Chapter 113
A mixed-haired fox ran all the way, twisting and turning, and ran in places with few people and dark roads. It ran for an hour before arriving at the destination.

A suburban villa.

The address it gave to Ye Da and the others was fake, so it ran out at this time, so it was natural to notify the boss as soon as possible, and to report the news.

When he arrived at the villa, Hu Eryi's miscellaneous hair was almost drenched. It was his sweat. Hu Er stuck out his tongue and came to the gate. Villa gate.

After a while, a burly man opened the door, looked at Hu Er and said, "Why are you here? Didn't you be asked to stay in the branch?"

Hu Er said urgently: "I have an emergency to find the helmsman."

The brawny man said disdainfully: "Some believers are looking for the rudder master to give lectures, just wait, it will take at least half an hour to finish."

Hu Er didn't dare to say anything, and walked around the courtyard anxiously. It wasn't until 5 minutes later that a female believer with red eyes from crying staggered away, and the headmaster called him in.

This villa is not small, and there is a large yard, which is very valuable, but Hu Er is not in the mood to look at these anymore.

Even some contemptuous voices around him were deaf.

"That trash is back? The weakest enlightener?"

On the third floor, Hu Er met the refreshed rudder master and his benefactor, Wang Yanji, who was drinking tea.

In his 50s, with the same mustache and white jacket, many styles of Hu Er's human image are imitated by Wang Yanji.

Seeing Hu Er, Wang Yanji smiled gently and said, "Little Hu, what are you in a hurry for?"

Hu Er was excited: "Boss, a group of people have gone to the branch, it's amazing! They are here for the eternal life!"

Wang Yanji's hands trembled, and he hurriedly asked, "Who is it? You told us where we are?"

"No, I gave them a fake address!"

Wang Yanji nodded, still a little clever.

"I told them that the headquarters is next door to 102."

Wang Yanji staggered.

Immediately furious, he slapped Hu Er's face with a slap.


Hu Er covered his face, not knowing why the boss beat him.

"Boss, there are only five of them, why don't we ambush them!"

"Ambush Uncle You, why didn't I bury you!"

This spiritual enlightener was met by Wang Yanji on the street by chance, and he was miserable, guarding a trash can, and did not move his nest for three meals in the morning, noon and evening.

People can't. At least they shouldn't.
Although the spiritual enlightenment ability only has one consciousness sound transmission, which is probably enough for a C-level, but the advantage is that people are easy to fool. A second-hand mobile phone + a credit card make him loyal to himself, which is much easier to fool than the white-eyed wolves below.

The "Eternal Life Club" was not created by Wang Yanji himself, he was just the head of Donghai Branch, but Donghai had a lot of money, and it became prosperous in just one year. He is a ruthless character, and the guy below has a lot of minds. He dares to yell at him without being fed for a day, and he has to go to the main supply rudder. The income of ten yuan is less than two yuan in his own hands.

So seeing that Hu Erhao was a fool and a spiritual enlightener, he accepted him as a confidant, and wanted to rely on him to get some private orders that would not be billed. Unexpectedly, within a few days, he would cause big trouble before he even opened the business.

Hu Er covered his face and stood in a daze, "Boss, there are only five of them, and they are all young. I don't think the head of them is very smart. Otherwise, I can escape?"

"Haven't you ever thought that someone let you go on purpose?! What a waste!"

Wang Yanji paced back and forth, if one person did it, he would do it, but five people have too much influence, the most important thing is who is the other party?


"You trash, you can eat three chickens for a meal, why don't you eat chicken heads to nourish your brain!"

"Boss, I didn't waste the chicken head either."

Wang Yanji was so angry that he slapped Hu Er one after another, but Hu Er didn't dare to fight back even though he covered his face.

While hitting, Wang Yanji suddenly felt that he had hit something furry. He raised his hand and saw a big hairy ear on Er Hu's head, and stepped back three steps.

"What are you?!"

