I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 109 The Dawn Squad Departs for the First Time

Chapter 109 The Dawn Squad Departs for the First Time
In the end, Yang Tian provided a few pages of paper materials, which were printed instead of handwritten.

There is not much information. This Immortal Society came to the East China Sea for a year or so. It was the first to select old people to join the society on the streets, and said that there were any folk remedies and diseases that could be treated, and there were rumors that some old man over there had cured the disease for many years. Stubbornness and the like.

Of course, this is a means of making money.

Then maybe they felt that the Donghai people had a lot of money, and their behavior patterns changed. They targeted the middle class, and the pies they painted became more and more rounded, claiming that devout people can get the chance of eternal life, and any disease can be cured.

From the perspective of a bystander, anyone with a little discernment ability will not believe it, but many first-timers think they are sober, but in the end they get deeper and deeper.

It is a great illusion for many people to think that their judgment is better than ordinary people.

Yang Tian's guest was the son of the owner of a medium-sized private enterprise. His father was already very crazy when he was addicted to the Eternal Life Society.

His son is also the top iron, and the company's shares were sold directly. After someone introduced him, he found Yang Tian, ​​and invested 50 yuan, offering a reward for destroying the immortal society for revenge.

This job has been in Yang Tian's hands for a while, and it is a relatively tasteless list for this middleman. Not to mention the low price, the job is still troublesome.

In the gray area, killing more than 50 people is simple and clear, destroying cult organizations is too much trouble, and the price is not very attractive.

And the easiest way to destroy is to use the power of the authorities, and many people in the gray area dare not deal with the authorities at all, so how do you define the so-called destruction?Everyone killed?Are you crazy?
Jiang Hou looked at it for a while and said, "Yes, this job is very suitable for our young enthusiastic citizens."

The five people also had a copy of the information, and Ye Da looked at it for a while, and felt that the problem was not serious.

For criminals who lick blood at the knife edge, this kind of work may not be attractive, but for five young people, 50 yuan is divided into 10 people, which is not a small number.

Except maybe Wang Weiwen.

Just before the scavenger spent a lot of money, the financial level provided by Ye Jianguo was very generous for college students, but it was a bit stretched for the "Scavenger Terminator", and it just returned a wave of blood.

It can be expected that countless dogs will enjoy free teething sticks in the future.

Several people looked at each other, and they all saw that they were eager to try.

This feeling of taking over a "task" from a middleman is quite new.

three days later.

"Ye Da, hang out with girls from the Department of Economics and Management at night, together?!"

As a man of the East China Sea University, Ye Da already stood out from the crowd in the class. In every class, a large number of men and women looked at Ye Da frequently, and even the teacher looked at him differently.

Anyone can see that this Donghai school grass has a bright future.

As long as Ye Da nods to go to the bureau, from freshman to senior year, anyone will happily go there. When the boys in the class communicate with the outside world, they often bring out the "classmate friendship" with Ye Da, which has been tried repeatedly.

No, all the dormitories with the highest quality in the Department of Economics and Management have been booked out. It is said that the average height is 170, and the average weight is less than [-].

The girls majoring in ancient literature gritted their teeth with anger.

Ye Da smiled and said, "Sorry, I have something important tonight."

Several boys stood there dumbfounded.

Ye Da picked up his schoolbag and stood up. He really couldn't participate in any activities today.

Several boys looked at Wang Weiwen with expectant eyes.

Wang Weiwen also smiled and shook his head: "Sorry, I have something to do with Ye Da."

Good guy, if the two male gods in the class are not going, then what are we, the fighting scum, going to do?
Are you going to pay the bill?

Seeing the backs of Ye Da and Wang Weiwen leaving side by side, the girls in the class suddenly sounded the alarm.

these two people
No no no, absolutely not!We don't allow it!

Ye Da and Wang Weiwen didn't know the criticism behind them, and they walked towards the outside of the school while arranging their clothes.

"I didn't expect to take action on the first day of resuming classes. Jiang Hou also said that the Shuguang Project is just training!"

