Chapter 255

This is the busiest day for the Takeshita family in decades.

Takeshita Shan wore fine leather and leather shoes, and wore a short sword handed down from the ancestors of the Takeshita family on his waist. He looked at each guest with a smile, and his heart was full of horror.

All the famous names in Zhongzhou Island have come here in response to Tian Yuqingzhong's order. The total number of soldiers, large and small, is nearly 15, and even several famous names in Nanzhou also responded to Tian Yuqingzhong. Invite us to join the alliance.

"Lord Tengo Harinaka's power is really strong. If the Takeshita family follows Lord Tengo Harinaka, there should be no problem."

Takeshitayama pondered in his heart, while analyzing whether his choice was right or wrong.

There is no way, the Takeshita family is not very strong, they can only use these methods to analyze whether they have made any wrong choice.

"Takeshita-kun, what are you thinking about?"

Suddenly, an elegant and easy-going voice came to Takeshitayama's ears. Takeshitayama was stunned for a moment, looked up at the source of the sound, was startled, and said repeatedly: "Master Tianyu Qingzhong, I am very sorry, I didn't see you. Please come in!"

Zhuxiashan was shocked, and felt uneasy. He had no reaction at all to Tian Yuqingzhong's appearance, and was not aware of Tian Yuqingzhong's appearance at all!

'Is this still human speed? Why can't I even notice his movement? '

Takeshitayama secretly thought in his heart, sweating profusely. He had also received training from the nobles. Although he was distracted, he could still understand the surrounding situation, but he had no feeling at all for Tian Yuqingzhong!
"Takeshita-kun, please be careful in the future. Fortunately, it's me. What if it's an assassin sent by the enemy."

Tian Yuqingzhong narrowed his eyes, walked up to Takeshitayama, patted Takeshitayama on the shoulder, and said softly: "Now, the guests are almost here, Takeshita-kun, don't wait outside anymore, you'd better go back and prepare for the banquet in the living room Bar."

"The demon issue in Beizhou is our top priority now."

Listening to Tianyu Qingzhong's words, Zhuxiashan did not dare to refute anything, and immediately raised his hands and said: "Yes, Lord Tianyu!"

After that, he and Tian Yuqingzhong rushed to the banquet hall to prepare for today's alliance.

The banquet hall occupies a large area and can accommodate hundreds of people. The people coming and going are the princes from Zhongzhou, Nanzhou and some northern states. Exquisite desserts are placed on the plates in front of the princes, but none of the princes have the appetite to eat them. Dessert.

After all, the current situation is so serious that they really can't eat these desserts.


Tian Yuqingzhong slowly walked in from outside the door, looked around at the princes present, smiled slightly, and said loudly: "The reason why we are summoned here this time is naturally for the sake of demons."

"Everyone must have heard about what happened to the Beizhou coalition forces. Such a tragic thing happened so openly on Beizhou Island. It is really a tragedy for Beizhou and a shame for the world!"

Tian Yuqingzhong's voice was very high-pitched, and the surrounding princes nodded, as if what Tian Yuqingzhong said made sense.

"Everyone, our troops are here now just to deal with the matter in Beizhou."

"But now that we have gathered our troops here, 10 people are in chaos. We always have to choose someone to speak out. I wonder what everyone thinks?"

As soon as Tian Yuqingzhong finished speaking, Zhuxiashan was the first to speak: "Of course it is Lord Tian Yuqingzhong. I strongly support Lord Tian Yuqingzhong!"

"The shogun has a great reputation. I think he should be the co-lord of the three states and the immortal emperor!"

"I support Lord Tian Yuqingzhong!"

Suddenly, there was an endless stream of people supporting Tian Yuqingzhong as the alliance leader, and there were even many people supporting Tian Yuqingzhong as the emperor.

There were also objections, but they were all drowned out by the vast support and did not make any splash.

As for why there is such an outpouring of support?

The reason is that Tian Yuqingzhong's personal charm is very sufficient, and everyone is impressed by Tian Yuqingzhong.

But this is only one of the reasons. The real reason is very simple, that is, Tian Yuqingzhong has nearly 25 soldiers, strong soldiers and horses, and he is a powerful Onmyoji.

As we all know, the king is the one with strong soldiers and horses. They don't want to die, so they will support Tian Yuqingzhong even if they are reluctant.

