Chapter 118 Su Wei
"What's the matter?"

Yang Tian's voice was not affectionate, it sounded businesslike, and Ye Da would not be polite to him, and he hadn't received a dime of the promised compensation.

"You are a middleman, aren't you? I want to entrust you to check something."

"It's not about entrusting me, it's about passing it. It doesn't make any difference to you. What are you checking?"

"A person. I will send you the general situation later. I don't have a name. I was a student at Tunghai University 10 years ago. I only have his girlfriend's name."

On the other end of the phone, Yang Tian pushed away the staff on his body and asked him to wash himself, then lit a cigarette and said, "My charge here is not cheap, how much are you going to pay?"

Ye Da thought for a while, and reported a number: "Ten thousand?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Ye Da thought to himself: Did you report too little?How much is a name worth?

You can check it yourself, but it's a little troublesome.

Yang Tian touched his brows and said helplessly: "This bottle of wine costs me [-] yuan. I will help you contact him for free. It will be calculated from the favor I owe you."

Ye Da said vigilantly: "You won't tell me the truth, will you?"

The compensation that Yang Tian promised that day could not be worth such a little thing.

"I'm not as picky as you!"

Without making Ye Da wait too long, Yang Tian sent him a name, a photo, and an address during class the next morning.

Su Yifei.

The photo shows a man in his early 20s. He has a handsome face and looks like a sunny boy. He should have been very popular in school at the time, otherwise he wouldn’t have become Li Siyue’s boyfriend who wanted to marry a rich man. I wonder if his family is also very rich. .

The address is: No. 1120, Haidong Road.

Ye Da put away his mobile phone and focused on the lesson in front of him until lunch break, when he went to the Xuezheng Building to ask for a leave.

The teachers in the department will naturally not make things difficult for the star students of the department. This is the person whom the principal and the dean take care of at the same time.

After leaving the school gate, Ye Da hailed a car and headed towards that address.

He did not order Liu Xiaoqian not to perceive the outside world.

When he got there, he realized that this was not a high-end residential area or villa, but an old town.

The low two-story buildings are densely packed.There are laundry poles in front of every window of every house, battery cars are parked on the street, and several waves of different uncles gather to chat loudly.

This place is even older than happiness.

And No. 1120 Donghai Road is an Internet cafe.

"Zero Point Internet Cafe"

Ye Da carefully checked the house number and confirmed that it was right here.

Why did Yang Tian give himself the address of an Internet cafe.

As soon as he entered the door, a rotten smell of smoke oil mixed with the smell of sweat rushed over his face. Ye Da subconsciously frowned and pulled the mask on.

This is not a chain Internet cafe with a decent environment, but the cheapest roadside Internet cafe with the turbid air. Ye Da forgot to glance over, and most of the customers are not young.

The network manager is a middle-aged aunt who is watching dramas on her mobile phone while eating melon seeds, but she doesn't respond when she sees Ye Da coming in.

Ye Da went around the Internet cafe, but found nothing, so he had to send a message to Yang Tian.

"What's in the Internet cafe? Did you send the wrong address?"

After about 10 minutes, Yang Tian sent another message.


Ye Da returned to the Internet cafe again and found machine A26.

An obese middle-aged man in an oil-stained coat, sleeping on the sofa in an internet cafe.

His clothes hadn't been washed for some time, and they lost their original color. They were all black and shiny, and exuded a strange smell. There were cigarette butts, drink bottles, and balls of toilet paper piled up beside the seat.

Ye Dazai observed carefully for a long time. The man in front of him looked like he was in his 40s, but he was three points like Su Yifei in the photo.

Why is there such a big difference!

This is no longer "time is a butcher's knife".

It's like "time is an atomic bomb".

Is this person Li Siyue's ex-boyfriend?

Thinking of Li Siyue's current state, the two of them can only be described as very different.

Ye Da didn't wake him up, but asked Liu Xiaoqian, "Xiao Liu, do you know this person?"

Liu Xiaoqian's head came out from Ye Da's shoulder, took a look, and hesitated: "I don't know."

Ye Da thought for a while, but instead of waking him up, he went to the bar and turned on a machine, right opposite the man suspected of Su Yifei.

Su Wei felt a tightness in his chest and woke up from his lethargy.

He took out a small half bottle of Coke from the garbage dump beside the seat and poured it all into his mouth. The stale Coke mixed with the strange taste in his mouth.

Stretching out his hand to scratch in his pants, Su Wei found that the phone he was on had long since timed out and locked. He took out his old cell phone to check the time, and got up from the sofa with difficulty.

After leaving the Internet cafe, he pulled the zipper to the top of his neck. It was a bit cold to wear a single coat in this weather, but fortunately he was used to it.I looked around and took my sights on the duck neck stall opposite. I walked over with a smile on my face, but when I was still five meters away, the boss told me to "go away."

Let's go to work first.

With his pocket in his pocket, Su Wei walked two intersections away.

The greasy hair was a little tied, I scratched it, and pulled out a handful of hair.