"Maybe in Team Jiang's eyes, this is a kind of training, what's wrong? Regret it?"

"No, I'm looking forward to it!"

Sorry guys.

We're not interested in the fraternity bureau anymore.

Next up is the Secret Service.

At the crowded school gate, Zhou Meirong, dressed in a long skirt, leaned against the wall and scrolled through her mobile phone.During the 10 minutes of waiting, two boys came over to strike up a conversation. Zhou Meirong just smiled and said nothing.

Seeing Ye Da and Wang Weiwen walking side by side, he beckoned.

"Are you all ready?"

Ye Da: "The first day of class at Tunghai University, how do you feel?"

"It's good, but there are too many people to strike up a conversation with."

"No one from Jiangzhou University strikes up a conversation?"

"Usually, the sense of presence is lowered. Today is the first day of transfer. I can't let the teacher not know me."

The three of them turned from the school gate to the side, beside a road section with few people.

A pure black, domineering and tall off-road vehicle was parked in front of the three of them, it was the same model as Jiang Hou's.

The car window lowered, revealing Li Zifeng's face.

"It seems that the passengers are all here and ready to depart."

Wu Fei nodded to the three of them in the back seat.

Li Zifeng sat in the driver's seat, and Wang Weiwen was the co-pilot.

Ye Da, Wu Fei, and Zhou Meirong sat in the back row, and the off-road vehicle drove towards the east side of the East China Sea.

Li Zifeng's driving level is very high. It seems that the training of the special enforcement team is all-round: "My special firearms are not convenient to use. Jiang team means that it is not recommended to use guns, so they are responsible for the driver, logistics, and guidance."

Wang Weiwen said: "This plan is completely formulated by ourselves, and everyone should be familiar with it."

Zhou Meirong said: "It's a pity that I didn't get the role of a couple."

Wu Fei blushed.

Ye Da: "Your ability is obviously more suitable for single-handedly."

"Does that mean I'm an orphan?"

Zhou Meirong took out several black balls the size of soybeans and distributed them to everyone.

"I made this myself, and it can be used in the ear. Compared with ordinary tactical earphones, bone conduction has positioning ability and some other functions. Li Zifeng will give guidance according to the positioning, two per person. , a spare."

A few people first drove the car to a high-end shopping mall, the first step in the plan was to change clothes.

The clothes of Ye Da, Wang Weiwen, and Zhou Meirong are all too student-like, while Wu Fei is too capable, and needs some ordinary clothes to cover up the military atmosphere.

Li Zifeng doesn't need it, he won't show his face in this mission.

In the clothing store, Ye Da picked up a jacket inlaid with rhinestones. Today he played the role of the rich second generation.

But after taking a look at the price tag, he whispered through Xiaodouzi in his ear: "I don't think it's necessary to buy the real thing. Don't get it even if you don't get 10 yuan. It's almost enough to buy clothes."

What kind of scumbag clothes dare to sell for more than 4000!
More expensive than a thousand scavenger!
"You are a trendy store, and the price is very low. Team Jiang said, he will reimburse the expenses, and we will share the income."

Jiang Hou is a good captain!

Ye Da immediately turned to the shopping guide and said, "Give me a complete set, thank you."

After changing into the attire of a rich second generation, it was almost as if it was written on his face that he was stupid and had too much money. As a result, Wang Weiwen complained: "You don't look like a rich second generation, but you look like a demolished second generation. After all, it's almost the same."

Ye Da pointed at Wang Weiwen's blue hair and floral shirt and said, "This is funny, what kind of style is this."

Wang Weiwen showed off the tattoo stickers on his arm: "The boy on the road has colored hair mud on his head."

Wu Fei, who was wearing pencil jeans and a black slim sleeveless jacket, walked over with some awkwardness.

A pair of straight and slender legs, combined with a small waist and milk-like fragrant shoulders, many men who accompany their wives shopping turn their heads and look sideways, and then they are taken away by their ears.

This is the limit Wu Fei can accept.

The role played today is the girlfriend of the rich second generation.

(End of this chapter)

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