xiayi City, the main city of the Nara family in Beizhou, has become a ghost on earth. Beizhou The 18th Daimyo Allied Forces of Shudao and the head of the Abe family died in Xiayi City, and only a few thousand of the 10 people came back alive."

"And the monsters and ghosts in Xiayi City are also continuing to expand. All the cities captured by the monsters will not grow a blade of grass, and blood will flow for thousands of miles."

The retainer paused and continued: "So the people of Beizhou were in great panic when they saw that the situation was not going well. Some small names who saw the situation was not going well formed an alliance and came to Zhongzhou Island to survive."

"Damn, what should we do if they come?"

Takeshitayama's face darkened, and he was very dissatisfied with these small families who came to seek refuge: "Go and ask Lord Tian Yuqingzhong to come to justice and make decisions for us!"

Although the Takeshita family does not want to fight with one family and wants to seek refuge with the world's overlord, it does not mean that they want to seek refuge with a small family.

If the Nara family, the largest family in Hoshu, comes to take refuge, then Takeshitayama will naturally offer help in times of need. I hope that the Nara family can make a comeback, remember their kindness, and if they can unify the world in the future, they can give themselves a better future. status.

But the same cannot be said for these small families who have failed to achieve anything but failed. They don't even have the courage to face the danger. They run away in a hurry when they encounter problems. Their eighty or ninety thousand troops don't even know how to resist.Such a family is simply not worthy of the Takeshita family's support.

And in terms of strength alone, the Takeshita family's military strength is almost the same, so there is no need to be afraid of anything.

After saying that, Takeshitayama added: "Gather the troops first and keep a close eye on those country bumpkins from Beizhou. Don't let them take advantage of it and destroy our things."

"Yes, my lord."

The retainers quickly and solemnly handed over their hands, immediately retreated, and began to mobilize the Takeshita family's troops.

There is a saying that an army of [-] to [-] people suddenly appeared in their own territory. Anyone would be a little uneasy, let alone the Takeshita family.

"It's too scary, they are just monsters!"

"Spiders, why are they all spiders? How did they perish? More than [-] elite troops were destroyed just outside Xiayi City!"

"Even the patriarch of the Abe family, Abe Tianyuan, is dead. It seems that Beizhou Island is really coming to an end."

"I heard that the Abe family also has a peerless genius, Abe Rengen, who has not been seen in millions of years. He should be able to defeat the monster on Beizhou Island, right?"

"Why would this genius of the Abe family do such a thing for us? Abe Tengen is dead. For the sake of the continuation of the family, I am afraid that genius will not do anything."

"It's impossible to say. This Lord Abe Rengen is alone. His only living relatives are Lord Abe Tiangen and Lord Abe Jigen who died in Xiayi City. There is no way that Lord Abe Rengen will avenge his blood relatives."

"What are you talking about?! Shouldn't the focus of our attention now be whether the monsters from Beizhou will chase them to Zhongzhou?"

Not far from the northern coastline of Zhongzhou, in a plain, dozens of minor coalition forces were stationed together. Under the leadership of four daimyo, they gathered here to discuss, trying to figure out their next plan.

After all, they came from Beizhou and were strangers in Zhongzhou. They left their hometown and came here, and they were bound to have disputes with the original forces here. Therefore, discussing their future plans was their most important thing now.

"Everyone, please be quiet. I know how you feel."

The leader of the coalition forces, a daimyo near the southern end of Beizhou territory, moistened his throat and said: "I know everyone's feelings. Everyone does not want to be like a lost dog and was driven out of Beizhou by monsters, but it is very helpless. This is the current situation.”

"There are two problems before us. One is how to establish a foothold on Zhongzhou Island. Zhongzhou is an unfamiliar place to us, and there is basically no reason to speak of it. Moreover, we have rashly invaded a family's territory. It is very likely to arouse the hostility of this family.”

The daimyo said helplessly: "Also, we don't know yet whether the monster from Beizhou will cross the sea to Zhongzhou and continue to carry out in Zhongzhou what he did in Beizhou."

"No matter which one it is, what we must face now is how to deal with the relationship with the local lords."

No matter what, they have to deal with the relationship with the local lords.

If the 'demon' in Beizhou didn't catch up, they would have to fight with the local lords over territorial issues.

If the 'demon' in Beizhou catches up, they need to unite with the local lords to resist.

They were lucky enough to escape from Beizhou, but they didn't think they could escape from Zhongzhou to Nanzhou again.

After all, the road from Zhongzhou to Nanzhou needs to pass through many places and encounter countless obstacles. It is impossible to reach Nanzhou. Therefore, resisting the 'demon' together with the local lords is also a top priority.

Although they believed that it was basically impossible for them to defeat the powerful demon, it was better to die than to live. Every day that they could delay was a day, and every extra day they lived was earned.

"What your Excellency the Alliance Leader said is absolutely true, but how should we talk to the local lords now?"

A man with hundreds of soldiers asked weakly: "Now that the local army has set up camp a hundred miles away from us, the war is probably about to break out."

This is indeed a more important question.

The troops of the Takeshita family have quickly gathered hundreds of miles away, watching their every move. If anything goes wrong, the war is about to break out, and there is basically no talk of unity to resist the 'demon'.