A dilapidated old factory building has been converted into a cheap office. The night shift here is 100 yuan a night for security guards. They can't sleep, but there is air conditioning in the small kiosk, and they also take care of a boxed meal.

This is a good job that Su Wei found recently. The security supervisor agreed to use him instead of others after giving three packs of cigarettes, but it only took half a month.

Sitting in a security booth at night and sleeping in an Internet cafe during the day, this is the way of life for a person like him.

What is crueler than wasting your life in vain is that you still have to live, even if the days are too bad to be added.

It was late today, and the official security guard who handed over cursed a few words, and Su Wei licked his face and smiled apologetically.

Putting on a security suit that was one size smaller, Su Wei felt much warmer. He found out the cold lunch box. After thinking about it, Su Wei decided to eat it in the middle of the night, and carefully pressed it with a newspaper.

The system scans the cards when getting in and out of the car, so he doesn't care about it, and there is no one here at night. Su Wei plugged in the electric brush and swiped his phone, wasting time.

At 11 o'clock, someone knocked on the window of the security booth.

Su Wei looked up, and immediately showed a panicked expression, but the pavilion was only a small door, and there was nowhere to escape.

There were three people standing outside the pavilion, looking at Su Wei with unfriendly expressions, Su Wei could only come out with a bitter face.

"Brother Xin, I'm short on money these two days, can I delay for two days?"

The man named Brother Xin pulled up Su Wei's greasy collar, and a smell wafted from his neckline. Brother Xin said disgustedly: "Are you ever short of money! Fucking money to borrow money like you!" I am really blinded by the garbage! I have opened my eyes to not paying 5000 yuan for a year!"

Oh shit!At that time, I had a brain hole to let such garbage!
Su Wei didn't dare to struggle, and said, "Brother Xin, you really don't have any money, why don't I hang out with you, and I'll pay you back."

Brother Xin yelled and cursed loudly, spit on Su Wei's face.

"You trash still want to hang out with me! What are you going to do? Did I tell you to be like a dog?"

Su Wei lay on the ground without hesitation.

"Brother Xin! It's ok! Woah! Woah! As long as you give me two days, woof!"

Brother Xin was dumbfounded.


Seeing this fat man on the ground with his head up and barking like a dog, Brother Xin felt as uncomfortable as eating shit.

He has only seen such a situation in those addicts.

How can people live like this!
To be honest, if it wasn't for the embarrassment, for fear that other people would think he was cheating with the money, he wouldn't want to bother with Su Wei.

He doesn't even want the interest anymore, he just wants to settle this bad debt!
Hit and beaten, scolded and scolded, this pig-like thing has never had more than two digits on it.

If it wasn't for the lack of a way out, he would have wanted to smash the meaty kidney of this hob!
"I already arranged for you to go into the factory to make screws and pay back the money. This is the first time I heard that the loan lender even introduced jobs to those who owed money! The fuck you are still unwilling to go! How do you live like a dog! You Still a man!"

However, Su Wei just hugged Brother Xin's leg.

"Brother Xin, give me a few days, woof! woof!"

Brother Xin wanted to kick Su Wei in the face, but he was afraid that the kick would bleed and stain his clothes. The ghost knew if this guy had something wrong, so he had nowhere to vent and could only kick at the security booth.


The security booth with thin iron skin was directly kicked out of a big depression, and the huge movement resounded through the old factory.

A few official security guards in the building came out with flashlights, and shouted towards this side: "Who are you! What are you doing?!"

Brother Xin pulled Su Wei up and slapped him a few more times, then took him away before the security guards arrived.

In the alley, one of the accomplices said: "Brother Xin, this guy can't squeeze out any more money, so why bother."

Brother Xin felt his hands were sticky and didn't know what was on the trash's clothes, so he said impatiently: "I'm just so angry! I just encountered such a trash when I first entered the industry! Last time I asked you to find a way to sell organs Did you find it?"

The man said: "Brother Fei, 5000 yuan is not worth it. We don't have the strength..."

"What do you know? I want to establish rules so that the lending business can last for a long time. This kind of rotten person, I sell his kidney for tens of thousands of yuan, and I only take half of it. Believe it or not, he will thank me, take it The other half go to smoke and drink to get away with it?"

Just about to teach my younger brother a few more words about my business.

In the alley, a tall figure suddenly walked in.

Brother Xin asked vigilantly, "Who?"

It's a bit hard to see clearly with the light behind him, he has a lot of enemies, otherwise he wouldn't bring two fat and strong brothers every time he came out.

Ye Da tightened his mask and said, "I want to ask you something."

Brother Xin said irritably, "No time, get out!"

Ye Da calmly said, "What about the money?"

Brother Xin was obviously in a bad mood, and said sharply, "Are you deaf after I told you I'm not free! Do I seem to be easy to talk to?"

Thirty seconds later, three people were lying in the alley. Ye Da put away the foot that was on Brother Xin's face and said, "Are you awake now?"

Brother Xin was missing two front teeth, and said with a leaky mouth: "What's your name, big brother? Please speak up if you need anything."

(End of this chapter)

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