I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 103 Jiang Hou's Ability

Chapter 103 Jiang Hou's Ability

Ye Da thought for a while, isn't this the perfect spy or infiltrator?
Because Zhou Meirong can modify the monitoring by himself, isn't it easy to steal data and so on?
It's not easy for people to find it, and machines can't see it, there is something.

Moreover, Ye Da met the energy system for the first time. He heard Yue Jiankang mention it before. In his mind, the energy system is like the ability to breathe fire and spit water.Even if it is electricity, it should be a crackling setting like Sister Pao. I did not expect that there is such a subtle ability as "weak current control".

It is definitely not weak to be rated as A-level, and it may be easier to use in modern society than simply hitting people with electric discharge.

Ye Da noticed that the abilities of these three people are being developed in a systematic and planned way. The special affairs department has indeed taught students in accordance with their aptitude. Jiang Hou did not lie when he said that the youth training camp is the best opportunity to develop spiritual enlighteners.

It can only be said that he is indeed a spiritual enlightener trained by the official force, and he is still the best among them. Not only has he been well developed, he is also equipped with exclusive equipment and equipment, Wu Fei's knife and combat uniform, Li Zifeng's special firearms, The unknown equipment in Zhou Meirong's bag are good things that no wild spiritual enlightener can find without much effort.

Best of all, almost tailor-made.

Although it is not a spirit enlightenment, but without channels, it may be more difficult to obtain than a spirit enlightenment.

Ye Da suddenly thought that Wang Weiwen's book might also be given by the government.

Sure enough, the last one introduced was Wang Weiwen.

Wang Weiwen stepped forward and took out an ancient book.

"My spiritual enlightenment ability is the A-level 'word spirit' of the rule system. The ability is to give others or myself various specific abilities based on the content of the Chinese characters in ancient books. There are many types. As long as the meaning of the words is similar or related, Team Jiang, Want to show it?"

Jiang Hou was obviously hesitant, but finally said: "Forget it, the cost is too high. Weiwen's ability must be triggered by real ancient books, the consumable kind, very strong, but also very expensive. If you introduce yourself on the first day, If you use it indiscriminately, the people from the logistics department will cause trouble for me again. I will show it to you next time when it is more formal."

Ye Da glanced at Wang Weiwen, good guy, I thought you wrote the things you picked up by yourself, so they are all authentic works!
Where is the paper in the mouth? This is equivalent to burning money directly.

After the four of them introduced themselves, they couldn't help but look at Ye Da.

He is not only the hero who has been in the limelight recently and solved the spirit child incident, but also the person with the highest spirit enlightenment ability present besides Jiang Hou.

Ye Da cleared his throat, and reported his superficial information: "Flesh system A-level: physical strength, strength, endurance, jumping ability, etc. have been enhanced, but the balance is average, and the other is also a flesh system A-level: super-speed regeneration, just ..recovery faster."

Jiang Hou laughed and said: "Xiao Ye, you are too modest. You can still connect your hand after being cut off for an hour, and ordinary wounds on your body can heal in a few seconds. How can it be faster?"

Several young people looked sideways, the ability of super-speed regeneration, it can be said that any intelligent life would be envious.

Ye Da said: "It's not bad, you will die if your head is cut off."

Jiang Hou suddenly said: "Oh, your head was chopped off?"


"Then how did you know you were going to die?"

Ye Da: "Huh?"

Isn't this something you can think of when you use your brain? This shouldn't be taken for granted, right?
Wait, why do you have this impression?
Wang Weiwen said:

"Of course, this is something that cannot be predicted. No matter whether you will die or not, the head is the key point. If you really think that it is okay to be reckless if your head is chopped off, it will be ridiculous if you really die."

Jiang Hou: "That's right."

Ye Da raised his hand suddenly and said, "I have one more addition."

"Please say."

"Before, in Yunzhou Lake, I listened to a 'Xuanshui Method' by chance, and I always felt that there were some changes in my body, but I am not sure yet." In fact, this is a lie.

Except for a somewhat incomprehensible closeness to water, he has no other changes, and it has lasted for a long time, and Wang Weiwen is probably the same.

But he is still going to move out the 'Xuan Shui Method' to inoculate Jiang Hou or the people in the youth training camp.

Because this is an official record, aboveboard.

Judging from the follow-up, there should be no official progress on the 'Xuan Shui Method', otherwise we should find him, then move out a 'Xuan Shui Method' that is in a Schrödinger state and whose function is unknown. Anything other than spiritual power has an excuse.

Ye Da had already thought about it when he agreed to enter the youth training camp to experience it.

What, you said you can inhale white smoke?Can heal others?Mysterious water method, it may be water vapor, it is normal for the water system to heal, it is the same in the game!I don't know exactly what it does.

What, you said you have illusion abilities, and you can control water and freeze ice?Xuanshui method, Mirage knows it, it is all based on science, it is amazing, right?

It may not be easy to get credit, but at least there is room for moderation.

If there is any problem, go back and live your normal college life.

But Jiang Da just smiled and didn't express anything.

The taciturn Wu Fei suddenly turned her head to look at Ye Da, and said, "'Dharma' is dangerous and will bring disaster."

The voice is very soft and pleasant to hear, a bit like whispering, but it can be heard clearly.

The other party thought for a while, and said with a lack of tone:
"You can apply to remove this memory, the Special Affairs Section has this method."

This girl looks cold and paralyzed, and she feels a little socially afraid.

Ye Da glanced at Wu Fei unexpectedly, and said, "I will consider it later."

Jiang Hou clapped his hands and said: "Then I'm left alone. Everyone else knows what my spiritual enlightenment ability is, but Xiaoye doesn't know. My ability is S-level energy system, and the name is 'Spirit and Body Unity'. You will know more information later.”

Ye Da thought carefully about the words "integration of soul and body".

I feel that no matter from which angle you think about it, this is a very awesome name.

However, Jiang Hou, who is as strong as a bear, is not a flesh system but an energy system. It can only be said that the energy system was simple in the past.

"So! Some of you have always been in the Donghai Youth Training Camp, and some of you were transferred from other places. I also need to familiarize myself with your level. Although the training content of the Youth Training Camp is not only related to combat, but you want to become an independent team. Spirit enlightener, the level of combat is still very important."

As he said that, Jiang Hou took off his leather jacket, revealing the tactical vest inside, his marble-like muscles spoke of the silent pressure.

"Practice? Get your bottoms? Zhou Meirong, Wang Weiwen, don't you guys, Ye Da, Wu Fei, Li Zifeng, let's help each other?"

Jiang Hou raised his eyebrows and grinned.

The three young men who were named looked at each other, and Ye Da could see the eagerness of the other two.

At the same time, I am also a little curious.

How strong is an S-level spirit enlightener?
(End of this chapter)

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