Chapter 131 Jade Guanyin

The new week is smooth and steady.

Starting from Monday, various subjects of Tunghai University began to conduct intermittent midterm exams.

As a well-known university in Kyushu, Tunghai University is still very fancy about students' grades, so the teachers of each subject are very strict in grading papers, and there is not much room for flexibility, especially for freshman and sophomore students.

The mid-term exam accounts for 30% of the total grade of the semester. If the mid-term grade is too low, I am afraid that I will go all the way to the next semester to make up the exam.

Ye Da is not nervous about this, after all, studying hard all the time (not in vain) will not be in vain, as a good student who has mastered a little learning method (actually cheating), the midterm exam and so on are just a show of skill.

Ye Da easily passed the last two exams on Friday, including courses such as advanced mathematics. In a heavy panting, Ye Da chose to hand in the papers in advance.

It is strange that disturbing the opponent's mood is also part of the strategy.

He doesn't have such a bad taste, it's just boring after finishing writing.

Before going out, he glanced at Wang Weiwen. This guy was already bored playing with his pen. He smiled at Ye Da, and he didn't look like he was going to hand in the paper.

Aunt Li's roast meat opened, and Ye Da was going to have a full meal. At the same time, he was thinking about when "The Way of Living in the World" would be refined to the level of restoring the sense of taste to a living person.

Even if it's a little dull.

He kind of misses the taste of carbohydrates of vegetables and fruits.

Walking to the gate of the campus, a beautiful figure wearing a peaked cap caught Ye Da's attention.

After looking a little longer, the other party raised his head and waved to him.

It turned out to be Xin Yi who hadn't appeared for a long time.

Ye Da also waved his hand: "The grounding is over?"

Xin Yi nodded: "It is."

The two naturally walked forward together and experienced a lot of things. Although Xin Yi has a weird personality, Xin Yi can be called a friend.

"The sunflower shook several times, you don't seem to be there, where did you put it?"

"The balcony, the sun is good and the sunshine is long."

"Worried about me spying on you?"

Ye Da shook his head, then nodded again: "It's somewhat inconvenient."

Xin Yi is still a master of embarrassment: "I don't like to wear clothes at home? Is it this type?"

Ye Da could only hehe.

Lowering her hat a bit and avoiding a group of passing students, Xin Yi said, "I feel like this is not good. I talk more, but you talk less."

Ye Da thought so.

"Come to see me today?"

Xin Yi didn't shy away, nodded and said, "Last time I asked you to go to the library, so I am also responsible for you being trapped in it afterwards. The jade pendant on my body was given to me by my family to prevent danger. The detection of spirit seeds Send me away immediately after the incident, I wanted to take you with me, but I didn't have time."

After a while, Xin Yi said helplessly, "In terms of reaction speed, I'm the slow type."

Ye Da said in relief: "It's okay, I don't mind."

If he wasn't in the library, he didn't know how many people would have died, and besides, he had dealt with Shen Shanrong without any risk, and got the rare treasure of the incense burner, Ye Da was not at a loss.

Xin Yi shook his head and said: "No, it seems that I am very disrespectful. This time I came here to bring you something."

Xin Yi took out something from his pocket, which seemed to be a pendant.

An exquisitely carved Guanyin jade pendant.

"This is the same as my previous function. When a spirit sub event is detected, it will teleport you to a safe place."

Ye Da didn't go to pick it up, but said in surprise, "Is this a spiritual object?"

Xin Yi shook his head and said, "No, it's just that the spiritual enlightenment ability is sealed on the object, and the ability comes from one of my uncles."

"There are many spiritual enlighteners in your family?" Xin Yi thought for a while and finally nodded.

Ye Da didn't go to pick up the jade pendant, and Xin Yi retracted his pocket in disappointment. At this time, the two had already reached the door of "Aunt Li's Roast Meat".

Seeing the regular customers coming to the door, the proprietress squeezed out a smile on her face.

"Xiaoye is here again, what do you want to eat today?"

Then it suddenly occurred to him that before this young man, he always talked about introducing his daughter, and the smile on his lips disappeared again.

Ye Da saw a girl in a wheelchair in the store who was not proficient in packing take-out, looked up at Ye Da, and smiled.

Ye Da smiled back and said to Xin Yi: "This roast meat is good, do you want to try it?"

Xin Yi froze for a moment, then nodded.

Ye Da ordered two roast ducks and half a roast goose himself, and then ordered a Sanpin for Xin Yi.

The girl in the wheelchair handed the things to Ye Da, who accepted it with a smile and said, "Thank you, your home has always tasted very good."

The girl in the wheelchair also smiled and said: "I recognize you, Donghai school grass Yeda, your girlfriend is so beautiful, thank you for saving me, I will treat you to dinner."

Xin Yi lowered her head a little more, not sure if it was because of embarrassment, or because she was afraid of being recognized.

Aunt Li didn't surf the Internet very much, so she realized that the handsome young man in front of her was the hero who solved the Lingzi incident in the legend, and immediately said enthusiastically: "Xiaoye, it was you that was mentioned in the newspaper, oh thank you for saving my daughter-in-law. Auntie will give you free bills in the future!"

Ye Da waved his hand and said, "That's not okay. I come here often, and I can't spend my whole life in vain, or I'll be embarrassed to come again."

If it weren't for the glass window, Aunt Li would have come out and held Ye Da's hand and chatted with him for an hour.

"No, then Auntie will give you a discount!"

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Da found a chance to escape.

When leaving, Ye Da said to the girl in the wheelchair: "Sister, are you still coming back to class?"

The other party patted the wheelchair under his buttocks and smiled, "I'll get to know this new friend first, let's fight for it."

Ye Da nodded: "I like you."

Xin Yi and Ye Da left with a bag of roast meat.

Xin Yi weighed the things in his hands, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously, and said, "So the pendant, should you take it?"

Ye Da: "Would it appear that I'm being pretentious if I don't accept it?"

Xin Yi: "No, it will appear that I'm a fool."

"Then I'll take it."

Embarrassing your friends is not a good habit.

Ye Da took the pendant from Xin Yi's palm. Although he didn't pay much attention to it, it seemed that this period of time was indeed a harvest season, including a good grade this week.

Ye Da did not invite Xin Yi into the house, and the two parted in happiness.

Xin Yi stood at the intersection and waited. Less than 3 minutes later, a large and luxurious car stopped at the intersection.

An old man with grey-haired but tall figure got out of the car and opened the door for Xin Yi, saying, "Miss, please get in the car, there is a dinner party tonight."

Xin Yi raised the three-piece roast meat in his hand, and said, "No, I already have dinner."

The old man took a look in the rearview mirror, hesitated and said, "That's fine, but at least you should eat some vegetables and carbohydrates, and the nutrition should be balanced."

Xin Yi took out a chicken leg from the bag and put it in his mouth.

"The taste is really good, I can come here often in the future."

"But you have to find someone to give you a discount."

The old man who drove the car said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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