I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 121 Goodbye Su Yifei

Chapter 121 Goodbye Su Yifei

After two hours of passionate exchanges.

Liu Xiaoqian is much better, but her forehead hurts.

Ye Da nodded in satisfaction.

In that kind of TV series: I know that I will let you suddenly know that there will be big troubles, but for the sake of conflict, I just don’t prepare the groundwork. If I want to make a surprise attack, Ye Da will not do it.

The two-hour desensitization training was quite effective. Ye Da directly told Liu Xiaoqian that Su Yifei's death was probably related to her death, and repeatedly used Yin Qi and black ice to help her calm down. When Liu Xiaoqian really faced Su Yifei, Should be much more stable.

In the afternoon, Ye Da asked Liu Xiaoqian to go back to "Nine Yin" to rest first, and then continued to contact "Yin Qi Gauntlet".

Yang Tian's news has not arrived, it seems that Li Siyue is more difficult to find than Su Yifei.

At night, Ye Da's Yin Qi gloves could cover the middle of his arms, and he didn't know the time in the state of "Yin Qi Concentration". Ye Da didn't pay attention until the phone alarm clock rang, and then changed into a set of clothes that he didn't often wear.

He didn't choose to call a car, but jumped from his balcony to the roof, and jumped between the roofs in the dark.

There won't be any cameras here, and no one will be able to detect his trajectory unless there are satellites to photograph him.

Someone might die tonight, so be careful.

When there was really no building for him to jump on, he fell into an uninhabited path, in short, it was very hidden, and walked towards the factory yesterday.

It took more than an hour for Ye Da to arrive there, hiding in the low building opposite, overlooking Su Wei, or Su Yifei in the security booth.

Still wearing the ill-fitting security uniform, still the sparse top of the head, still swiping the phone.

In the middle of the night, there wasn't even a dog around.

Su Wei watched the video and yawned. This is the most drowsy time of the day, but there is surveillance in the security booth. If he falls asleep, he will be charged the next day. He can only open the window and let some cold air in to wake him up.

While considering whether to eat the box lunch now or endure it, there was a knock on the glass window.

Turning around, Brother Xin was looking at him with a stiff face.

Although he was very afraid of Brother Xin and was often beaten, he also felt that Brother Xin was in a particularly bad mood today, and his eyes seemed to be eating people.

"Brother Xin, I really have no money. It's only been a day."

Brother Xin stared at him for a while, then said, "Come with me."

Su Wei shook his head, how dare he go with Brother Xin, besides, he won't get any money tomorrow after leaving the post.

Brother Xin took out five [-]-yuan bills and said, "The security guard earns a few dollars a day. Aren't you going to work for me? It just happens to be useful to get you, so this money will be used as a deposit."

In the end, Su Wei still couldn't resist the temptation of 500 yuan, which was enough for him to play in the Internet cafe for a week, so he tightened his clothes and left the security booth.

He didn't take off his security uniform, but he still thought that if he could come back quickly, he would say that he had a stomachache, at least he could have an excuse, and maybe he could still do the job.

Su Wei followed Brother Xin, unable to see Brother Xin's expression, the two walked further and further away, Su Wei gradually became a little worried.

"Brother Xin, what kind of work is it? I don't know how to do much. If I work hard, I'm fine. I don't dare to fight."

Brother Xin didn't even look back and said, "You'll know when you get there."

In the end, just when Su Wei became suspicious and was about to run away, Brother Xin stopped in his tracks.

The two of them were on a large bridge at this time. Under the bridge was an unknown tributary in Donghai City. The lights on the bridge were dim, and no car passed by for a long time.

Brother Xin turned his back to Su Wei, and suddenly said, "Su Yifei is your real name, isn't it?"

Upon hearing these three words, Su Wei's pupils dilated instantly.It felt like a heavy hammer had been struck on the chest.

With trembling lips, he said, "Brother Xin...what are you talking about?"

But Brother Xin in front of him was blurred for a while, and turned into a tall young man in black and wearing a mask.

"Su Yifei, a high-achieving student majoring in mechanical engineering at Tunghai University, student number 013748, even received a scholarship, but suddenly dropped out in his junior year, I'm right."

Su Wei, or Su Yifei felt a little lack of oxygen, and his inner organs seemed to become a black hole, sucking all his strength.

"You are. Who are you?"

Ye Da didn't answer his question, and continued: "Ten years ago, in late January, a female student from Donghai University was buried at the bottom of the lake by you, and was only fished out two months ago. It is still a mystery without a head. Su Yifei, isn't it?"

Su Yifei staggered and grabbed the railing of the bridge, but the icy cold metal feeling didn't make him feel any better. His legs gave way and he collapsed on the bridge.

"Are you here to seek revenge?"

Ye Da said calmly, "I thought you would run away."

Su Yifei shook his head and said sadly: "I have been running away for 10 years because I can't escape. It's meaningless."

A car whized by, the driver looked at Su Yifei who was kneeling and Ye Da who was opposite him in surprise, and then didn't care much.

It's really cold tonight.

"I was able to find you, so I came prepared. Su Yifei, tell me, why did you kill Liu Xiaoqian?"

There seemed to be disordered fluctuations all over Ye Da, which was the resentment emanating from Liu Xiaoqian. Even after undergoing desensitization training, she still had difficulty calming down when faced with her murderer, and she was trying her best to control it.

From Ye Da's perspective, Liu Xiaoqian's hair was fluttering without wind, and a cold breath mixed with the cold wind made the surroundings even more piercing.

Su Yifei lowered his head and his voice became hoarse and muddy: "I, I can't say."

can not say?
"Do you still want to resist stubbornly, or do you think you can still escape the crime? Liu Xiaoqian's body has been fished out, and what the police lack is only a clue. You have no chance."

Su Yifei raised his head abruptly, his eyes were like a ghost, and he slobbered and shouted:
"I didn't run away from my sin, I deserved it! I did it! But I but I can't say!!!"

Ye Da frowned.

Su Yifei burst into tears and collapsed: "I am a murderer! I am a scumbag! I am an evil ghost! What I want to say! I want to surrender! But I can't."

This status. What seems to be the limitation? !

Does Kyushu have such power?contract?

Su Yifei knocked his head on the bridge over and over again, his forehead was bloody, as if he wanted to fight against something in this way!
"I can only live like a dog! I can only live like a dog! I can't say it! I can't say it!"

Ye Da's right hand "blackened" in an instant, and his palm with sinister energy pinched Su Yifei's neck, and this guy was about to knock himself to death on the bridge.

The palpitating and frightening force permeated Su Yifei and completely disintegrated Su Yifei's will. He no longer struggled or kowtowed, and his mind was frightened by Yin Qi.

Su Yifei felt that his soul was being attacked, and looked at the night sky in a daze, and a floating figure unexpectedly appeared in his perspective.

Su Yifei was in a trance for a while.

"Xiaoqian. It was me who harmed you. It was me who harmed you."

(End of this chapter)

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