I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 114 It's You

Chapter 114 It's You
"Everyone, please write down if you find faults. I don't seem to have provoked you. If you need some money, I will definitely satisfy you."

Ye Da looked at Hu Er, who was sitting on the ground, holding his tail. This guy was really a talented person. He gave him a fake address and got him next door.

Although there is no difference, they followed the tracking device that Zhou Meirong left on Hu Er all the way.

In fact, there are only two house numbers that Hu Er can report in Donghai, that is, the branch office and this villa.

"No reason, just to arrest someone and destroy the evil J's den."

There is really nothing to say, Zhou Meirong has been in for 20 minutes, not only witnessed and rebroadcasted this good show, but also collected a complete set of criminal evidence.

Wang Yanji and others have already lost their secrets.

Now it's just a matter of catching people, and it's the easiest job.

Although it was a bit messy because of Hu Er's appearance, things were still back on track, and the plan that the five people made at the beginning was about to come to a successful conclusion.


The Dawn Project's five-member team is already a bit of a supermodel to deal with this kind of organization.

Wang Yanji said with a stern face: "A few brats who came out of nowhere dare to meddle in my affairs, thinking that grabbing a piece of trash can do it?"

Before Wang Yanji could speak, several strong men with ferocious faces surrounded him eagerly.

Ye Da looked around and said, "The place is too small, just one person, who will come?"

Zhou Meirong took a step back: "I won't go up, there are so many strong men who don't want to be touched."

Wang Weiwen: "You know me, I'm too expensive."

Wu Fei was a little eager to try, but she still acquiesced that Ye Da would take the shot.

The pants are too tight today. They are not suitable for strenuous exercise.

After the first collective action, the Suguang Project team seems to have found their respective positions and have their own tacit understanding.

Ye Da moved his wrist: "Then let me do it."

A strong man held up a baseball bat and threw it at Ye Da's forehead, killing him directly.

The next moment, the baseball bat shattered into a sky full of wood dregs.

Ye Da's fist was mixed with sawdust, and he punched the strong man in the face. This punch received eight parts of the force, so the strong man just fainted.

The other strong men stopped when they saw this scene.

"He is the spiritual enlightener."

Although they usually bully men and women and do bad things, ordinary people are still very calm when facing the threat of spiritual enlighteners, just like in the earliest "Saint Laurent Furniture City", the remaining four people are a little hesitant forward.

Wang Yanji saw that the group of trash he raised was useless, he gritted his teeth secretly, while thinking about how to escape, he suddenly threw an iron gall in his hand.

This iron gall is similar to the old man in the park rubbing and playing, but the speed is extremely fast and the strength is extremely strong!
Ye Da didn't know what was so weird about the iron gall, so he subconsciously used the "black hand". A layer of strong yin energy was included on the palm of his hand, turning into a thin layer of gauntlet, and then he went to pick up the iron gall.

As expected, the iron gallbladder was not weak, it was actually solid, the gauntlet collided with the iron gallbladder, and there was a crisp sound of gold and iron colliding.

This liar Wang Yanji is actually a spiritual enlightener?It looks like it might have reached B-rank.

There was no such item in the information collected by Zhou Meirong. Wang Yanji had always played the role of a think tank in the Eternal Life Association, and had never done anything. Even the cleaning up of Hu Er just now was done by the people below.

Wang Yanji missed a single hit, throwing iron galls one by one like a trick, his hands almost became afterimages, this iron gall is weird, the speed of hitting the wall does not slow down, but it keeps rebounding, and the broken stones fly all over the place.

Ye Da hugged Zhou Meirong who was in a daze behind her back. Zhou Meirong has a melee level in the conventional sense, but facing this kind of situation is obviously not her specialty.

After thinking about it, he also hooked Hu Er who was sitting on the ground, and threw it to Wang Weiwen.

Seven or eight iron gallbladders flew around in the not-so-big room, and the vases, floor tiles, door frames, and wall coverings were all broken. The most amazing thing is that the kinetic energy of the iron gallbladders has not weakened too much, and it is still full of power, and its trajectory is even more unpredictable.

Thinking about it this way, the space on the third floor was probably specially selected by Wang Yanji for the convenience of using his abilities.

Those strong men were the worst. They couldn't dodge and were hit several times within minutes, lying on the ground with broken tendons and bones, screaming.

Ye Da looked back and saw that Wang Yanji had already run towards the window.

Chasing after him with a stride, the speed is much faster than Wang Yanji.

Wang Yanji ran to the window, swallowed his saliva, and jumped down. He rolled on the lawn twice before losing his strength. As soon as he stood up, he saw Ye Da jumping from the third floor to a height of more than ten meters, and landed firmly on the ground. in front of myself.

The last two iron galls in his hand slammed into Ye Da's eyes, but Ye Da kicked him to the ground long before he could make a move.

