I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 124 Revenge is also the truth in the world

Chapter 124 Revenge is also the truth in the world
Li Siyue walked up to the bridge, stood 50 meters in front of Ye Da, and said with a light smile, "It's over?"

Ye Da stared at her wide-brimmed hat, feeling extremely vigilant. Does this distance have anything to do with her ability?

Then he shook his head and said, "No, you are still missing."

Li Siyue smiled even wider: "It seems that you know everything? Surprised? Is the story from 10 years ago interesting?"

Ye Da carefully looked at Li Siyue, who had a voluptuous figure, but couldn't tell how her ability was activated, or if there were any signs.

In Su Yifei, it seems that it is only the power of words?

"Are you determined to eat me? Are you not afraid of death?"

Li Siyue said: "Double A-level spiritual enlightener, a little hero from Donghai University, how could I not know about it? I didn't expect that you are quite powerful, but it is meaningless in front of me. My ability is impeccable. When you When he appears in front of me, he can no longer threaten me."

"It's a pity that my ability has a limit on the number of times it can be used. It can be used for the same person. Otherwise, I don't need you to help me deal with this ten-year-old tail."

If it weren't for the ability to limit the number of times, she wouldn't have to be so troublesome.

Ye Da: "You mean to say that you led me here?"

Li Siyue tightened the fur on her body and said, "You think I believe you are Liu Xiaoqian's nephew? Do you think it's your own will to investigate? Do you think I haven't seen the box? The clues are all from me. for you"

"I exerted influence on you as early as in the coffee shop, so that you will continue to investigate until you find Su Yifei, and then kill him with your own hands. I have ordered this guy twice to be out of control. It has been ten years It has always been a hidden danger, and I found out that someone wanted to investigate two months ago, so let him investigate."

Ye Da frowned.
I insisted on investigating, was it influenced by Li Siyue?Killing Su Yifei himself? !
Even if Ye Da was on guard, he couldn't help but be shocked.

He didn't realize it at all.

What is the ability to display it through!

language?Eye?Or do you mean ideas?
This woman is so terrifying!
The reason why Li Siyue didn't register as a spiritual enlightener was because after she figured out her spiritual enlightenment ability, she immediately understood that this ability was most useful only when no one knew about it.

Once exposed, anyone will be wary of her.

Even official.

With this ability, she controlled her parents, sold everything for her, pleaded her relationship in a low voice, and sent her to Donghai University.

With this ability, she controlled the school teacher to revise her grades.

Controlled Su Yifei to kill for her.

Controlled the noble lady who was once unattainable, to lick her toes.

She had controlled her current husband and let her squander the huge wealth.

Dominated any man, woman she was interested in.

The reason why she didn't directly control Liu Xiaoqian ten years ago was because she wanted to punish Su Yifei in this way.

To her, the world is more like a game, and she has a modifier.

Everyone has two chances, but in fact, Li Siyue can let anyone take her away with just one chance.

Li Siyue said: "I just like to see you little pitiful faces with disbelief. When Liu Xiaoqian died, I saw it clearly with a telescope from the balcony."

Ye Da squeezed his fist.

Li Siyue said: "There is one more chance for you. Although you are very handsome, I really want to taste what a cutie like you is like, but it's better to be clean."

Ye Da rushed out, using his fastest speed, trying to punch Li Siyue to death.

However, as Li Siyue opened his mouth, he stopped uncontrollably.

He hadn't even heard Li Siyue's voice yet.

Li Siyue threw a fruit knife at Ye Da's feet: "The second and final order is to kill yourself. I know you are an A-level super-speed regeneration, but you should know how to kill yourself."

Ye Da had already closed his eyes just now, and he guessed that Li Siyue most likely activated his ability through his eyes.

But he guessed wrong.

Li Siyue's abilities really had no limits.

Mingming closed his eyes, Mingming was very windy and couldn't hear what the other party said, Ye Da still lowered his head and picked up the fruit knife.

Ye Da stared at Li Siyue, his eyes seemed unwilling, but he still tilted his head, revealing his slender neck.

Then he stabbed without hesitation.

This is obviously not enough to kill Ye Da.

Li Siyue's order was to commit suicide.

Ye Da didn't let go, little by little, pushing the not-so-sharp fruit knife with great force, and continued cutting with difficulty.

He wants to cut off his head alive!
Li Siyue nodded in satisfaction, the A-level regenerates at a super speed, and if the head is cut off, it should also die. It seems that the order has taken effect.

Although she was somewhat surprised that no blood flowed from the terrifying wound, it was attributed to the special constitution of super-speed regeneration.

Little by little, Ye Da drew circles on his neck with difficulty, and soon the progress was halfway through, a large amount of black ash floated out from the wound, as if trying to repair it, but the speed could not keep up with Ye Da's own huge cutting power speed.

Li Siyue has the chance to win, and her ability has never gone wrong. If it is to assess the level, she thinks that she can at least reach S level.

A terrifying S-rank enlightener hidden in the marketplace.

Li Siyue simply took out her lipstick and prepared to touch up her makeup. She still has a party to attend in a while.

Just when the wound on his neck was about to circle around, only three fingers wide, Ye Da could completely cut off his head.

