Chapter 120 Nostalgia
Ye Da communicated with Chen Ruyan for a while, then got up and prepared to leave.

Tonight's abandoned hospital didn't seem to be a party. Although there were many spirit bodies, they didn't have the same situation as before. Ye Da observed when he came out, and it turned out that most of the spirit bodies behaved rather rigidly.

It’s not that kind of stupid sluggishness, but only cares about the things or things in your hands. For example, the person who dials the abacus has no ledger or records in front of him, only an old abacus keeps fiddled, and he doesn’t know what is being counted. What.

Lao Zhou is not here tonight, and maybe he is still wandering around various cemeteries in the East China Sea. Judging from the smooth communication before, I don't know if he is the same as Chen Ruyan, a spirit body that has lost his obsession but still chooses to stay.

When he walked to the door of the hospital, Ye Da realized that he didn't need to go out to leave here. He just drew a horizontal stroke with the brush on his palm. He turned to Chen Ruyan who was seeing him off and said, "I'm sorry about the 'Meili brand cigarettes' thing before. .”

It was more or less a rejection of Chen Ruyan's embrace.

Chen Ruyan smiled like a flower, and said: "Mr. Ye, don't worry about it. Ruyan and Menglang are gone. If you need Ye Lang in the future, you can come here to find me at any time. If you need 'beautiful brand cigarettes', you can also bluntly say that Ruyan will always be yours." pick."

This remark was a bit ambiguous, and Ye Da didn't dare to answer it.

The title of undead knight or something should be left to Liu Xiaoqian, she rides Xiaoqing very smoothly.

After nodding his head, Ye Da drew a line across the palm of his hand with a pocket brush, his consciousness blurred for a while, and he returned to the present world.

After Ye Da left, Chen Ruyan excitedly clenched her small fist and waved: "Mr. Ye Xiaolang actually asked about 'Beautiful Cigarettes'! I knew it! I smoked myself, and I couldn't catch it!"

Lao Zhou's figure slowly condensed. He just came back from the cemetery, looked at the happy Chen Ruyan, and asked doubtfully, "Are you happy today?"

Chen Ruyan: "Today is very lucky!"

Ye Da opened his eyes again, and it was already a familiar ceiling.

Liu Xiaoqian's situation is not quite right, Ye Da was going to let her stay in the "Nine Yins" for a while, but didn't release her right away, after thinking about it, she took out her mobile phone, sent a message to Yang Tian, ​​and entrusted him to help collect it Information about Li Siyue.

Li Siyue was so suspicious, if she couldn't be found again, she would be a bit like a passerby in a detective novel.

As for Yang Tian, ​​money?Talking about how much money hurts feelings, let's deduct it from the favor account, anyway, Ye Da is not expecting compensation from Yang Tian, ​​it is more important to use this person.

Yang Tian, ​​the middleman, is indeed very useful if used correctly. I don't know if this has something to do with the fact that the authorities didn't touch him.

The mobile phone was charged and got into the -18.5° freezer, Ye Da fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, Ye Da asked Wang Weiwen to take another day off for him, and then began to practice "Yin Qi Gloves". This is a water grinding skill. Ye Da's long-term goal is to be able to cover the whole body. By then, he may be as powerful as Ba Qi. Domineering.

Although he has a super regenerative ability, if there are too many damages in the battle and the three qi in his body leak, it will be troublesome. If the "Yin Qi Hand Armor" can be transformed into a "Yin Qi Full Body Armor", many troubles can be avoided.

Our "Xuan Shui Method" is so magical.

In addition, although the purple smoke cannot be found from sources other than his own, since a few days ago, Ye Da will use the incense burner to absorb part of the "yin qi", "bad air" and "corpse qi" from his body every day, turning it into purple smoke Store inside the incense burner.

If there is another extreme situation like in the library where the loss of three qi is too much to be too weak to stand up again, it is equivalent to having an external battery pack, which can be supplemented to a certain extent. Anyway, the amount of three qi in the body is extremely large, and after extraction it will It will automatically recover over time, just like the vitality of a living person, with its own hematopoietic function, as long as the amount is controlled.

