I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 122 What should I do (recommended BGM: Confession by Shi Jin)

Chapter 122 What should I do (recommended BGM: Confession by Shi Jin)

Whenever encountering things related to death and spirits, "Nine Yin" can always automatically show magical effects, and Ye Da doesn't know if this is the instinct of "Nine Yin" or his own.

He once touched Fan Zhiqiang so that he could see the spirit body of his dead mother.

I also saw the memories of Xiaoqing's previous life through "Nine Yin".

When his right hand pinched Su Yifei's neck, Su Yifei was in a daze for a while, and saw Liu Xiaoqian in mid-air.

"Xiaoqian. Xiaoqian. I hurt you."

A memory image flooded into the minds of Ye Da and Liu Xiaoqian at the same time.

10 年前
Lakeside of Tunghai University.

Still in shape, the tall and handsome Su Yifei with red eyes hid in the woods where few people passed by, holding a knife in his hand.

He was waiting for Liu Xiaoqian to return to the dormitory from the library.

Waiting until the library closed at 10:[-], Su Yifei was so cold that he finally reached his goal.

Wearing a white down jacket and ear protectors, Liu Xiaoqian rubbed her hands and walked into the darkness.

Holding his breath, he approached from the side expressionlessly, rushed to Liu Xiaoqian's back, covered her mouth, and stabbed her in the back without hesitation.

Liu Xiaoqian was attacked suddenly, and she was stunned. She wanted to call for help, but the strength in her body was quickly pulled away.

Relying on his tall body, Su Yifei firmly restrained Liu Xiaoqian, and the murder weapon in his hand pierced Liu Xiaoqian's back one by one.

A total of 12 knives, some are stuck by bones, and some have a little bit of internal organs.

After 12 stabs, Liu Xiaoqian trembled and collapsed, and her white down jacket was dyed bright red.

Su Yifei lost his strength, put away the blood-stained knife, and carried Liu Xiaoqian's body towards the lakeside.

Putting the corpse into a large woven bag that had been prepared earlier, and then filled it with mud and stones, Su Yifei dragged the woven bag, one foot deep and one foot shallow, and walked along the neglected muddy ground by the lake, putting the woven bag It was thrown as deep as possible, and the murder weapon was thrown far into the lake.

Returning to the place where he started, he squeezed the blood-stained snow into a ball and threw it into the water. Su Yifei left here with red eyes.

He was silent the whole time.

After the memory picture ended, Ye Da suddenly turned his head to look. Liu Xiaoqian's eyes were already dull and her whole body was trembling.

Her spirit body is not blurry, this is not out of control
But sadness, deep sadness
Liu Xiaoqian said in disbelief: "Why. Why do you want to kill me?"

Su Yifei no longer thought about why he could see Liu Xiaoqian's phantom, only felt that years of pain finally had a chance to be relieved today.

He looked at Liu Xiaoqian dreamingly and murmured: "Xiaoqian, are you here to seek revenge? I should kill you, you should kill me, you should kill me."

Liu Xiaoqian covered her face and wept bitterly. It was obviously not easy to bear the sight of her being killed. At this moment, she remembered.

She finally regained her memory.

Her name is Liu Xiaoqian.

Donghai people.

My father died of illness before I could remember.

Since he was a child, he and his mother depended on each other for life. They lived in poverty, but they were also happy.

When she was a child, there were no entertainment activities at home, and she didn't have many friends. She liked to read the books left by her father, most of which were collections of poems, and gradually fell in love with ancient literature.

In high school, she participated in the "Kyushu Poetry Competition" and won the championship. That was the brightest moment in her life. The mother cried for a long time with excitement, saying that her daughter had become a talent.

After that, with her own efforts, she was admitted to Tunghai University majoring in ancient literature, and she and her mother were excited for the whole summer vacation. Although the college entrance examination score was higher than the professional score, Liu Xiaoqian still chose her favorite ancient literature major with the support of her mother. .

She was solitary at school, focusing only on her studies and her hobby of ancient literature.

But sometimes I also enjoy myself, who will be my husband in the future, whether I will be an excellent scholar in the future, will my children be cute in the future, and whether my mother likes grandchildren or granddaughters.

