Chapter 106 Black Hand!

Back home, Ye Da first took a look at the sunflowers on the balcony. After a day of sunshine, his complexion became better. Suddenly he felt that he had raised a potted plant that did not require watering, loosening the soil, or fertilizing, which was quite interesting.

It was getting late at this time, and Ye Da had no chance to go to the flower and bird market to find out the Taoist, and began to recall the events of the day.

The individualized teaching and targeted training of the youth training camp have not been seen yet, so let’s not mention it for now.

But Jiang Hou's fighting style gave him a lot of inspiration. Judging from the literal meaning of "spirit and body integration" and the situation at the scene, the opponent should have attached the spirit son to the body surface.
No, it should be the whole body, including muscles, internal organs, and even blood, otherwise it won't be worthy of an S-level assessment.

Especially the unreasonable defensive ability, which cannot be achieved by pure shell defense. Jiang Hou is not a monster like Shen Shanrong whose body is no longer human-like. If there is no strengthening of the internal organs, there will be too many loopholes.

During the exercise, Jiang Hou obviously saved his strength, and he didn't pant much from the beginning to the end.

As for Ye Da, he began to think whether Yin Qi could also achieve a similar effect on the body?Even if it's just the body surface?
What about the more uncontrollable evil spirits and corpses?

However, he can only be transferred at the moment, and there is still a big gap with Jianghou's attachment, perhaps similar to the relationship between the overlord's color and the overlord's entanglement in One Piece in the previous life.

Ye Da tried to mobilize the yin qi in his body to go to the right hand which is most easily controlled by the influence of "nine yin", but several experiments were not very satisfactory.

He obviously felt that his right hand was filled with a lot of yin energy, but there was no increase in defense or any other abnormalities. Even if he was forced out of his body, it just turned into a gaseous state and dissipated in the air.

Tried several times, even though the temperature in the room dropped a lot, it still had no practical effect.

Ye Da suddenly thought, why he can do it by 'concentrating Yin Qi'. It also concentrates Yin Qi in a certain place in the body. He could use Yin Qi to affect the brain and gain benefits with little effort before, but his arms can't. .

Thinking of this, Ye Da entered a state of 'yin qi contemplation', sitting cross-legged on the sofa, constantly trying, experimenting, and observing.

Liu Xiaoqian and Xiaoqing seemed to know the seriousness and didn't bother.

After this attempt, it was the next morning.

When the light of the day came in, Ye Da suddenly realized that it had been a night, and retreated from the state of "concentrating on yin and qi".

In this state of extreme concentration, there is actually a sense of time passing like cultivating immortals.

Looking at the black layer of black ice on his hand, like obsidian, this is the harvest of this night.

Squeezing the palm, the thin layer of ice did not shatter and fall off, but changed with Ye Da's palm movements, like a thin film, which really felt hard and cold.

Ye Da was able to condense Yin Qi and water to form black ice a long time ago, but it was only ice in the pure physical sense, but there was an impurity called "Yin Qi" in it, including the previous weapon transformation.

At this time, the hand looks like ice, but its essence is a high concentration of Yin Qi, similar to Yin Qi gloves or Yin Qi gloves.

Visually, the black state is a bit like the domineering in the previous anime, but it is not so smooth and round, it has a sharp and angular feeling like Bingling.

At present, it can only be attached to the right hand where "Nine Yin" is located.

When hit on a living person, it will apply cold, heart palpitations, and the fist will be harder.

As for hitting dead people or spirits.
"Xiao Liu, do an experiment?"

Liu Xiaoqian leaned over frightened. Last night, Engong kept playing with her right hand, and her eyes were still glowing purple, which was terrifying.

"Grandpa, will it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt. I'll take it lightly and it will be fine. Maybe you will feel very comfortable."

Liu Xiaoqian covered her eyes and moved her head closer.

Ye Da pointed, and lightly flicked a brain on Liu Xiaoqian's forehead.

Liu Xiaoqian flew upside down, rolling all over the ground with her head in her arms.