This will allow you to sleep soundly at night.

Time passed quickly under "Yin Qi Concentration". At noon, Liu Xiaoqian sent an application to come out from the "Nine Yin" on the right hand. Ye Da stopped practicing and released it.

Liu Xiaoqian's condition is much better than yesterday's appearance that was a sign of a loss of control, but she still feels very tired, her hair is a little messy, and her breath is a little unstable.

Ye Da condensed a few pieces of black ice and threw it to Liu Xiaoqian, Xiaoqing also got out, and bumped Liu Xiaoqian with her big head in doubt and concern, as if asking.

Liu Xiaoqian said with a bitter face: "My dear friend, I caused you trouble last night...I don't know what happened to me."

Ye Da shook his head and said, "Xiao Liu, we are getting closer to the truth, but you seem not ready yet."

Liu Xiaoqian was silent for a long time, then she hugged the big herring and said, "I know my benefactor. Although my mind is still in chaos, I can feel that my death has a lot to do with that Su Yifei. When I see him, I feel My heart is filled with hatred and I want to kill him.”

Ye Da nodded.

Ye Da had no objection to Liu Xiaoqian's desire to kill someone.If Su Yifei was really the murderer who caused Liu Xiaoqian's death and remained at the bottom of the lake for ten years, Liu Xiaoqian's murder would be justified.

He is not a legal guy, nor is he a Bateman. Compared with making a report and finding evidence, and then letting the court pronounce Su Yifei's guilt, he thinks blood for blood, tooth for tooth is more reasonable.

The only thing I was worried about was Liu Xiaoqian's state. After revenge, would it return to normal?

He asked this question last night, but Chen Ruyan couldn't give an answer, because each spirit body has different obsessions and different xinxing, so it is impossible to conclude.

At this point, what Ye Da was thinking about was not how to eliminate Liu Xiaoqian's obsession, but to help Liu Xiaoqian.

Liu Xiaoqian helped him a lot.

And very well-behaved, very seductive.

"Xiao Liu, we don't engage in those mysteries. I can tell you directly now that there is a [-]% chance that Su Yifei is the murderer who threw your body at the bottom of the lake ten years ago."

Liu Xiaoqian's eyes started to turn red again, and when she thought of this conclusion, she felt uncontrollably out of control, it was filled with deep-seated hatred.

"Now that the person has been found, there must be a result, but your own condition must be guaranteed. If you completely lose control after revenge, I can only lock you in the 'Nine Yins' forever, or let you disappear completely. "

Xiaoqing flicked her silk-like fish tail nervously, she didn't know how much she understood, and she looked very anxious.

Liu Xiaoqian gradually calmed down, the battle between heaven and man was in her mind, and she was obviously very afraid of being imprisoned in the "Nine Yins" forever, and she was even more afraid of completely dissipating.

Although he is a spirit body, he has benefactor, Xiaoqing, and Heibing. He is carefree every day. He goes upstairs to see what other restaurants are cooking, and goes downstairs to see the little boy scratching his head for his homework.

These are all things she does not want to part with.

There are still things in this world that can make her, even as a spirit body, feel nostalgic.

Ye Da said suddenly: "Let's simulate it and see this."

Ye Da found out the photos of Su Yifei when he was young, and shook them in front of Liu Xiaoqian's eyes.

Liu Xiaoqian's hair was flying in an instant, and she was about to turn into a ghost.


A piece of black ice hit Liu Xiaoqian on the forehead, making her stagger.

" hurts..."

Ye Da exerted a lot of strength this time, and Liu Xiaoqian regained consciousness a little.

"Practice it and watch it again!"

Ye Da showed the photos again.

Liu Xiaoqian again.

"Oh woo."

Holding a handful of black ice in his hand, Ye Da said indifferently, "Come again."

This is called desensitization!

"Crack", "crack", "crack"!
"Benefactor, please be gentle"

(End of this chapter)

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