I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 10 Painting Spirit

Chapter 10 Painting Spirit

The ancient prose appreciation class ended. I have to say that the substitute teacher's level is not bad. Most of the students listened carefully to the whole class, which is extremely rare in universities.

For Ye Da, the real challenge came in the afternoon.

A section of advanced mathematics, referred to as advanced mathematics.

A section of University Physics, referred to as Dawu.

Yes, majoring in ancient literature also has to learn advanced mathematics and big things.

Perhaps in ordinary schools, literature majors would have a high hand in this kind of basic courses, but as the top ten Tunghai University in Kyushu, it is obvious that they will not indulge their students so much.

When Ye Da learned that he still had to learn advanced mathematics a week ago, he was devastated.

Mathematics and physics are also Ye Da's lifelong enemies. In the past three years, he has been repeatedly defeated. If possible, he is willing to use ten years of his life to exchange a brain that is proficient in advanced mathematics and big things.

It's a pity that some things are so realistic, if you don't know it, you don't know it, if you don't have talent, you don't have talent, even Ye Jianguo can't help him.

In his first life, he was a liberal arts student, otherwise he would not have been able to be a full-time copywriter, but at that time he was only in a third school, and he had never seen a mathematical formula at all after entering the university.

It was difficult to study mathematics in the first life, and the three-year career of brushing questions in this life made him even more convinced that he was a math scum, but his credits were so high that he would basically be scrapped this semester if he failed a subject.

Ye Da attached great importance to the first advanced math and big object classes in his college career. He heard that if he dropped an eraser, picked it up and raised his head, he would no longer be able to understand math classes in college.

He was so scared that he didn't even dare to take an eraser, so he prepared correction fluid overnight.

four hours later.

The terrifying "high numbers-big things" series of death journeys has finally come to an end.

Walking out of the teaching building in a dizzy state, Ye Da felt that his zombie brain had been damaged. The high number was connected to a big object, like a left uppercut followed by a right uppercut. His brain was buzzing. Not so tired.

"Ye Da! The ancient literature major held a freshman gathering. Many people from both classes attended. May I send you the address?"

In front of the teaching building, Wang Weiwen patted him on the shoulder.

Ye Da shook his head, how could he do this kind of thing, he couldn't eat it, and he had to make up a reason to explain it.

"No, I have something to do tonight."

He who can only sleep in the refrigerator and eat roast meat is doomed to not be able to integrate well into this society, but the "Law of Living in the World" requires him to do so.

He has just been in Donghai for a week, and he hasn't found any good method yet.

Maybe this is spiritual practice
Wang Weiwen was a little surprised. This kind of gathering can be said to be a legitimate university compulsory course. Except for those who are particularly lonely and weird, they usually come, but they didn't persuade them much.

She smiled gently and said, "I'd better send you the address first. It is said that the second session will be singing, and it may even last all night. If you want to, you can come to the second session if you are finished."

After that, he asked for Ye Da's mobile phone number, and became Ye Da's first college classmate who saved his contacts.

After that, Ye Da went to the back door of the school alone, and was going to buy some roasted meat to replenish his energy. Yesterday’s roasted meat was all wasted. I don’t know where it was cheaper. Get two roast ducks, no, three.

But it seemed that God had some opinion on his eating, and before he reached the school gate, the phone rang.

Royal Police Officer.

"Hi! Xiaoye, are you at school?"

"Yes, that woman caught it?"

If that woman is caught, it will really end Ye Da's heart disease.

"That's not true. I have something I want to ask you for help with. If you get out of class, I'll go find you."

"Uh goodbye, I'd better go find you."

He didn't want the news that 'Ye Da' refused the class reunion the next day and was taken away by the police spread all over the school.

The uniform of the police is amazing. If you encounter it on the street, you will feel normal and even have a sense of security. But if you encounter it in a building or in a closed space, you may feel a little bit in your heart, wondering if something happened. up.

In the previous life, Ye Da met the policeman in the office building at work one day, and his heart skipped a beat, wondering if the boss's non-payment of social security finally couldn't be covered!
Dinner must be celebrated with chicken drumsticks!
It turned out that the police patrol came here to borrow a toilet.

Twenty minutes later, Ye Da arrived at the police station opposite Saint Laurent Furniture City two intersections away.

Wang Guofang was already waiting here, and his square face with Chinese characters was unforgettable.

"Today I mainly want to ask you for help to draw another portrait."

Ye Da wondered: "Didn't you draw it?"

Since the woman only showed her true face in the men's room and in front of Ye Da, there was no surveillance there.

So last night, after Ye Da finished taking notes, he was guided to describe the woman's appearance, and the simulated portraitist of the police station issued a portrait of the woman based on his description.

Ye Da's own comments are only about [-]% similar.

