Chapter 132
On the weekend of the new week, Ye Da continued to absorb everything in the youth training camp like a sponge. Ban Haijian came again. That is nearly 40 hours without sleep.

Ye Da has already started to use long weapons such as sticks.

It's an introduction, but it's just about skills. If you really hit someone with a nearly 200-jin "Xuan Shui Stick", you can directly put them in the ground.

At the same time, Ye Da got his driver's license through the channel of the youth training camp on Sunday afternoon. That muscular sports car is now parked in a garage at the side door of Happiness Lane. It is said that Yang Tian paid the license for five years. rent.

The only pity is that it is too stupid to drive a sports car on the less than one kilometer road to school, and it should not be used often.

On Sunday night, just as the members of the Shuguang team were about to leave together, Jiang Hou, whom he had not seen for a long time, finally appeared. The general manager of the "Dawn Project" seemed to be very busy recently, but he gave an explosive speech as soon as he appeared. news.

"Outside joint training?"

"Yes, the location is Yunzhou Lake. A new field training base has just been established there. Since it is the first time to use it, youth training camps from all over Kyushu will come to try it out. It is said that there are many outstanding young people."

In the conference room, the five members of the Shuguang team looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Jiang Hou continued: "It just so happens that the midterm exams of each school are almost over, and young people have time. If you agree to participate, the youth training camp will contact your respective schools or departments to help you ask for leave. How about it? Opportunity It’s rare, it will definitely surprise you there.”

Jiang Hou made a fool of himself, but anyone with a discerning eye could feel it. When they went to Yunzhou Lake, they definitely wouldn't just let them do basic training.

Zhou Meirong raised her hand and said, "Captain Jiang, how long has it been?"

"About a week or so. There must be fluctuations before and after, isn't there? In addition, there is an allowance during the joint training period, 1000 a day."

Everyone seemed to have no reason to refuse. After a week of exams, it seemed good to go out and have fun.

Yes, Dawn Squad sees it more as an autumn outing.

"Then, prepare for the day tomorrow and gather here on Tuesday morning!"

Jiang Hou laughed.

Early on Tuesday morning, Ye Da drove his own car to the headquarters of the youth training camp building, with Zhou Meirong sitting in the co-pilot.

Countless young men and women turned their heads along the way.

The muscle sports car is full of fashion.

Ye Da was very virtuous and didn't have a boom motor. He just drove normally all the way, but tried to push his back on the road without people.

Arriving at the youth training camp building, the car was parked in the garage, Ye Da and Zhou Meirong came to the ground, Wang Weiwen and others had already arrived.

The collective action is naturally to take the car of the Special Affairs Department. In addition to the Shuguang team + Jiang Hou, Li Youren will be traveling together as an accompanying researcher. In addition, he will also inspect the newly built field training base in Yunzhou Lake.

There were seven of them, so there was no need to use a bus. Jiang Hou and Li Zifeng each drove a heavy-duty off-road vehicle like the Special Affairs Division, and set off in the direction of Yunzhou Lake.

This time their destination was not the "Yundong County" that Ye Da had been to before, but a mountain on the north side of Yunzhou Lake, called Luoyun Mountain, and the journey was a little further away.

In order to let the young people continue to get along, Jiang Hou wisely asked the five members of the Shuguang team to ride in one car, and he and Li Youren, two old men, took one car. "It took a lot of effort to build such an inland field training base this time. I don't know if it can play its due role."

Li Youren sat in the co-pilot, holding a tablet computer, checking the information of the new base.

The new training base is an expansion of an existing research institute, and it has been put into use in just a few months. It seems that the higher authorities are in a hurry.

Jiang Hou said while driving: "I stayed there for a while before, and all the specifications are top-notch, but there are not enough things inside. After all, the previous years have killed almost the same. It is said that this training camp has deployed some from various places. I hope there is something real to open the eyes of young people."

Li Youren had a headache: "Is something that has been hidden for so many years gradually going to be let go?"

"It's not just for the young people who come from all over the world. The higher-ups deliberately release some information to the society in batches, so that everyone can be mentally prepared. In recent months, people in all parts of Kyushu have been uneasy. After all, even the most optimistic It is estimated that those things at sea can only last for another 3 years."

Li Youren nodded heavily and said: "I didn't expect that something that had been good for nearly a hundred years would deteriorate sharply in three years. Our preparations are not sufficient. It would be better if we had a few more years."

Jiang Hou smiled and said: "No one would have thought of it, but preparations can only be made more fully. Now we can only do the things at hand. If we lose them, how does it feel to be in contact with that young man?"

Li Youren knew that the other party was talking about Ye Da, so he pondered for a while and said: "A very outstanding young man, he learns very fast, I have to wonder if he is a spiritual enlightener in terms of thinking, and he has a good character. The impatience of youth."

Jiang Hou stroked his beard and said: "Of course, I personally blocked the door to invite him. I am very optimistic about his future."

Li Youren hurriedly said: "Captain Jiang, at your level, it's better not to drive with one hand."

Jiang Hou put down his hands in embarrassment, and held the steering wheel with both hands.

Li Youren wiped the sweat from his forehead, he clearly felt that the right side of the car was about to rub against the guardrail.

It was an unwise decision to ride in a car with Team Ginger.

Li Yourenfu said again: "But there are many problems with my body. You know my ability. He is not a spiritual enlightener at all. Although the medical examination report at Kyushu Hospital seems normal, it is known that he is not a spiritual enlightenment. Next, reverse deduction can reveal many problems.”

Jiang Houdao: "When looking at young people, don't pay attention to his birth and past, but pay attention to his present and future, and see what he has done. Xiaoye's character has been proved by himself many times, and in real life In the face of major events, all Kyushu people stand in the same position."

Li Youren glanced at Jiang Hou and said, "Did you find out something?"

Jiang Hou: "It's just some minor details. It doesn't affect the overall situation. You just need to know that Xiaoye is my guarantee. Don't treat it differently."

Li Youren rolled his eyes: "How can I treat him differently? I treat him beyond the standard. After all, I am also curious whether he can grow into a second you."

Jiang Hou was silent for a while, and said leisurely: "No, he will definitely surpass me, far surpass me."

 There is a lot going on today, only two chapters.

  The third watch beast has degenerated!Two beasts!
  Bang!Deng Deng stare Deng!

(End of this chapter)

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