Wang Yanji was at the end of his rope and wanted to work harder, but a laser red dot appeared on his chest, shaking slightly.

Ye Da said: "Don't move, our snipers have already targeted you. If you want to die, try to move."

Wang Yanji looked left and right, where could he find a sniper in the middle of the night, struggled for a long time, and finally let go.

Now I can only hope that these people can find no criminal evidence, and the sentence can be reduced by two years.

Little did he know that his background had been exposed a long time ago.Li Zifeng, who was riding on the wall of the courtyard, put away the laser pointer in his hand, hiding his merit and fame.

He knocked out Wang Yanji and carried him back to the third floor. Wang Weiwen and the others were cleaning up the mess. The strong men on the ground were all worthy of the name of scum, but it's better not to die now.

Leaving Wang Yanji behind, Ye Da nodded to the others, and Li Zifeng also entered the villa.

"Although there were emergencies, the plan was successfully completed."

"Indeed, except for this Wang Yanji, they are all ordinary people, with 10 yuan in the account!"

Zhou Meirong pointed at Hu Er: "This guy is a bit abnormal."

At this time, Hu Er's eyes were red, and he kept tearing his big hairy tail. He had already lost his response to the outside world, and he kept mumbling in his mouth.

"Because I'm a spirit? Just because I'm not human."

"My little sister is starving to death. If I don't come out, I will starve to death at home. Why. Why?"

"He's going to catch my family! He's going to sell us?"

A faint spiritual glow appeared on his body.

When the spirit enlightener loses his sanity and is extremely out of control, it is possible to cause the spirit child incident. This is why the official will give priority to killing the spirit enlightener criminal once he loses control of his agitation.

I just don't know if it's the same for spirits, they must also have spirit seeds in their bodies.

Zhou Meirong and others did not dare to gamble, and Wu Fei had even drawn his dagger.

If Hu Er continues to maintain this crazy state, it's better to get rid of it just to be on the safe side.

Ye Da shook his head at Wu Fei, telling him to put away his dagger.


Then he slapped Hu Er on the face.

"calm down."

This slap on Ye Da's hand added some Yin Qi, which had the effect of making one's heart palpitating and cold, and it also woke up the maddened Hu Er a bit.

Hu Er's nose was already bruised and his face was swollen, and he looked at Ye Da blankly: "Boss, why is he treating me like this?"

"Because he's not a good guy."

Seeing that Hu Er was no longer insane, Ye Da didn't bother to say anything, got up and said to the other four people: "Search here, maybe there are some paper materials that can be used to convict, and see if there is anything suspicious."

Everyone nodded, and without knowing it, Ye Da felt a little bit like the captain of the team.

Li Zifeng stayed to watch over the comatose people, and informed Team Jiang that the others scattered to search around.

Wang Weiwen and Ye Da searched a study room on the second floor together.

Wang Weiwen checked the bookshelf for hidden compartments, and suddenly said: "This is the first time I saw a demon, are you surprised?"

Ye Da opened a wooden box, thinking there would be some secret inside, but it turned out to be just a whole box of small umbrellas. Unluckily, he closed it again and said, "Fortunately, after all, Zhao Daxian has seen it all, but this Hu Er is a bit naive?"

Without turning his head, Wang Weiwen opened a fake ancient book and said, "Spirits are born naturally, and it is rare to be able to learn human language. It is naturally incompatible in human society, but it is not an exaggeration for Wang Yanji to say, 'not my race' This sentence can always find a suitable usage scenario, spirit monsters are spirit monsters after all, so be careful."

Ye Da shook his head and said, "Do you still remember that big herring in Yunzhou Lake?"

Wang Weiwen paused for a moment before turning his head to look at Ye Da.

"Good deeds don't matter what the heart is, this is what you told me, and the same is true for evil deeds. So who is Wang Yanji, he is also qualified to judge other things? Although Hu Er is a bit stupid and followed a bastard, but the bad ones are not so bad. thorough."

In fact, there was one thing Ye Da didn't tell the rest of the Suguang Project team.

When interrogating Hu Er in the underground garage, he had already learned something through Liu Xiaoqian.

Although Hu Er said he wanted money and felt that "Ye Jianguo" was a fool with a lot of money, he didn't think about cheating until the last moment when he was restrained.

It really felt that it could rely on the means of "sound transmission of consciousness" to wake up "Ye Jianguo"'s father who had a car accident and was lying in the ICU.

A little fox who only dared to eat wet garbage when he was in a hurry, Ye Da didn't feel so bad.

"Whether it's spirits or humans, I will firmly stand on the standpoint of human beings, but I will not arbitrarily think that spirits must be evil, and people must be good. The key is to look at behavior."

Wang Weiwen paused while flipping through the book, and carefully observed Ye Da's expression.


"It makes sense, as expected of you."

 Successfully evolved the three-shift beast and inserted it into your waist for a while

(End of this chapter)

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