I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 123 The truth of the past

Chapter 123 The truth of the past

"My benefactor, what should I do?"

Ye Da didn't give her an answer, but chose to take action.

He pushed aside Liu Xiaoqian and grabbed Su Yifei's sharp claws.

It's cold and sharp.

Then put on his own hand.

The tattoo of "Nine Yin" was unprecedentedly clear, and Ye Da pulled Su Yifei in front of him with one hand.

This man is not afraid of death, he longs to die and does not want to live any longer.

For him, death was a relief.

But even so, he didn't dare, or could not tell the secret behind it.

But if Ye Da killed the person himself, he should be able to arrest the soul if necessary.

That way, you can get all of Su Yifei's memories, not just the scene of Liu Xiaoqian being killed.

This is what Jiuyin told him just now when he was pushing hard, but he didn't try it.

A monster like Shen Shanrong who absorbed too much "yin energy", "evil energy" and "corpse energy" to self-explode seems not to be counted, or he died because the incense burner re-identified the master, not by Ye Da.

Ye Da said to Su Yifei: "Would you rather die than tell? Or are you begging to die?"

"I can't say. I can't say"

"Kill you, and I can get the truth."

Hearing Ye Da's words, Su Yifei woke up a little instead. He looked at Ye Da and showed a cheerful smile: "Then kill me, let me die, let the truth be revealed to the world, so that I can sleep well I don't blame you, I only blame myself"

"It's better for me to die than to live like this. It's really uncomfortable for me to live like this. Thank you... for letting me be freed."

Ye Da didn't hesitate anymore and crushed Su Yifei's neck.

The Jiuyin on the right hand trembled, and a turbid spirit was absorbed into the arm.

This is the first person who has died at the hands of Ye Da since he got Jiuyin.

It seems that this is the first time that a human soul has been captured, and a message has also come from "Nine Yin".

That was the name of the three stone needles in his hand.

"Taiyin", "Shaoyin" and "Jueyin"

There are nine Yin roots in total, and these are the three most important ones.

The one that restrains the soul is "Jueyin"

But Ye Da didn't have time to read this information for the time being, because Su Yifei's memories flooded into his mind.

Su Yifei, a young man who originally had a bright future.

But the first half of his life was meaningless to Ye Da.

Ye Da skipped over his memories before college.

In the first two years of entering Tunghai University, Su Yifei went to class in an ordinary way, played around, and occasionally had drinks and dinners with his friends. With his handsome face and tall stature, he was very popular with both boys and girls.

When I was in my junior year, I met a girl named Li Siyue, who was majoring in ancient literature, at a party.

Li Siyue has a high vision, but Su Yifei is not a licking dog.

The two are acquaintances, but they have no personal relationship. It's just that this pair of talented and beautiful women is often teased by friends around them, and over time they develop a somewhat ambiguous relationship.

Li Siyue didn't seem to object to this, and Su Yifei also felt very honored.

Until one time, Su Yifei saw a girl in the library, obedient and small, with a quiet demeanor, always reading quietly, dressed plainly but neatly.

Su Yifei knew that his heart was moved.

He tried every means to find out the girl's information, and finally found out that it was Li Siyue's roommate.

Several times I mustered up the courage to strike up a conversation, but I couldn't sell that step.

So Su Yifei, instigated by his buddies, made the most stupid decision.

Rely on Li Siyue and get close to Liu Xiaoqian.

This is not uncommon in a youthful and restless university, isn't it?

He began to deliberately increase contact with Li Siyue, eating, shopping, and watching movies.

More and more people on campus confirmed the rumors of the two being a couple, but Su Yifei never made it clear that the relationship was his bottom line.

He felt that he was paying the bill, and Li Siyue also enjoyed walking beside him, and the envious eyes of the people around him.

After finally having this false identity, he was ready to approach Liu Xiaoqian and got Liu Xiaoqian's phone number from Li Siyue.Pretend to ask Liu Xiaoqian what birthday gift she should buy for Li Siyue, and wait for an opportunity to ask her out.

In fact, he wanted to choose a gift for Liu Xiaoqian, because he had inquired that Liu Xiaoqian's birthday and Li Siyue's birthday were very close, only a few days apart.

But until one day, he quarreled with Li Siyue because of a trivial matter, and he accidentally let it go.

"You're not my girlfriend, and you don't treat me as a boyfriend, you just get what you want, and you don't mind my affairs."

Li Siyue was not as angry, collapsed, or hysterical as he imagined.

Instead, he said with a dangerous smile: "So, you want to get close to Liu Xiaoqian? Then I don't have to feel guilty."

"Recently, I feel that there are a lot of sluts in the dormitory. Go and help me kill Liu Xiaoqian and Yang Hui. Keep your hands clean and don't involve me. Just don't confess me if you are caught."


Su Yifei said.

After Li Siyue finished saying that sentence, Su Yifei felt that he could not control his body, nor could he control his mind.

After living in hiding for many years, he realized that Li Siyue was a hidden spiritual enlightener.

He was terrified and in pain, but he still firmly carried out Li Siyue's orders, and even took the initiative to think about how to commit crimes in order to be safe and choose a crime venue.

Because Li Siyue ordered him to keep his hands clean.

He killed Liu Xiaoqian in the grove, destroying the body and destroying all traces.

Using his mechanical knowledge, he tampered with the car and caused Yang Hui to die in a car accident.

Even if he was in pain and terrified all day long afterwards, when he executed Li Siyue's order, he would be like a demon again, determined to become a murderer.

Perhaps it was luck, the two murders were concluded as missing and the other as car accident.

Su Yifei thought her nightmare was over, but it was just beginning.

Li Siyue found him again.

"It doesn't matter if Yang Hui is just an orphan. I'm afraid Liu Xiaoqian's mother won't be reconciled. You should find a way to kill her too."

This was the second order Li Siyue gave him.

So Su Yifei sneaked into Liu Xiaoqian's widowed mother's house late at night, killed her with a dagger, and pretended to be a robbery and murder.

In just half a year, he lost everything, dropped out of school, and lost three lives in his hands.

Not daring to contact his parents, and spending his days in a hotel at 20 yuan a night, Li Siyue found him for the third time.

"You commit suicide, death is the cleanest."

This time it failed.

Li Siyue's ability has certain limitations, and she cannot act on the same person a third time.

It was also the first time Li Siyue discovered this restriction.

But the orders that have already taken effect will always be in effect.

Su Yifei couldn't turn himself in, and couldn't talk to anyone.

Ten years have passed, and the sunny and handsome Su Yifei has completely disappeared from everyone's eyes, leaving only Su Wei who is not as good as a dog.

Ye Da withdrew from his memory and was still on the bridge.

Su Yifei in his hand, with a relieved expression, lost his warmth.

He was really tired and happy to die.

Ye Da looked at Liu Xiaoqian, who was in a more stable condition. The past was no longer a secret to him.

Li Siyue, Ye Da had already been suspicious of this person, but he couldn't figure out how she did it.

That unbelievable ability is simply terrifying.

The phone vibrated lightly, and Ye Da took it out to see that it was Yang Tian's message.

"You let me check that there is something wrong with Li Siyue. He seems to be a hidden spiritual enlightener, and the spiritual enlightenment level is probably extremely high!"

Ye Da didn't look down.

Because this message came too late.

On the other side of the bridge, a charming figure dressed in fur and a wide-brimmed hat came slowly.

Did you finish it yourself?

(End of this chapter)

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