Hu Er touched his ears and knew that he was excited and had broken his skills. He gritted his teeth and confessed: "Boss, I am a spirit. But it does not affect my loyalty to you. It is you who saved me and I am what I am today. Boss, you If you find it difficult, let's run away and I'll take you back to your hometown. Although your hometown is poor, you won't be hungry if you only have an egg from me. You will definitely be welcome in my home."

Wang Yanji was shocked. He had only heard of the spirits, but had never seen them before. He thought they were all legends!Will it kill people?Isn’t it awesome!
"You still have family?"

"We're all in a family. I came to live with humans because I couldn't afford food at home. Now is not the time for me to talk about this, boss. Let's leave quietly without telling anyone."

Hu Er was about to continue persuading, but he heard Wang Yanji shouting suddenly: "Come on! Come on!"

Hu Er didn't know what was going on, so he quickly hid his ears.

A few strong men rushed in, and when there was money to send, the group of evil spirits below still gave Wang Yanji face.

"Tie up this monster!"

Hu Er froze on the spot, allowing several strong men to kick him on the ground, and he didn't react when he was tied with a rope.

Seeing that Hu Er was tied firmly, Wang Yanji stepped forward to kick Hu Er again with lingering fear.

"Damn it scared me to death! I thought he was an idiot! I didn't expect that he wasn't even a person! Idiot!"

Hu Er seemed to have forgotten the pain, and said with tears, "Boss, why?"

Wang Yanji kicked again: "You are a monster! I am a human! You still ask me why!"

"Although I'm a ghost, I've never been sorry to you."

Crying and crying, Hu Er failed again, revealing a big tail.

Several strong men were startled.

"Damn, there are really ghosts! Disgusting!"

"It's still a good-for-nothing spirit, it's nothing special, it's still under my feet!"

Meet more punches and kicks from Hu Er.

Hu Er gritted his teeth, and there was still a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Maybe the boss was just too surprised. After all, it was his fault for concealing his identity.
When the boss is no longer afraid, he will know my loyalty.

The boss will remember my good deeds and I am the most obedient.
One of them said to Wang Yanji: "Headmaster, don't mess it up, I haven't seen any opinions on this game, it must be very valuable!"

Wang Yanji glanced at the man: "That's up to you! This bastard said there is still a litter at home! Clean up and we will leave tomorrow, someone is checking us! Let's change our job after hiding for two days! This thing can produce ten litters if it can produce one litter." Wow! Is it better to arrest them than to engage in the 'Eternal Life Society'?"

Hu Er was trembling all over, looking at his most admired boss in disbelief.

"Boss, I am loyal, just because I am not a human being."

Wang Yanji took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands. He slapped it several times just now, who knows if it was clean.

Damn, I knew it was impossible for people to eat wet garbage!
"Monster, just follow the monster's way of life. Why do you have to come to a human place to hang around? Who can blame you for being eaten up?"

Hu Er's eyes were red: "We can't find food anymore! My little sister died of starvation just like that! You humans have so much to eat, you don't want to give it to us. We can't work hard to earn money to exchange it!"

Wang Yanji said disdainfully: "This is Kyushu. Those who fly in the sky, run on the ground, and swim in the water. Every stone and every tree belongs to human beings, including you monsters. To make money to exchange? You are just a Spread the goods!"

Hu Er was like a bolt from the blue, unable to speak a word.

The boss who rescued it from the garbage station said it was just a pile of goods.

After Wang Yanji finished speaking, he waved his hands irritably: "What am I talking about with a monster like you, give him some medicine, it will save you trouble for a while, and pack up quickly!"

All kinds of hallucinogens are always stocked here, and they are usually secretly given to believers, and I am not afraid that this monster will not tell me where my hometown is when I look back.

At this time, a voice that should not have appeared here suddenly appeared.

"You kind of guy, I'm afraid you can't represent human beings, right?"

A young woman appeared at the stairway at some point, and everyone was dazzled.

It was obvious that there was no such person just now.

Ye Dacong climbed the stairs slowly, with Wang Weiwen and Wu Fei behind him.

Wang Yanji was shocked: "Who are you!"

How did you reach the third floor?What about the people downstairs?
(End of this chapter)

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