I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 108 The Rough and Meticulous Man

Chapter 108 The Rough and Meticulous Man
Ye Da looked at Yang Tian for a while to confirm that he had never met him.

The viaduct was a "skin-changing girl" game that day, so what role does Yang Tian play in it?
Why did Jiang Hou form such a strange game today.

Yang Tian looked at Ye Da, but he recognized him. Apart from the information given by Jiuying at the earliest time, the spiritual world in the East China Sea has recently been discussing this strong man who single-handedly resolved the spiritual incident.

Especially in the underground world, some people said that he had bad luck, and some said that he was the strongest among the young spiritual enlighteners in the East China Sea.

Yang Tian became more and more elusive about Jiang Hou's purpose, but he had already raised a point of caution in his heart, worried that Jiang Hou would make a violent attack, or force him to ask for information about "Nine Infants".

Although he didn't know much, Dharma seekers were extremely difficult to deal with. If he accepted the Bronze Order and the Wall Penetration Technique, and exposed him again, he would probably be in big trouble.

"So this is little brother Ye, what a hero born a boy."

Apparently, Yang Tian had made arrangements before coming in, and after a while, plates of exquisite dishes were served, and Jiang Hou patted Yang Tian's shoulder heavily.

"There is a treat today, everyone is welcome to eat, little dog, do you have lobster?"

Yang Tian sent a message to his younger brother with a dark face.

"Arrange five lobsters! The biggest ones! Can't hold this guy."

"Boss, we don't have lobster on the menu."

"Go to the seafood market to buy!"

"Do you want to poison?"

"Under your uncle!"

Jiang Hou didn't say anything else, and greeted a few young people to eat.

Feeling that Jiang Hou had other deep meanings, instead of simply bringing his men down to play touch singing, several young elites let go of it, and even Wu Fei began to observe Yang Tian, ​​recalling whether he had heard of this character.

Jiang Hou stopped talking to Yang Tian, ​​and started eating on his own.

After 20 minutes, Jiang Hou saw that the five young people had almost eaten (Ye Da pretended to eat two mouthfuls), and suddenly pointed to Yang Tian's face and said to the five:
"Here, the middleman in the gray area of ​​the East China Sea, you can treat him as a pimp, the kind who only makes a living but can't get into bed."

Seeing Jiang Hou being so rude, Yang Tian tensed up.

"Xiaoye, the two people who attacked you on the viaduct that day were the work of this little dog."

Ye Da's eyes froze.

Jiang Hou said leisurely: "Should you give it to Xiaoye and make amends?"

At the dining table, the already bad atmosphere suddenly froze.

Yang Tian's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "I didn't know you before, I offended you, and I'll apologize to Brother Ye first."

Jiang Hou said, "Is this the end?"

Yang Tian, ​​who originally raised his wine glass, put it down again, and said with a gloomy face: "Captain Jiang, I didn't offend you, did I?"

Jiang Hou's majestic body put his arms around Yang Tian, ​​and said slowly: "I'll make you pay for it."

Yang Tian's breathing was heavy for a few minutes, and the sable hair was shaking, but after all, he was someone who had been in the East China Sea for many years. After calming down, he said: "I will provide a satisfactory compensation to Brother Ye. If Brother Ye has any requirements, you can also Talk to me anytime until Captain Jiang is satisfied."

Jiang Hou's fork inserted heavily into the lobster in front of him, piercing through the lobster including the meat and the shell. The whole lobster dangled in front of Yang Tian's eyes, and said, "It's still short of a name."

Yang Tian was silent for a while, gritted his teeth and squeezed out two words: "Jiuying."

Ye Da's heart skipped a beat, thinking that the other party was talking about "Nine Yin".

Jiang Hou rubbed his chin and said, "Nine-headed monsters in the old legends? The code names of Dharma seekers seem to be such things."

Yang Tian nodded.

Only then did Ye Da know that the other party was talking about "Nine Infants" instead of "Nine Yins".

Seeing what Jiang Hou meant, the nickname or code name of the skin-changing girl is Jiuying, no wonder the party came here, and it really has a deep meaning.

The reason why Jiang Hou came in a similar personal capacity was probably because only in this way could Yang Tiancai dare to say those two words.If Jiang Hou leads the arrest team in his official capacity, once Yang Tian betrays the customer information, he will inevitably suffer endless retaliation in the future. Once he is opened, there will be a second time. At that time, he will no longer be a middleman. There is nothing he can do anymore, he has too much black material in his hands, and other people who are not related to this matter will also want him dead.

So he will definitely resist desperately, even if he is caught or beaten half to death, and then a series of things will be involved.