Until that night, together with the soil and stones, it was sunk into the bottom of the lake full of sludge, where it rotted and sunk for ten years.

Unwillingness to die, nostalgia for this world, and worry for her mother made her a spirit body, but she was in a daze, unable to leave her body, and could only struggle with the body in the mud for ten years.

"My benefactor, I remember. I remember."

It's obviously a spirit body, but it's crying so sadly.

Big teardrops dripped from the eye sockets, Ye Da reached out to catch them, but the tears turned into nothingness in mid-air.

It turns out that spiritual bodies also have tears, but they are not sad yet.

Too many doubts, too much confusion, too much resentment, too much sadness.

Why me? What did I do wrong?
Memories eroded Liu Xiaoqian like a torrent, and her spiritual body fluttered like a candle in the wind. Ye Da even worried that it would disappear like this.

Su Yifei sat slumped on the ground, and Liu Xiaoqian trembled in the air.

Unknowingly, Donghai began to drizzle.

After a long time, Ye Da asked softly: "Xiaoqian...are you okay?" Liu Xiaoqian paused suddenly, and her body finally stopped shaking.

What did she think of.

With so much pain and so much unwillingness, the first thing she thought of in the end was no longer to take revenge on the person who killed her.


"I'm going to see my mother, I'm going to see my mother!"

After my death, my mother must be very sad, she must be very sad, she is the only one left in this world.

I'm going to meet my mother, manifest as a spirit, and tell her that my daughter is still alive and with her.

She doesn't want to take revenge anymore, she is worried that she will lose control after taking revenge, so she won't be able to stay with her mother.

Mom, my daughter is late.

However, when Liu Xiaoqian was emotionally agitated and was about to fly to the address she hadn't been back to for ten years, she heard Su Yifei muttering:
"Ah, I also killed Auntie. I also killed Huihui. I killed many people, Xiaoqian... I'm sorry for you."

For an instant.

There was a strong wind on the bridge.

Liu Xiaoqian's spirit body turned around stiffly, and looked at Su Yifei in disbelief.

"Engong. What did he say? I must have misheard, right? Engong, please tell me, I must have misheard!"

The spirit trembled violently.

not good!

Ye Da immediately wanted to take Liu Xiaoqian back to the "Nine Yins", but the previous instructions, which were like arms and fingers, were ineffective!

Liu Xiaoqian's fingernails became sharp and slender, her pupils turned into a frightening off-white color, and the transformed clothes on her body became tattered and tattered. She stared at Su Yifei firmly.

"What did you say! What did you say! What did you say!"

A pair of sharp claws pinched Su Yifei's neck, like that.

Like a ghost!

Su Yifei was lifted up by an invisible force and suspended in mid-air. He looked at Liu Xiaoqian's ferocious face and said in a daze: "Xiaoqian, kill me to avenge yourself, your aunt, and Huihui." Bar"

Ye Da pushed Jiuyin desperately, but Liu Xiaoqian, who was obviously abnormal, couldn't control it at all. The big herring also got out, and swam towards Liu Xiaoqian to comfort her, but Liu Xiaoqian swung her claws back, and a spirit appeared on her body. Three horrible scars.

The big herring suffered from pain, but still refused to stay away, and whispered anxiously around Liu Xiaoqian.

Ye Da could touch the spirit body, so he put his hand on Liu Xiaoqian's shoulder.

Liu Xiaoqian screamed: "Grandfather! Do you want to stop me too!"

Ye Da shook his head and said calmly, "Let me do it."

"No! I must kill him myself!"

"Even if you lose control because of it? Even if you go crazy because of it?"

"I do not care!"

Liu Xiaoqian's voice echoed at some point.

"Then even if the truth is lost? Even if the real mastermind escapes. Think about it, Xiaoqian, you can take revenge, but you can't get out of control!"

Su Yifei still said dullly: "I can't say. I can't say."

Liu Xiaoqian paused for a moment.

In the end, he screamed up to the sky.


The few street lamps on the bridge shattered under the scream.

That is the power of ghosts.

A power that is incomparable with the spirit body.

This howling sound lasted for a long time.

Two lines of tears flowed from the ferocious face, and said in a weeping voice:

"My benefactor, what should I do?"

 This section ends tomorrow.

  The kind that won't hold back.

(End of this chapter)

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