It may be because the woman's face is too ordinary, neither good-looking nor ugly, neither cold nor hot, it seems that it is not against anyone's face, so the portrait of Ye Da feels meaningless, it is difficult for the police what clues to find through it

Everyone in the police station suspected that this face was probably still just a layer of camouflage. If the other party could put on one layer of cover, he might also put on two layers.

As the only key witness, all the information in Ye Da's mind is extremely important. In order to get more clues, Wang Guofang approached Ye Da.

"It's a portrait, but it's not just a portrait. You'll know when you get there." Ye Da was confused: "Isn't it in the police station?"

"We can't afford to hire that kind of person. We need some social assistance this time."

The two set off in a police car, not to mention, once they got into the police car.

The whole person is much more humble and peaceful.

He thought he would be taken to some official institution or research institute, but instead he was taken to an art park.

The sculptures of various colors look very tall, the seats on the side of the road are all wavy, and even the shrubs have been pruned into various unique shapes, revealing a sense of design everywhere.

The two walked through a corridor full of art and money, and when they opened the door, they entered a huge studio.

This place probably covers thousands of square meters, and the floor height is four to five meters. The ground is gray, the walls are pure white, and there is almost nothing in the space, except for the large and small picture frames hanging on the walls.

The largest one is two or three meters high, and the smallest one is only the size of a palm, but they are all covered with white cloth at this time.

A paint-stained figure in overalls is riding on a ladder, working on a large canvas.

Wang Guofang walked to the bottom of the ladder and said to the figure in overalls, "Miss Xin, we are here for what we talked about during the day."

The figure looked down, put away the paintbrush and began to descend the ladder, Wang Guofang subconsciously supported the ladder.

"I'll come down here."

Ye Da looked up, and felt that this "Miss Xin" was very tall, even wearing overalls that gave the impression of being tall and long-legged, her face was not covered with makeup or even stained with two smears of paint, but she still gave off a bright complexion. value shock.

This is a person who can be envied by most women without makeup, and he is not that kind of weak beauty, but has a sense of heroism.

After "Miss Xin" got down and stood firm, she looked at Ye Da, probably because of the sympathy between the high-profile people, she stayed for a second longer.

"I have everything ready, let's start right away, the art exhibition is coming soon, I've been busy recently."

Wang Guofang smiled and said, "That's the best, I can get off work early and go back to be with my wife."

The three of them came to the very center of the huge studio, where some chairs were placed. Under the guidance of "Miss Xin", Ye Da sat opposite her, while "Miss Xin" was holding a drawing board.

Wang Guofang said: "Let me introduce, Ms. Xin Yi is a spirit enlightener who is on the boarding list. Her spirit enlightenment ability is of great help to our police. She often asks Miss Xin for help. This is Ye Da, from Tunghai University." The students are also witnesses of this time."

Xin Yi nodded and said, "Then let's start, Mr. Ye, please recall what happened yesterday, and describe it in chronological order. You can add details and feelings, but it's best to focus on yourself."

"for example."

Xin Yi snapped her fingers and said, "If you want to describe Ye's good looks, you should use 'I think I'm handsome' instead of 'Others think I'm a handsome guy'."

Ye Da scratched his face and told the truth, somewhat
However, this woman seems to have a somewhat straightforward mindset.
"Is there anything else I should pay attention to?"

"Yes, be careful."


A colored pencil magnified technically in Ye Da's sight, and quickly and sensitively touched Ye Da's eyebrows.

Then Ye Da felt like he flew out!

No, it was everything around me that was going backwards rapidly.

As if suddenly being tied to a high-speed locomotive, everything in the studio was pulled and deformed, and in an instant, I came to a pure white space.


With no direction, no distance, he feels like he is floating in the air, but without a reference, there is no evidence.

Ye Da turned left and right, as if in a gravity-free universe.

The police officer Wang Guofang who was by his side also disappeared.

The girl in overalls fell from the sky, but she still maintained the "sitting" posture, with colored pencils spinning in her hand, which seemed to be the one Ye Da had seen before.

The body moves forward, dragging his beautiful chin:
"Don't be nervous, this is my spiritual enlightenment ability, you are safe here."

"What ability is this?"

When Ye Da said this, a huge question mark appeared above his head.

Just like the exaggerated symbols in comics, it is more than two meters high and tens of centimeters thick, which looks very abrupt.

Ye Da looked at the top of his head in surprise, his mind a little stuck.

What is this!

"Secretary, temporarily."

What the hell!

This time, two three-dimensional asterisks (**) appeared above Ye Da's head.

Xin Yi stretched out a finger: "Foul words are not allowed, but it should be just an exclamation when looking at the content."

Ye Da seems to be in a blank comic world at this time, all thoughts and words will turn into symbols and emerge from around him!
Isn't that bad!
(End of this chapter)

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