But Yang Tian is still useful to Jiang Hou, at least now Jiang Hou may lock this middleman in the gray area of ​​the East China Sea to step on the sewing machine, and the official has no intention of touching Yang Tian.

On the contrary, in the current "private" situation, it is easier to tell the truth. In the future, Yang Tian himself will have the opportunity to disturb the audition and pick out his suspicions.

During the short confrontation, Ye Da got a lot of information, and for the first time took a step towards the doubts that enveloped him.

Judging from the expressions of Wu Fei and the others, "Dharma Seekers" is not a simple organization. In the past, whether it was Jianghou or Wang Guofang, they only said that "Skin Changer" was suspected to be from an extremely dangerous organization, but did not name it. , Maybe I didn't cooperate with the official at that time, so it's inconvenient to say.

But now, Jiang Hou is helping Ye Da peel off the cocoons and advance step by step in front of Ye Da. All of this should have been prepared before Ye Da nodded and agreed to join the "Dawn Project".

After getting the information and establishing the rules, Ye Da will also get a compensation that should be more than just money.

This seemingly rough person, but able to be the captain of the special affairs department, is really not simple, rough and meticulous coexist.

It's just that Ye Da still has doubts about why the five members of the "Dawn Project" gathered together. In theory, Jiang Hou can bring Ye Da here alone.

Or did Jiang Hou just want to grab a meal by the way and save money for the dinner party?

Ye Da's phone vibrated, but it was Zhou Meirong who sent the message. She obviously didn't even move a finger, and it was obviously sent by her "weak current control".

It seemed that Ye Da was unfamiliar with the word "dharma seeker", and this message actually explained what a "dharma seeker" was.

There were a lot of eloquent words, and this was not the time to take a closer look. Ye Da gave Zhou Meirong a thankful look, and Zhou Meirong responded with a sweet smile.

Jiang Da said again: "Okay, let's deal with the matter between you and Xiaoye for the time being, and see how you behave in the future, and then I personally have one more matter to ask Boss Yang."

Yang Tian nodded with a dark face.

Just called me Xigou, now please call me Boss Yang again!

Jiang Da pointed his thick fingers at several young people in the "Dawn Project", and said: "A few little guys need to practice. Boss Yang has any suitable jobs to introduce to you. Don't worry, they are all good hands."

Everyone, including Yang Tian, ​​looked at Jiang Hou in shock, but Jiang Hou just grinned.

Ye Da looked at Jiang Hou's face, and thought that there was still this problem.

The five are all elites of the "Dawn Project", but they don't have law enforcement powers, at least the four other than Li Zifeng.

But if you want to grow quickly and adapt quickly, it is obvious that hard work is much faster than training!
The value of Yang Tian is reflected. This middleman in the gray area of ​​the East China Sea may indeed have a suitable opportunity in his hands.

There is money to be made, and there are rare opportunities for actual combat. Ye Da doesn't know how the youth training camp or the special affairs department think about this kind of thing, but Jiang Hou's entry point is extremely accurate.

But what Ye Da cares more about.

He felt that Jiang Hou was anxious again
Bit by bit, the eagerness for the five members of the "Dawn Project" to grow as quickly as possible was revealed.
"It's not okay to break the law and discipline, and you'd better not let me know, but the work of eliminating violence and maintaining social stability, we young enthusiastic citizens are very willing to help."

Apparently, Jiang Hou wouldn't do everything the same, he had a steelyard in his heart.

Yang Tian's brain was running high, and he didn't know what kind of brainstorming he had gone through. After a long time, he said: "I do have a job in my hand, which is very suitable for a few energetic and enthusiastic citizens."

Jiang Hou's eyes lit up, he didn't think about Yang Tian being able to give any answer on the spot, he came today mainly to make a start.

Yang Tian stroked the mink hair on his body, and said:
"Recently, a cult organization called the 'Eternal Life Society' has come from out of town. It uses the gimmick of granting people eternal life and health to attract believers to make money in the East China Sea. It is suspected that there are spiritual enlightened people who are playing tricks in it. In the past, their targets were some middle class people, so the impact It’s not big, but my client’s father was accidentally killed. Now the client is offering 50 yuan, hoping to destroy this cult organization.”

"I think this is very appropriate."

Jiang Hou's eyes lit up: "Show me the information?"

Yang Tian shook his head: "I won't keep paper materials, they are all in my mind."

"Then you can write it silently for me, little dog."

Yang Tian:.
I am NM~!

 The three-evolution beast will be updated next week. I don’t dare to do more now that the chapter has not been unlocked.
(End of this chapter)

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