I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 9 The Inscription Mourning Ye Da's Early Death

Chapter 9 The Inscription Mourning Ye Da's Early Death

Early the next morning, Ye Da woke up from the refrigerator, changed his clothes, and went to class with his schoolbag.

After exiting the south gate of Happiness Lane and crossing the commercial street is the north gate of Tunghai University. However, the teaching building is still some distance away from the north gate. There are students rushing to class along the way, some on bicycles, some on foot, almost Everyone has breakfast.

Naturally, the roast meat shop didn't open so early, so Ye Da could only watch others devour it.

A night of refrigeration restored Ye Da's spirits. The cold, white-skinned handsome guy attracted the attention of many people. However, most of the school is relatively restrained. Occasionally, girls' laughter can be heard, but if they turn their heads, they can't find the source. .

This is Ye Da's third day after entering school. In the morning, there is an ancient literature appreciation class. If it is a garbage elective course in other majors, it is a standard compulsory professional course for ancient literature majors.

"We know that in ancient times, because of low productivity, human beings did not have enough power to transform nature, and did not correctly recognize the "spirit", so they often believed in ghosts and gods, and entrusted their personal future and even safety to the old weirdness. Although it is ignorant, but in A large number of works with literary value and archaeological significance have also been produced in this process."

In the large classroom with 200 people, there are more than 1 people sitting sparsely. They belong to Class 2 of Ancient Literature and Class [-] of Ancient Literature. It has only been a few days since the start of school, and no one dares to miss class.

Ye Da listened very carefully, as if he wasn't the one who fought in the men's bathroom last night for skin-changing girls.

He studied harder than all the living people in the classroom!

Although it was the major with the lowest score in Tunghai University, he had to work hard to pass the exam for three years!
Think about the countless days and nights with fish-bubble eyes, holding the pen awkwardly with pitch-black nails.

He was repeatedly questioned by Ye Jianguo with "Aren't you a child prodigy?"

If he is expelled, or fails to get his graduation certificate, he will be so angry that he will go back to the Ye family's ancestral grave!
A lot of people let themselves go when they enter college because they don't realize that they are sabotaging their hard-earned achievements.

This was also the case in Ye Da's first life, causing juniors and seniors to rush around for make-up exams and credits, lost many opportunities, and lost a heart of self-discipline.

I didn't play well in playing, and I didn't learn well in learning, but that's all.

So you know, zombies have to study hard.

"Teacher Ding, can you tell us the stories about ghosts and ghosts in the past?"

A student raised his hand and said.

The teacher on the podium is called Ding Yong, who is a substitute teacher for the course "Appreciation of Ancient Literature". It is said that the real teacher is not in good health, so this substitute teacher may continue until the end of this course.

However, for freshmen who have just entered school, Ding Yong, a gentle and handsome young teacher in his 30s, is more popular than an old pedant.

Ding Yong adjusted his glasses and said with a helpless smile: "Ours is an 'ancient literature appreciation'."

Perhaps because his temperament was too gentle, the student who raised his hand said reluctantly: "Teacher, didn't you also say that many ancient literary works are related to the weirdness of the past?"

Ye Da flipped through the books, thinking that the weird things in the past were almost never good things.
Ding Yong said: "Then I will tell you a story about the 'Mourning Ye Da's early death tablet'."

"Ahem!" Ye Da's expression turned strange.

"In the last years of Dabin, Wang Wenwei, governor of Yunzhou, heard the news of the death of the 'prodigy Ye Da' in Xiangxi, Liangzhou.

Although it was his own story, it happened after his death, so Ye Da was as curious as everyone else.

In the Dabin Dynasty, the governor is a very special official position. The upper limit can be made into the emperor of the land, exercising the power of a state pastor, and the lower limit is not too bad. It belongs to a party official.

"In fact, Wang Wenwei has never met the 'prodigy Ye Da', but he likes Ye Da's poetry editorials the most. He often studies day and night and regards them as classics. It is said that he has reached the point of madness. Today, he is probably at the level of a fan."


The students below let out hearty laughter, only Ye Da was a little embarrassed, if it wasn't because everyone was not familiar with him at the beginning of school, otherwise Ye Da, who has the same name and surname, might have become the focus of the class.