And the most important thing is that most of Beizhou's elite troops were lost in the confrontation with the 'demon'. Most of the nearly [-] troops they brought were actually temporary troops gathered from strong men, pretending to be It's okay to pretend, but once the fight actually starts, your true colors will be revealed in an instant.

"I know what you are worried about, don't worry."

The daimyo smiled slightly, and looked confident again, and slowly said: "I have sent people to invite members of the local family, the Takeshita family, to come to negotiate. At the same time, I have also sent people to rush to Tianyu City to invite the members of the Zhongzhou family. A great help from Lord Tian Yuqingzhong.”

"With such drastic changes happening in Beizhou, Zhongzhou will inevitably feel sad about the death of rabbits and foxes. The sense of vigilance against the monster in Beizhou will also be greatly enhanced. I think they will forgive us in the future."

A nickname said worriedly: "Master Tian Yuqingzhong is the daimyo of Zhongzhou after all. He may be able to speak for the people of Zhongzhou."

The big name who was respected as the leader of the alliance opened his eyes wide, looked at the princes present in disbelief, and said word by word: "Everyone, we have reached this point today, no one really thinks that we can continue to be the king. If you dominate, you will be called a big name and a small name, right?"

"We now have 9 horses, which are all our capital. When the time comes, we will go to Lord Tian Yuqingzhong and become a noble with no worries about food and clothing. In this way, there will be no worries about life and everything will be smooth. Leave it to Master Tian Yuqingzhong to think about, what does it have to do with us?"

"At that time, we will be Lord Tian Yuqingzhong's soldiers. How can Lord Tian Yuqingzhong help his family members and his family members?"

The daimyo who was revered as the leader of the alliance had very strict logic and hit the nail on the head. When he learned that he had no way out, he immediately gave up his current position and found a safe way.

However, because the words were too straightforward, they caused a moment of discomfort among the nicknames around them. Some of them even looked like they were determined to refuse to obey: "My father and my ancestors worked hard for three generations to help the family achieve the hegemony of 'fame'." , how can you abandon it so easily?"

"Hmph, you take yourself too seriously, don't you?"

The Daimyo who was respected as the leader of the alliance sneered and said: "I am just telling you this fact. When Lord Tian Yuqingzhong arrives here, all my fifteen thousand troops and horses will serve Lord Tian Yuqingzhong. I will also swear to follow you to the death.”

"You can do whatever you want. I won't interfere in any of your situations."

He didn't want to waste any more words on these nicknames.

There were four daimyo and 31 petty names present. The combined military strength of these 31 petty names was only comparable to that of one daimyo. The political influence of the daimyo was also much greater than theirs. They simply had no power. Can't afford any big waves.

They only regard themselves as a character. In fact, their statements are not important at all.

Having said that, the daimyo, who had the status of an alliance leader, turned around and left, preparing to go with the other three daimyo to contact the diplomats of the Takeshita family.

That is the focus of today, the basis of everything.

And these nicknames are just a trivial matter. If you can fight for it, fight for it. If you can't fight for it, rush to guard Haikou to prevent Beizhou monsters from landing in Zhongzhou.

Three days later at night, Tianyu City is now brightly lit, and every household is filled with happy smiles.

Today's Tianyuqingzhong has once again made a leapfrog development.

One-third of Nanzhou has fallen under his control, and the imperial city of Zhongzhou, Kyoto, has also been breached. The former king has become Tian Yuqingzhong's plaything, and Tian Yuqingzhong has also become the most powerful among the daimyos. existence, called the shogun.

But everyone knows that Tian Yuqingzhong, the shogunate, is actually no different from a king, except for the title of king. After all, the jade seal is controlled by Tian Yuqingzhong.

However, Tianyu Qingzhong did not set the capital in Kyoto, but designed the capital in the newly built Tianyu Castle. I don’t know what the purpose was.

But now, Tian Yuqingzhong, who is reviewing the memorial, has also received letters from the Beizhou Allied Forces and the Takeshita family.

The Beizhou Allied Forces took the initiative to include in the letter, and the Takeshita family also asked Tian Yuqingzhong to make the decision, acting like a subordinate.

"The monster of Beizhou Island."

Tian Yuqingzhong sighed, put away the memorials for review, stood up, stretched, and said with a smile: "Beizhou has suffered such a disaster. As the shogun, I naturally cannot sit idly by and ignore it. "

After that, Tian Yuqingzhong summoned several close retainers and ordered: "Immediately tell the world in my name that the catastrophe in Beizhou is huge, half of Beizhou was destroyed in one day, and there are no generals left. Attached, I hope that we can summon all the daimyo to come together to the Takeshita family at the northern end of Zhongzhou to discuss how to defeat the demons."

After all, Tian Yuqingzhong seemed to think of something again, and added: "By the way, you must inform the Abe family, I will write a special letter, please send it to the Abe family's senior Abe, I really hope This senior can participate in the battle against demons!"

This time, Tian Yuqingzhong wants to call all the princes together to end this troubled world in the name of conquering the 'demon' and make himself stronger than ever before.

After Abe Rengen is killed by the Spider God and the final threat disappears, everything will be controlled by Jingchuan, and this world will become a world with the same model as the 'Eternal Night World'.

Tian Yuqingzhong, people's savior.

The spider god, the abominable evil.

Whether it is fear or faith, Jingchuan can control it with ease.

(End of this chapter)

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