I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 104: The Battle (asking for monthly tickets and first subscription)

Chapter 104: The Battle (asking for monthly tickets and first subscription)
"Li Zifeng, don't use your special firearm. It's too powerful. If it hits the wall, it will make a hole. You will be scolded. Just use the regular special force firearm. Xiao Wu, use a knife. Ye Da If so, do I need to provide you with any weapons?"

Good guy, it's real, are you so confident?

"We don't need weapons, just practice and use fists."

Wang Weiwen and Zhou Meirong retreated to the edge of the training field. One of them is too expensive, and the other is too expensive here, so they don't want to join in the fun.

Soon someone brought firearms, Li Zifeng dressed quickly, and soon he was fully armed, holding a rifle and hiding a dagger, and even Wu Fei hung a pistol on his waist.

It can be seen that the two are really well-trained. In contrast, Ye Da, who just changed into a tracksuit, looks much more ordinary.

Pretending to be stretching on one side, Ye Da said to Wang Weiwen:

"I feel that the two of them don't have the same style of painting. It's just a practice match. It's so formal."

Wang Weiwen said: "Indeed, the two of them have a strong military style, and they have come out of another system since they were young."

Zhou Meirong also said: "That's right, we are just ordinary college students. Before I joined the youth training camp, I had never even seen a gun."

Ye Da asked curiously, "Which university are you from?"

"I used to be at Jiangzhou University, but I will transfer to Donghai University next week. She is your senior sister."

Zhou Meirong is two years older than Ye Da and Wang Weiwen, and should be a junior in turn.

But the difference is that she was majoring in Lingzi at Jiangzhou University before, and it should be the same when she comes to Donghai. Her ability is also of great value in the field of research.

The three people who appeared soon were all ready. Jiang Hou meant that the three of them went together, so the three of them formed a triangle to surround Jiang Hou.

Jiang Hou didn't make any preparations, and was still empty-handed.

"Then, let's get started!"

Ye Da is the first time!

Blast back a few meters.

Unlike the other two, he probably already knew the details of Jiang Hou's abilities, and he was neither reckless nor good at judging the degree of seriousness. If Jiang Hou was not that strong and was severely injured by his punch, it would be embarrassing.

Although unlikely.

Besides, Wu Fei and Li Zifeng obviously came from the same way and are familiar with each other. It is also difficult for me to cooperate with them. It is the best choice to take a look at it first.

Teammates fight, I'll take a look.

Ye Da's sudden retreat didn't seem to surprise the other two. Li Zifeng gave Wu Fei a wink, raised his hand and fired three bursts.

He was so fast that he didn't seem to need to aim. The gun barrel had already pulled the trigger during the process of raising it, and he was not polite to Jiang Hou at all.

A scene that surprised Ye Da happened. Jiang Hou raised his broad palm and pinched three bullets whose trajectories Ye Da couldn't see clearly in his palm.

The flesh catches the bullet?
Invulnerable?Is this "unity of soul and body"?
No, it's not just that.

An afterimage appeared on Ye Da's retina, Wu Fei was like a phantom, and quickly rushed towards Jiang Hou with a sword, but Jiang Hou's huge body was not slow, and he dodged sideways at a speed not much slower than Wu Fei.

The two quickly fought each other more than ten times, each time accompanied by swords and swords. Ye Da could see that Jiang Hou was not as fast as Wu Fei in terms of absolute speed, at least at the current level, but his combat experience allowed him to make almost playful effect.

Yes, juggling.

Every time Wu Fei attacked, Jiang Hou would tap his joints lightly, or hold the back of the knife with his hand, appearing to be more than capable.

"Speed-type spiritual enlighteners tend to fall into a misunderstanding. The more they can't use their speed to achieve results, the more desperate they are to increase their speed. They only think that a knife is faster than a knife, and a punch is faster than a punch. You should leave now and look for other opportunities. "

Jiang Hou even has kung fu reviews.

Wu Fei didn't leave immediately after hearing this, but when Jiang Da pinched the back of his knife again, he let go decisively, pulled out the pistol at his waist at an exaggerated speed, and shot repeatedly at Jiang Hou's chest.

The bullet hit Jiang Hou's chest, and as expected, all bounced away, as if hitting a steel plate, but Wu Fei's purpose was just to attract Jiang Hou's attention.Li Zifeng didn't know when he circled back to Jiang Hou and fired continuously with the rifle in his hand.

Target, Jiang Hou's heel!
It is obvious that he has grasped the advantage of reporting.

It's not that Jiang Hou has some kind of Achilles' heel, if there is one, Li Zifeng can't shoot even after a practice session, but Jiang Hou's ability is related to the distance from the body, and there is a big difference.

Sure enough, the heels of Jiang Hou's riding boots were not as invulnerable as his upper body clothes. The heels were quickly bitten, and Jiang Hou also showed a slight imbalance.

"Sister Wu, continue!"

Li Zifeng immediately threw a grenade, and the parabola seemed to have been calculated long ago, and it fell precisely into Wu Fei's hands.

Wu Fei's hands turned into afterimages, and by the time Ye Da saw it clearly, the fuse of the grenade had been pulled out and tied to Jiang Hou's waist.

Ye Da: Damn it!Play so big!

Li Zifeng and Wu Fei retreated quickly.Only Jiang Hou was left in a daze.

Qi actually nodded in satisfaction, as if appreciating the cooperation of the two.

The next moment, a grenade exploded on Jiang Hou's waist.

When the gravel fell on Ye Da's face, he was still shocked by the audacity of these two people.

Is it necessary?Grenade ah that is!

Li Zifeng didn't give up, the gun in his hand was running and shooting. For him, it seemed that there was no need to stand still and touch the gun. He had already grasped the trajectory of the ball to the extent he wanted, and every shot was aimed at the gun in the smoke. Jianghou.

As for Captain Jiang who might have accidentally killed the "unity of soul and body"?
Li Zifeng said that there is everything in the dream.

Sure enough, Jiang Hou's voice came from the smoke and dust: "It is admirable to be able to use the advantage of intelligence to find a weakness like the heel, but if this is the case."

The smoke and dust were scattered by a majestic figure, and rushed towards Wu Fei, and the casserole-sized fist approached instantly.

"Probably not enough!!"

The huge fist was gradually approaching in Wu Fei's eyes, but his body was unable to move as if possessed by a demon.

I feel like I'm going to die!

Why didn't Team Jiang pull back?

Am I really going to be beaten to death?
The next moment, a huge roar came.

Wu Fei opened her eyes, but the terrifying fist didn't land on her.

One person caught Jiang Hou's fist.


Feeling the exaggerated strength in his hand, Ye Da secretly clicked his tongue.

This is stronger than Shen Shanrong in the Lingzi incident!

Jiang Hou said with satisfaction: "Xiaoye, the strength is good!"

With a push of both hands, Ye Da pushed Jiang Hou's fist aside, and at the same time punched Jiang Hou's abdomen.

Jiang Hou didn't dodge, and was ready to take the punch firmly.

The next moment, he was pushed up and flew up.

Wu Fei and Li Zifeng showed shocked expressions!

In terms of strength, can he actually compete with Team Jiang? !
(End of this chapter)

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