Ye Da suddenly grinned, revealing a mouthful of ferocious white teeth.

"You guy, you can't see her, right?"

Ye Da pointed to the air.

Li Siyue frowned and looked, there was nothing there, but she was already feeling uneasy.

"Follow my orders! Immediately!"

Ye Da continued to push the fruit knife that almost cut off his head, and said with a grin, "No problem, I'm implementing it, but I have a friend who has been waiting for a long time!"

"I've been waiting for ten years! She's yours!"

Suddenly, there was a strong wind on the bridge.From Ye Da's perspective, a ghostly shadow rushed towards Li Siyue, and its sharp ghost claws pierced Li Siyue's abdomen.

"What! Ugh~!!"

Blood gushed out of Li Siyue's air as if he didn't want money, and the ghost claw completely strangled Li Siyue's internal organs with just one blow.

She was attacked by something she couldn't see!

It was the first time she had awakened her spiritual enlightenment ability, and Li Siyue felt great fear.

Fear of death!

"Don't come! Don't come! I order you to leave!"

But no one paid her any attention.

Her ability works through vision, and only the people she sees can be controlled.

Of course, whether the existence that is tearing her apart at this time will be affected is still a question.

The ghost claws tore at each other, Li Siyue's intestines flowed out, and several wounds on his face were ripped apart.

From the time when the winning ticket is in the hands, it seems that there is no cure at this time, and it is only a few breaths.

Li Siyue, who possesses terrifying abilities, is not much physically stronger than ordinary women.

Li Siyue was trembling with blood dripping from her mouth. There were clearly only two people on the bridge. She looked at Ye Da as if she saw a life-saving straw: "Help me! I order you to save me!"

While continuing to scratch his neck, Ye Da said with a nasty smile: "I'm sorry, this is your third order, but one thing and two things can't be three. You said it yourself."

The invisible figure tore Li Siyue's delicate skin apart one by one.

Blood and internal organs flew everywhere.

"Save me. Please save me."

She still has a lot of money.

She is Li Siyue, who is going smoothly.

It was Li Siyue with countless faces.

It's Li Siyue who can do whatever she wants.

Obviously, he can rely on his ability to live his life unscrupulously.

She doesn't want to die yet!
Li Siyue's lower body became warm, and she lost her voice in the chaos.

The dark wind on the bridge has just increased, as if celebrating someone's revenge.

With Li Siyue's death, Ye Da felt his consciousness cleared up and stopped his movements. Li Siyue's order seemed to be invalid.

Pulling out the fruit knife, the horrible wound on his neck gradually healed. Just a moment ago, he was really close, and his head really snapped off.

But it depends on the situation. It seems that being hit on the head does not necessarily mean death. Why do I have such a deep-rooted understanding of this matter?

So much so that Ye Da greeted his neck the first time after Li Siyue gave the order. He really thought that he could kill himself in this way.

Straightening his own neck, Ye Da looked at Liu Xiaoqian, whose ghost claws were covered in blood, and who was frozen in place after taking revenge with his own hands.
Li Siyue's death was horrible, she had long lost her former elegance and the calmness in which everything was under control, and now she was like an empty shell that had been gutted out, her abdominal cavity was almost hollowed out by Liu Xiaoqian, and she was completely incontinent.

This was done by Liu Xiaoqian. In the past, she was far from capable of interfering with reality to this extent. She could only use illusions to deceive, or lift things that were not too heavy.

Tonight, after experiencing so much, Liu Xiaoqian transformed from a special spirit body into another kind of existence.

Maybe call it a "ghost".

Ghost claws can dig out people's internal organs, and screams can turn off lights.

Others are not yet clear.

But Liu Xiaoqian herself will definitely not be happy because of tonight's evolution.

Liu Xiaoqian looked at her blood-stained hands and said to Ye Da: "Grandpa, have I taken revenge?"

The voice has returned to calm.

A feeling of dissipating obsession swept over.

Ye Da nodded: "Well, personally."

Using Jiuyin to try to restrain Li Siyue's soul, it really succeeded. Although it was not killed by himself, it was a bit broken, but there was still a remnant soul that was sucked into the "Jueyin" among the three stone needles.

One person and one ghost, standing on the bridge.

In front of him was a horrible pool of flesh and blood.

They feel very peaceful.

It's not that cold tonight.

You see, the flesh and blood of the enemy is steaming, isn't it?
After a while, Ye Da knew that it was almost time.

Maybe it's time to say goodbye.

Suddenly feel a little bit sad.

From being disgusted at the beginning, to giving myself all kinds of help and even fighting side by side, and then feeling like a family member.

This little spirit body brought him a lot of joy.

However, it's time, it's normal in the world, parting is always better than meeting, isn't it?

He only hoped that Liu Xiaoqian could know that what happened before his death was very important.

But the memories after death are not worthless.
From now on, I’m afraid there won’t be that figure riding Xiaoqing Shale in our house.
Ye Da looked at Liu Xiaoqian tenderly, and said, "Do you want to dissipate?"

Liu Xiaoqian shook her head: "No, I want to eat black ice"

Ye Da:.
Tonight, the progress of joining the WTO and living law finally loosened up again.

(End of this chapter)

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