"After Wang Wenwei learned about the death of 'Prodigy Ye Da', he locked himself in the government office and ignored government affairs. He just wanted to write a eulogy to express his love for him, but he was always unsatisfied with it. Maybe it was because of his bad mood. I haven’t told anyone why I can’t leave the government office.” “Wang Wenwei’s wife is a well-known ‘jealous woman’. When her husband didn’t come home for half a month, she thought Wang Wenwei had secretly raised a woman from outside. Mrs. Wang Wenwei listened to You Fang The sorcerer said that he was worshiping a prostitute outside the city in order to pray for his husband to return to his heart, and was bewitched by a mountain demon. The mountain demon said that as long as he was given 30 fat pigs, 30 fat sheep, and 30 fat chickens, he would be able to let her husband return. Wang Wenwei will never change his mind."

"Teacher, this mountain monster is quite simple, shouldn't it be something like sacrificing living people?"

Ding Yong raised the corner of his mouth and said: "The mountain monster is just a general name in the records. Not all mountain monsters like to eat people. In fact, based on the level of social development at that time, what it wants is far more valuable than a living person." many."

Many booing students below were dumbfounded and understood Ding Yong's meaning.

Ye Da sighed, yes, it was definitely not a good time at that time, which was why he did not choose Tou Tie to find "immortal fate", but instead became a "literary man" under the protection of the Ye family.

"With the promise, the mountain demon set off to the government office, and found out that Wang Wenwei didn't raise a woman, but was too sad because of the early death of his idol, and wanted to write an article to mourn, so he said: Although I am a demon, I also heard about the 'child prodigy' In the name of the "Prodigy" article, he wanted to help Wang Wenwei complete the eulogy, so there was the famous "Mourning Ye Da's Early Death Inscription", which is said to be carved by the fingernails of the mountain demon, and it is now in the Yunzhou Museum."

Ye Da: So outrageous!The monster carved a monument for me?
It's a pity that this "inscription mourning Ye Da's early death" is not included in the textbook, otherwise he would have to look up at what the monsters wrote for him.

The students below listened fascinatedly. Although they are majoring in ancient literature, who doesn't like this kind of mystery.

Seeing the expressions of the students below, Ding Yong smiled with satisfaction and said, "Of course, this happened 700 years ago. There may be misinformation, but the influence of old weirdness on ancient literature is far more than that."

"Teacher, why are there no such old weirdness now?"

Ding Yong pushed his glasses: "Guess why it is called 'Old Days'? You are majoring in ancient literature. If you are interested in this kind of problem, it is recommended to change your major. Tunghai University also has Lingzi-related majors. Of course, the premise is that you can pass the exam. .”

Ye Da breathed a sigh of relief and thought that this period was over.
Just as he was about to study hard again, a male student beside him looked at him with a faint smile.

Ye Da was a little puzzled, he didn't know this person, but he looked friendly.

His handsome appearance is second only to himself.

If the whole classroom has a total of 100 points for appearance, the two of them alone account for 99 points.

I am 90, he is 9.

While wondering, the other party pointed to the name on Ye Da's notebook.

Ye Da smiled awkwardly.

The boy laughed and said:

"It has the same name as Ye Da, the child prodigy who is the master of 'Teacher'. I think it will be a bit hard, right?"

Ye Da: "Fortunately. This name is quite common, like Li Da, Zhang Da, Wanda, etc. It just happens that my surname is Ye."

That's why Ye Da didn't change his name.

"Class 1 of Ancient Literature, Wang Weiwen, it's a pleasure to meet you, our two names can make a pair."

The boy stretched out a hand, and Ye Da subconsciously shook it.

"Wang Weiwen"

I just reversed the order with Wang Wenwei, who wrote the "Inscription on the Early Death of Ye Da". They really made a pair. But if Teacher Ding Yong hadn't told this unpopular story today, I'm afraid no one would have thought about it.

Including himself.

However, the way this person spoke was somewhat formal, and the word "nice to meet you" was somewhat strange in college.
"Yeda, nice to meet you."

(End of this chapter)

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