In response to this scene, Tian Yuqingzhong's expression changed slightly, and he smiled and said: "Since it's hard to refuse everyone's kindness, then I will be disrespectful."

After becoming the leader of the alliance, Tian Yuqingzhong did not put on any airs, nor did he hurriedly ascend the throne as king. Instead, he asked pleasantly: "Is Senior Abe Rengen of the Abe family here?"

"Lord Leader, Lord Abe Renyuan rushed to Beizhou alone, as if he wanted to face the monster alone."

A daimyo not far from the Abe family's sphere of influence stood up, raised his hands and said, "It should have been three days now. I wonder if Abe Rengen-sama can kill that monster."


Tian Yuqingzhong narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "I didn't expect that Senior Abe Renyuan is so strong and can't wait to destroy the monsters."

"Send my order to block the strait between Beizhou and Zhongzhou, guard it tightly, and don't let the demons break through the defense line!"

"There are 20 troops permanently stationed here, and the number can only be more or less. If something happens, the world will not be safe!"

"There are still some daimyo in Nanzhou who have not obeyed us and are disobeying the central government. They are sending troops to conquer today. We must concentrate the power of the state and Nanzhou to fight against the demons with all our strength!"

After Tian Yuqingzhong finished speaking, everyone present fell silent. They looked at Tian Yuqingzhong with astonishment on their faces.

In Tian Yuqingzhong's state, it was clear that he had treated everyone present as his subordinates and was commanding them without any cover.

He doesn't really think that he has become the Lord of the Three Islands and the Immortal Emperor, right?
Besides, the theme of today's alliance is to resist the monster who doesn't know what the situation is. Why send troops to conquer the daimyo in Nanzhou who have not joined the alliance?
"Lord Tianyu, I think."

A daimyo from Nanzhou stood up first and raised his hands to Tian Yuqingzhong. Before he finished speaking, Tian Yuqingzhong interrupted him: "You want to go against my will?"

Abe Rengen has rushed to Hoshu, and he believes that death will occur in these two days.

As long as he dies, there will be no one in this world who can restrain Tian Yuqingzhong. Of course Tian Yuqingzhong will do his part and take this opportunity to unify the three islands.

"Tian Yuqingzhong, don't be who you think you are."

Another daimyo stood up and angrily scolded Tian Yuqingzhong, but it was a pity that before he could finish his words, his whole body exploded here.

Just like a rag doll, it exploded in the center of the hall, without any blood splattering out, as if the thing that exploded just now was not a human being.

"What a demon spy, how dare you pretend to be a daimyo and sneak into the alliance to stir up dissension!"

Tian Yuqingzhong had a righteous look and angrily scolded a certain famous figure who had become fragments: "Fortunately, I discovered it in time and executed you on the spot, otherwise not only many of my colleagues would have died at your hands today!"

This move stunned everyone present. They looked at Tian Yuqingzhong's righteous expression, forced out a smile, and all echoed: "Master Tianyu has a keen eye for pearls, and he discovered it in time. Kill this monster!"

"Thanks to Lord Tianyu, otherwise we would be in danger today!"

The expression of the daimyo who stood up first suddenly froze. Tian Yuqingzhong looked at him with a slight smile and said gently: "Do you have anything else to say?"

"No, no."

The daimyo swallowed, forced out a smile that was uglier than crying, and said flatteringly: "Master Tian Yuqingzhong replaced the corrupt and incompetent king as the co-owner of the three islands. It is our blessing."

The onmyoji of Tian Yuqing was so weird and terrifying that all the daimyo present were frightened.

A good living person died in front of them like that, and after his death he was labeled as a 'demon spy', which would make everyone feel a little scared.

Some daimyo secretly thought in their hearts: 'When I return to my territory to reorganize my troops, I must kill Tian Yuqingzhong in one fell swoop to prevent him from endangering our lives! '

Basically all the daimyo who were unwilling to be outdone thought so, but something strange happened.

Tian Yuqingzhong seemed to be able to read everyone's inner thoughts. His eyes stayed on their faces for a while with a smile but not a smile, and he said: "In that case, let's proceed according to my plan."

"Oh, by the way, I want to go to the military camp to meet the soldiers in each territory. They are the protagonists of the future, and they are the real guardians."

