I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 1 The big city is really exciting

Chapter 1 The big city is really exciting
"Listen, people inside! You are surrounded! Stop! The police station is opposite!"

Outside the "Saint Laurent" furniture city, countless cars surrounded it in all directions, with blue and red lights shining above their heads.

A middle-aged police officer in his 40s, with a square face and a positive character at first glance, was shouting with a loudspeaker.

On the second floor of the Furniture City, a non-mainstream young man with colorful hair leaned out half of his body, holding a pair of "Tony scissors" (half scissors, half comb) in his hand, and pressed it against the hostage's temple.

"You think I'm a three-year-old child? I have 20 hostages! Get me a good car right away, or I'll kill one person every 10 minutes, starting with this white and tender student!"

He admitted that he panicked. As a spiritual enlightener, he had just experienced the pleasure of wanton behavior and gained the title of "Brother Tony", but he was surrounded by the police because he accidentally killed three people.

But he thinks his fate is hard, and he always feels that there is still a glimmer of life, and this glimmer of life is a hostage in his hand.

With his ten years of experience in watching movies, this wave can win.

The only flaw was that during the escape, I chose the furniture mall by mistake because I was not familiar with the area. I didn't know that behind the billboard opposite, there was a police station hidden behind it.
The result was that he hadn't even reached the second floor, but the first floor was already surrounded.

How unlucky!

What a thrill!

When I first came to a big city, I encountered such a big scene!

How big is it?Wada Square is not that big!There are only 34 police cars, fully showing the cards of the enlightened criminals.

Ye Da became more and more sure that the world was different from before!

No, maybe for other people, enlighteners and criminals are part of daily life, and Ye Da himself is the only one who is unfamiliar.

He doesn't mind more big events happening so that he can better understand the world, as long as too many people don't die.

In addition, it is not yourself who is pointed at the temple by the scissors!
While Tony was communicating with the police, Ye Da looked into the corner of the wall, where at least 20 people were crouching with their heads covered.

Among them are young female salesmen, middle-aged bosses with potbellies, and even a few middle-aged men who seem to be in good health at first glance, and may be middle-aged men who have been moving goods for a long time.

Ten minutes ago, the yellow-haired Tony kidnapped 10 people with just a pair of scissors.

No one even dared to run away.

If it was in the previous life, this guy wouldn't jump out of Gu Dao's heart, and teach Tony what is a society ruled by law?

After all, I only took a pair of scissors.

However, when the Tony scissors came out with the radiant spirit, everyone chose to obey, and was so shocked that Ye Da became one of the 20 people in a daze.

And in the random selection of a lucky audience, Ye Da became the one who was pointed at the temple with scissors.

Compared with the other hostages who dare not raise their heads, Ye Da's performance is quite calm, because he still has some cards in his hole, but he has not acted rashly for the time being.

But what he saw next made his heart sink.

Outside the window, the middle-aged policeman with a righteous face was gesturing with a small pistol with his hands.

With his index finger and thumb up, the middle-aged policeman held a loudspeaker in his right hand, while secretly gesticulating with his left hand on the edge of his trousers, like a naughty boy playing a game of cops and robbers.

This world is really not normal.

Thinking that he had just lived for three years in this life, he had been studying hard in a small town before, but he was hijacked by a pair of scissors on the first day he entered the city.

Highlight a thrill.

In addition, the police in this world do not seem to be very reliable.

The level of stimulation is super doubled!
Tony was very emotional:
"I'm telling you! I'm a rule system! 'Everything is broken'! Just move your finger, this guy will be separated! Don't play tricks on me, there are 4 minutes! I want to see the car!"

The scissors on the temples glowed bright white, and a slight beep sounded in Ye Da's ears.

Everything is divided into two. This does not sound like a level that you can encounter right from the beginning.

Ye Da was a little anxious.

At this time, in order to avoid possible snipers, Tony spread his legs apart and stuck behind Ye Da. 90% of his yelling at the police fell into Ye Da's ears, and his brain was buzzing.

But that is to say, Ye Da only needs to see the right timing, and a back hook "scorpion tail" can severely damage the vital point between Tony's legs.

Have the opportunity!
I have great strength in this life, so I won't care about the "dividing of all things" when the time comes.

But any man has to kneel on the ground and beg him to call 12315, and scissors are naturally impossible to threaten him anymore.

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Da finally decided to give it a try.