"It hurts! It hurts! Benedict lied, didn't he say that he would be comfortable without pain!"

The big herring who was watching the excitement shrank his head, afraid that he would be hit too.

Ye Da looked at his fingertips in surprise
I thought that the gauntlets condensed with yin energy would feel "more and more refreshing" when dealing with things like spirit bodies.

After all, they usually eat these things.

I didn't expect Liu Xiaoqian's reaction to be so big!

But it’s right to think about it. Yin Qi is both food and weapon for spiritual bodies. Otherwise, fighting between spiritual bodies would become feeding each other. "Okay, my 'Xuan Shui Technique' has improved again."

Ye Da secretly found a way for his new research.

If it is really used against the enemy in the future, similar means will be exposed.
Xuan is black, this is the purest Xuanshui method!

It will be called "black hand" from now on.

Ye Da suddenly felt that besides Xiaoqing, the biggest gain of Yunzhou Lake was the 'Xuan Shui Method'. Although Mao didn't use it at present, it could solve a lot of troubles for him.

After a night of sleepless nights and not needing to go back to the freezer to catch up on sleep, Ye Da simply entered the state of "Yin Qi Concentration" again, carefully comprehended and practiced.

With the increase of time, the area covered by the "Black Hand" has expanded, and Ye Da will not feel boring or boring under special conditions. He somewhat understands the feeling of cultivators forgetting time in the novel.

Another whole day has passed, and when it is getting late, the "black hand" can already cover the elbow, but it is more difficult to go down, because it has already left the position of the "Nine Yin", and needs to be drawn slowly.

After taking a shower and changing his clothes, Ye Da left the house. Today, there is another "task" arranged by Jiang Hou for a dinner party.

The commercial street has regained some popularity, because Tunghai University has returned to normal today.

However, the main battlefield library is still under renovation.

From a distance, Ye Da saw that there were seven or eight middle-aged people standing at the door of Tunghai University next to the commercial street, some men and some women, hanging banners with some slogans written on them, some of them were sitting directly on the ground, four Surrounded by the security guards of Tunghai University, there were even two policemen, but they just watched and ignored it.

Dozens of people died in the Lingzi incident, and nearly a hundred were injured. Everyone is the lifeblood of the family behind it.

Although it is also an unwarranted disaster, XF has inevitably become the "subject of accountability" for damaged families

As far as Ye Da knows, each student has campus health insurance for a few dollars. After paying premiums for so many years, the insurance company has paid all the medical expenses. For a large institution like Tunghai University, the insurance company has no The reason for digging and searching.

The school has also discussed a more appropriate compensation and communicated with the parents. Naturally, this figure is not more expensive than human life. However, from the perspective of compensation, referring to other similar incidents in Kyushu, it is a relatively reasonable amount.

But since there are numbers, there will be people who are dissatisfied, and it is impossible for the school to satisfy each family’s demand for as much compensation as they want. Some families directly ask exaggerated numbers like 1000 million or 2000 million, so there is The scene in front of me.

In terms of numbers, only 2 or 3 dissatisfied families united and protested at the back door, but these seven or eight people reminded the people around them every minute and every second that the tragedy was not over yet.

This is a game of family affection and greed.

The complexity of the human heart is evident here.

When passing by the roast meat shop, the rolling gate was still closed, but there was an extra A4 paper on it.

Ye Da walked up the steps to look.

"Business hours notice:

Try to resume business next month, welcome new and old customers to taste! "

Ye Da smiled.

It's good to keep going.

The old man watching the fun said to Ye Da: "Little Li's girl heard that she is recovering well, and the store will continue to open in the future."

Ye Da nodded and stopped a taxi.

When Ye Da got off the taxi and saw the "dinner" place in front of him, he was a little dazed.

Gorgeous door, eight open glass doors.

Inside stood two rows of welcome guests wearing stockings and short skirts.

"Welcome to 'Tianyuan Yipin'! Do you have a reservation?"

Twenty or so beautiful young ladies bowed in unison.

Ye Da opened his mouth.

Is this TM a place to eat?
(End of this chapter)

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