Tian Yuqingzhong represents ordinary people and people at the bottom, and the power of his will is condensed from them. Tian Yuqingzhong believes that as long as he appears in front of ordinary people, his allegiance will be to himself or to those who are unknown. There must be no doubt about the name in it.

In Beizhou Island, Abe Rengen's figure quickly crossed the land. The surrounding scene was very blurry, and Abe Rengen had no emotions at all.

The south of Beizhou Island is bustling with people. Countless people are trying to find a way to get a boat to escape to Zhongzhou Island. The farther north you go, the more sparsely populated you are. The place where Abe Rengen is now is already empty. The interior is like a deserted Qiu, with only skinny 'ghoulies' wandering around like dry bones, as if they are addicted to a beautiful dream.

Tiny spiders crawled rapidly from all directions. Abe Rengen was not afraid at all. He used the fire-calling technique at will to kill all the 'ghouls' and spiders surrounding him.

Along the way, no one is the perfect general of Abe Renyuan. Even those onmyojis and real monsters controlled by Beizhou are like this. At this moment, Abe Renyuan seems to represent the 'invincible' two word.

Standing in front of Xia Yicheng, looking at the towering city wall, Abe Renyuan looked expressionless and murmured to himself: "Is this right here?"

This is the source of all evil, the center of Beizhou, and the prelude to the storm.

His two elder brothers and many of his descendants died here, so Abe Rengen naturally paid some attention to this place.

Standing in front of Xia Yicheng, Abe Rengen thought for a moment before resolutely stepping into Xia Yicheng, choosing the same path as his two brothers.

However, unlike his two cautious brothers, Abe Rengen is full of confidence in himself. After all, Abe Rengen has not lost a single defeat in his 80 years of debut and has defeated the Demon King twice, so he has sufficient confidence.

When Abe Renyuan stepped into Xiayi City, the surrounding environment rapidly changed into shadows, and everything seemed to begin to turn into a new scene.

"It's just a dream."

Abe Rengen murmured without raising his head, and then his eyes flashed with golden light. The entire dream world began to collapse rapidly, and he came to the dreamland in the blink of an eye.

However, after arriving in the dreamland, Abe Rengao felt the tricky part. He frowned and whispered: "False and true, what is this place?"

Abe Rengen has lived for 80 years, and this is the first time he has seen such a situation. This situation not only makes him feel a little false, as if he is in a dream, but also makes him feel like he is in the real world. It is difficult to distinguish between true and false. Abe Rengen Yuan felt extremely troubled.

"No wonder Tian Yuan and Di Yuan were damaged here."

Abe Rengen murmured and said. He clenched the magatama in his hand and decided to fight to the death to eliminate the monsters here.

This battle is bound to be the most brutal war he has ever experienced in his life, and it is also the decisive battle that will determine the fate of the world!
After finishing reading, Abe Renfang took a step and suddenly felt a pressure coming from all over his body, like a mountain pressing down on his shoulders!
"what happened?!"

Abe Rengen was horrified in his heart. He couldn't help but look up, but he could only see a huge shadow, like a spider.

This phantom grew bigger and bigger, gradually turned into reality, and appeared in front of Abe Rengen like that!

At this moment, Abe Rengen felt as if he had seen something he shouldn't have heard. Every inch of his body's skin began to crack, and his entire body began to collapse!

A strange, terrifying, and depraved sound rang in his ears. The sound was difficult to describe in words. The pain had reached the limit that he could bear, and his body began to tremble and twitch violently!

Blood spurted from both ears, and severe pain lingered on every inch of Abe Rengen's body. At this moment, Abe Rengen realized what kind of existence he had provoked.

However, at this moment, it was already too late to regret. As time passed, the famous Onmyoji in the Three Islands turned into a ball of blood and died.

After Abe Rengen died suddenly, Jingchuan's figure slowly appeared in the dreamland. Looking at the sudden death of Abe Rengen, he felt a little happy.

"I didn't expect that this Abe Renyuan turned out to be the son of destiny in that small world. He was absolutely invincible in that world and even represented the Lord of the World in a certain sense. If he was given a few hundred years, he would definitely become Lord of the world."

"It's a pity that after you stepped into Xia Yi City and entered the dreamland, the luck that the world brought you completely disappeared, and anyone can easily kill you."

"Now, this world is mine."

(End of this chapter)

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