While Tony was talking to the police and lost his concentration, Ye Da suddenly attacked!

Gathering all his strength on his right foot, Ye Da made a sharp backward hook.

The huge force made this inconvenient back kick even produce afterimages.


That was the sound of Ye Da's knee.

Didn't get it!
Brother Tony frowned and said, "What kind of tricks are you playing!"

Ye Da stomped his feet as if nothing had happened: "Athlete's foot is very itchy, I stomped my feet."

Tony glanced at him, and silently moved his feet away from Ye Da's sneakers.

Ye Da felt bad.

I forgot that I was extremely strong in this life, but my joints were stiff and my tendons were curled up. This time, my knees might have been damaged due to excessive force.

It's really a house leak that happens to rain all night, and a leak that happens to meet a paperless pit!
"Ding Ding Ding ~"

The untimely phone rang, and Tony behind him ignored Ye Da, holding the scissors in one hand, and took out his phone with the other.

"Well, tell me." Brother Tony, who had been shouting with a thick neck just now, suddenly became cautious and whispered, and only replied with phrases such as um and ah.

Everyone couldn't hear it, except Ye Da who was being held up because he was too close.

He vaguely heard a few words.

"Qilingwu Cave Red Third"

The phone call was very short and ended in less than a minute. Ye Da only heard some specious words.

But when Tony hung up the phone, his eyes changed.

It was as if after 30 minutes of earnest talk, the customer finally agreed to recharge the card.

The whole person breathed a sigh of relief, and the scissors in his hand deviated slightly from Ye Da's temple.

It's now!

The best time is to "come back!"

Ye Da lashed out again, this time with his left leg!

In order to ensure a hit, Ye Da jumped a foot with his only normal left leg, and then hooked his leg with a scorpion in the air.


On target!

Ye Da, who was in mid-air, clearly felt that something was kicked off by his heel.

Sure enough, in terms of strength, this body will never let him down.

Tony's eyeballs popped suddenly, and his veins popped.

However, unlike Ye Da's expectation of losing resistance directly, the grim-faced Tony still raised his scissors.

The fluorescence suddenly lit up on the scissors, and Ye Da's head was about to be cut off.

This kind of willpower is simply unbelievable!
Miscalculated!This is no ordinary Tony brother!
next moment.

Ye Da landed on his right foot.

Injured right knee.

The right foot softened a bit.


Kneeling on the silky knees, avoiding the dangerous scissors of "everything breaks".


Ye Da slowly raised a question mark in his heart, this landing posture was something he had never thought of.

But it was something Tony didn't expect.

This kneeling, one cut is in vain.

The half-meter-thick outer wall of the building in front of him was directly broken, revealing a thin crack.

The half-meter-thick wall may have steel bars inside, and this power made Ye Da's eyes shrink.

But then, because of Ye Da's silky movements, Tony also showed his head for the first time.


With a slight muffled sound, a hole appeared in Tony's forehead, his seven orifices bled, and he completely collapsed.

Ye Da looked back in shock, the wound looked like something had blown his head off.

But the glass is intact!Even the sound is very small!
Looking out the window again, I saw the middle-aged policeman with a square face, blowing the smoke that did not exist on his "small pistol", and smiling at Ye Da.

It seemed to be admiring Ye Da for playing a good match with him.

The corner of Ye Da's mouth twitched, and he stood up. His knee should have healed.

This big city really has hidden dragons and crouching tigers
It was just a little bit close, and I couldn't help but violently hurt others!
if that's the case
Ye Da silently put away his foot-long dark nails, and his black and blue wrinkled arms returned to normal.

I can't hide the fact that I am a zombie!

He waved friendlyly to the police officer with the square face below.

Thank you Comrade Police!

 With an excited heart and trembling hands, I send you two thousand words to try and make sure you don’t leave.

  The second book is still a pious return. Please save it first. The number of updates will increase. For those who have saved manuscripts, 2000 will be distributed on the first day for operational reasons.

  First, as with the first book, some rules are put in the words of the writer in Chapter 1.

  1. The comment area is fully open and there is no fan limit. Comments are welcome.But if there is inappropriate content (of all kinds), I will clean it up.

  2. This book is completely original. You won’t lose money if you collect it first during the new book period.

  3. Dear readers, please invest with confidence, internal investment has passed.

  I'll think of the rest later.

  by: I love your author, Boss Xin!

(End of this chapter)

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