I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 105 Jianghou's Desperation

Chapter 105 Jianghou's Desperation
The visual effect of the majestic Jiang Hou being punched flying by Ye Da left everyone dumbfounded!

Jiang Hou also showed a surprised expression, Xiaoye, after observing for a while, did he find a breakthrough?
Yes, no matter how strong the strength is, there is only one factor that determines whether a person will be sent flying.


As long as the strength is far higher than the weight of the opponent, there is a chance to blow him away!

For Ye Da, this is not difficult!
After a successful blow, Ye Da didn't stop. Facing Jiang Hou, who had nowhere to rely on in mid-air, he activated his terrifying jumping force and slammed into him head-on.

For Jiang Hou, who has far more combat experience than himself, he obviously thinks too much about what kind of throwing skills he wants to perform.

Jiang Hou, who hadn't landed yet, was hit by Ye Da directly on the ceiling in mid-air.

The height of the training ground is close to ten meters, and this scene is extremely impactful.

Wu Fei and Li Zifeng's eyes widened.

There was a loud noise, and a crack appeared in the ceiling!

Jiang Hou began to fall in free fall, while Ye Da kicked his legs against the ceiling and landed at a speed several times faster than the free fall, and then jumped up again like a spring, hitting Jiang Hou who was still in the process of falling.

This time, Jiang Hou didn't just catch him without a fight, he twisted his waist in the air, and kicked Ye Da with his thick thigh.

Ye Da put his hands in front of him, and was kicked down like a cannonball.

This time he failed to keep Jiang Hou in the air, and he wanted to repeat the old trick so that he could not fall down.

After landing smoothly, Jiang Hou grinned and said, "Xiaoye, let me see your strength."

Two fists, one big and one small, banged together, and the sound of metal and iron clashing came from the training ground.

Ye Da took three steps back, and Jiang Hou took half a step back.

"Not bad! Not bad! This should not be your limit, try it?"

The two punched each other again, and there was another loud noise in the training ground.

Abandoning skills is just pure punching.


Seeing the two punching and punching in the middle of the training ground, the other four were a little dazed.

Zhou Meirong: "This is the person who single-handedly solved the Lingzi incident? I thought that AB-level abilities and double-A-level abilities would not be much different."

Wang Weiwen smiled and said, "It's just a different route."

He knew that Ye Da still had a lot of tricks to use. Wang Weiwen never asked about the illusion ability and weapon transformation ability of the library that day, but similarly, Jiang Hou must still have spare power.

No wonder Captain Jiang took such a fancy to Ye Da.

The two are basically on the same route.

Zhou Meirong said with a bitter face: "I feel that either of them can stab me to death with one finger. It's too scary."

Wu Fei and Li Zifeng also gave up participating at some point and came to the sidelines.

It's just a sparring practice, this step is enough, and the two people on the field didn't give them a chance to continue to show off.

Li Zifeng said: "It's amazing. It's the first time I've seen a man who can fight against Dui Jiang. Brother Ye Chun. I heard that he has never undergone systematic training. His fighting awareness just now is not weak!"

Wu Fei whispered, "Very strong."

She is also very restrained.
But as a teammate, it feels very safe.

When Ye Da stood in front of her just now, holding Jiang Hou's fist.That feeling is really down-to-earth.

Looking at Wu Fei's expression, Zhou Meirong wanted to tease her and create a pink atmosphere.

But he found that Wu Fei had no expression.
It's boring.
On the field, Ye Da and Jiang Hou punched hard, and Jiang Hou's smile became more and more obvious: "Go on! Xiaoye! Come again! You can still be stronger!"

Ye Da also felt a little excited, and rarely had the opportunity to vent his strength, except for punching when he was practicing.

Beating the air is not as fun as hitting someone!Just when the two of them were fighting passionately and gradually forgetting themselves.

The door of the training room was pushed open, and it was Yan Yongheng who came!

"Hey! You two guys! In broad daylight, the research department upstairs complained that someone was renovating the building! The test tubes were shaken! Stop it!"

Ye Da and Jiang Hou froze and looked at each other.

When Li Zifeng saw the chief instructor, he saluted with a "snap" like a conditioned reflex.

Yan Yongheng ignored Li Zifeng, pointed at the crack on the ceiling angrily and said, "Jiang Hou, you reckless man! Do you know how troublesome the ceiling is to repair!"

The ground was reinforced and the grenades did not leave many marks, but the ceiling was not.
No ladder is ten meters high!You have to drive a construction truck in!
Jiang Hou touched the back of his head in embarrassment, and said, "I'm sorry, sorry, I went too far."

Ye Da also heaved a sigh of relief. In fact, as the power of the fist was getting stronger and stronger just now, he was also a little scared, mainly because he was worried that the Yin Qi and black ash in his body would float out after his body was damaged.

The arrival of Yan Yongheng allowed him to escape.

This is the end of a "point to end" duel.

Yan Yongheng left angrily, and there were only a few members of the Shuguang Project left in the training ground.

Jiang Hou touched the back of his head and said: "Today is the first day, so let's do it first. The formal training will be next weekend, and we will have dinner tomorrow night. We will get to know each other well. This is a task, and we must be here."

Treat the dinner party as a task. This Jianghou is really interesting.

"Then it's getting late, and the others are disbanding, Xiaoye, you come with me, and I'll take you back."

The five young people exchanged contact information, after which Ye Da and Jiang Hou left the training room.

The Shuguang Project is a sub-project of the youth training camp, and Jiang Hou is the only one who organizes it, but when the Shuguang Project has no content, other people have their own lives, and Jiang Hou also has the work of the sixth team.

Li Zifeng will continue to train and live in the Special Forces, Wu Fei will return to the military academy, and Ye Da, Wang Weiwen, and Zhou Meirong will go to college normally.

If calculated according to Wang Weiwen's previous experience, he needs to come here every weekend, but with Jiang Hou's character, it is estimated that there will be no such regularity, and there may be no unexpected incidents.

The two walked in the building of the headquarters of the youth training camp and headed towards the underground garage. Jiang Hou suddenly said, "Xiaoye, how do you feel?"

Ye Da thought for a while and said, "Very powerful."

in various senses.

The organizational structure of the youth training camp, and the hidden strengths of several participants of the Shuguang Project, including Jiang Hou himself.

It is much more powerful than the "youth training camp" he imagined before.

"Your classmate Wang Weiwen has been in the youth training camp for many years. If you have any questions, you can ask him, put down your burdens, and try your best to improve yourself. You are all the future of Kyushu. Do you know why I named it 'Dawn Project'?"


"Because your sun is rising at eight or nine o'clock! Hahaha!"

Jiang Hou was obviously very satisfied with the name he chose, and said: "You have to grow up as soon as possible, and I will provide all help for this. If you have any needs, please feel free to tell me, whether it is in life or spiritual enlightenment. There will also be a 'grant' hit to your account every month."

That was an amount higher than the salary of ordinary office workers. It was very interesting for Ye Da who just came to train on weekends and received a lot for nothing.

It's good to have a source of income other than Ye Jianguo if you don't waste too much money.

But Ye Da always felt that Jiang Hou was a little anxious, as if he expected the five of them to achieve great success in a few months.

Doesn't the dawn also break through the darkness?
While talking, the two came to the underground garage.

Jiang Hou stared at Ye Da with burning eyes.

Ye Da and Qi looked at each other for three seconds, and understood his deep meaning.

"Fall! Fall! Fall! Fall! Yes, beat to the left."

"Come back to the front! Then hit the right to death! Fall down!"

(End of this chapter)

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