I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 119 Returning to the Hospital

Chapter 119 Returning to the Hospital
Ye Da hid under the street lamp, watching the security booth from a distance.

From Brother Xin, who is "very talkative", Ye Da learned that this person's name is not Su Yifei, at least he doesn't use that name now.

He now uses a pseudonym called Su Wei

There is no regular job, no family, no friends, and I rely on odd jobs to earn some money for my life. Sometimes I work on construction sites, and sometimes I work as security guards.

Eating and sleeping are all settled in Internet cafes. I have no ideas, just simply living.

From being a sunny college student at Donghai University to now living in such a desolate life, to be honest, in Ye Da's heart, he is not even comparable to Hu Er who eats wet garbage.

Hu Er wanted to live a good life and worked very hard, but his identity as a ghost made him helpless.

But Su Yifei was different, he gave up on himself.

Does Li Siyue know what her ex-boyfriend is like now?

Any skin care product on her body may be enough to keep Su Yifei happy for several months.

So, could he be the murderer who killed Liu Xiaoqian?
The situation Su Yifei showed was very much like hiding from XZ after committing a murder and unable to live a stable life.
After coming out of the Internet cafe, Ye Da did not stop Liu Xiaoqian from perceiving the outside world until he had a "friendly" chat with Brother Xin just now, and Liu Xiaoqian seemed to have guessed what Engong meant, and looked at Su Yifei in the security guard from afar, immersed in the In empty memories.

It may be that Su Yifei has changed too much, she always feels that she should remember something, but she just can't.

"My benefactor, I feel so uncomfortable."

Gradually, the circles of Liu Xiaoqian's eyes began to turn red, a bit similar to the ghostly appearance she had when she first came out of the lake with a head of water plants.

"My benefactor, I feel so uncomfortable."

Liu Xiaoqian's eye circles were getting redder and redder, her hair was spinning automatically, and she seemed to be out of control.
Originally wanted to confront Su Yifei directly, Ye Da hurriedly stopped and forced Liu Xiaoqian back into the Nine Yins, cutting off her perception of the outside world.

Su Yifei in the security booth seemed to sense something, looked up at Ye Da who was not far away, then didn't care much, and continued to scan his phone with his head down.

Ye Da thought for a while, then turned and left.

Su Yifei has been found, but he still needs a little help, he still knows too little about spirit bodies.

Seeing Liu Xiaoqian's abnormal condition, he realized that he was close to the truth, but he just wanted to prick the abscess.
He called a car back home, opened the cabinet, and took out the brush that he had never used since he got it.

A little bit of Yin Qi was injected, and Ye Da used it to draw a vertical line on the palm.

The next moment, a feeling of being pulled appeared, which was not strong, and seemed to be easily rejected, but Ye Da did not resist.

Gradually, Ye Da's consciousness sank, and he felt a brief sense of space-time confusion.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already on the edge of the purple mist, holding the pocket brush in his hand.

Coming here for the second time, Ye Da had a new feeling, he stretched out his hand and touched Ziwu.

"This feels really similar to the spirit mist in the library back then."

It's just that the purple mist outside the library has the effect of making the space chaotic and repeated, but the purple mist in front of me seems to be impossible to pass through.

But they are all the alienation of space by spirits.

And at this time, Ye Da's consciousness still descended here, and he didn't feel the incense burner or "Nine Yins" in his arms.

There was an old lady, Li Xiulan, who was a genuine spirit body, who opened the way before, but it didn't take long, maybe the people inside also sensed Ye Da's arrival, and the purple mist separated to the two sides by itself.

Not far away, Ye Da arrived at the dilapidated hospital.

Wearing a cheongsam, the enchanting Chen Ruyan was already waiting for him at the door with a look of joy on his face.

"Xiao Langjun finally came to see me!"

Ye Da nodded in greeting and looked into the gate. There are still a lot of spirits today.

"Have you encountered any trouble?" Ye Da thought for a while and said, "I have a few questions for Miss Chen."

In fact, going to the cemetery to find Lao Zhou is similar to looking for Chen Ruyan, but there is some uncertainty about whether Lao Zhou can be found.

Chen Ruyan said with a smile: "Please follow me, let's talk upstairs."

Chen Ruyan walked in front, her waist was more charming, Ye Da followed behind, like the best camera position.

Passed by some other spirits along the way, but they were all doing their own things, and just looked up at Ye Da when passing by.

Some are reading, some are dialing the abacus, and some are holding umbrellas and spinning around, which is very strange.

Ye Da couldn't help but secretly thought that if every spirit body here was like Chen Ruyan, and had a spiritual enlightenment as a boarder in the real world, it would be a bit scary.

Of course Chen Jiu himself is already very awesome.
In a separate room on the second floor, Chen Ruyan poured Ye Da a cup of tea. Ye Da looked into the cup, but there was a lingering Yin Qi.

Chen Ruyan laughed and said: "Sorry, I forgot that Ye Langjun may not appreciate this bit of yin, but we really don't have any other tea here. If Ye Langjun has any questions for Ruyan, Ruyan knows everything."

Ye Da shook his head indifferently, did not touch the teacup, and said, "I want to know, do spirit bodies have obsessions?"

Chen Ruyan nodded, and said, "Yes, without obsessions, a spirit body cannot be formed. Just like everyone in this hospital, they have obsessions, and most of them are negative emotions."

Ye Da thought: Old lady Li Xiulan is not, her obsession is to see her son one more time, to confirm that he can live strong, and to say "I don't blame you".

"What does obsession mean to a spirit body?"

Chen Ruyan put down the teapot and said, "How should I put it? It is both the reason for existence and the reason for dissipation."

Ye Da said:
"To make up for regrets and dispel unwillingness, then the spirit body may dissipate. This is what Chen Jiu said personally. Doesn't dissipation mean death for the spirit body?"

Chen Ruyan said: "Yes, dispersal is equivalent to the death of ordinary people. I don't know if there will be reincarnation in the next life, but the spirit body will not escape from its own obsession just because it is afraid of dispersal. The word 'holding' is more important to the spirit body than whether it will dissipate."

Ye Da was silent for a long time, and asked: "Then if the obsession has not been resolved, will there be any adverse effects?"

Chen Ruyan took out her slender bong, but without igniting it, she took a puff out of thin air.

"It will be painful."

"Most of the spirit bodies here were born dozens or hundreds of years ago. Does Ye Lang-jun know what it means to survive?"

Ye Da waited for the answer.

"It means that many of them have no chance to make up for their regrets or dispel their unwillingness."

"The sluggish and repetitive spirits you see are all due to obsessions that cannot be eliminated for a long time, and gradually become that way. Some are because of hatred, and some are because of love. But in the past hundred years, the enemy has also died. , the lover also died, so there is no chance to dispel the obsession. So the spirit body can only get deeper and deeper, and the behavior gradually becomes strange. If you ask, they don’t know that they have changed, but this is the rule ,Can not change."

From Chen Ruyan's bong, faint blue smoke drifted out, but there was nothing in the pipe.

"As for how these spirits will change over time, I don't know. Maybe in another 100 years, they will turn into ghosts."

Ye Da thought for a long time, and said, "Will obsessions disappear after they get what they want?"

Chen Ruyan said: "That's not true. The moment the obsession dissipates, the desire to dissipate will be very strong, but if there is nostalgia for this world, very few parts will remain. After all, the switch to dissipate or not lies in the The spirit body is in its own hands."

"Like you?"

Chen Ruyan nodded.

 Re-evolve the three-shift beast!


  Teng Teng Teng Teng!
  Deng Deng~ Deng Deng, Deng Deng~!

(End of this chapter)

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