I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 136 Siege?to try?

Chapter 136 Siege?to try?

With a body of more than two meters, Jiang Hou was carrying a large banner of nearly three meters, and it was difficult not to see it.

"Hey! Those from Huajing! Come and fight Donghai! And that kid from Yuezhou, don't hesitate, I, Dadonghai, like to fight more with less, otherwise it will spread that we are bullying children!"

Jiang Hou turned into an off-court taunt pendant.

The corners of Yuezhou's big-backed head twitched, although it was obviously intentional.
But it really works!
Why do Donghai people dance like this?Are we really set?

Dabeitou's self-esteem was challenged, and he looked at Ye Da with a sullen expression.

Ye Da covered his face and said: "You can't really be tricked, can't you see that he is messing around?"

Dabeitou squeezed his fist: "I can see it, but don't you like to play, I want to see you mess up."

It seems that Huajing is also planning to attack Donghai first, but the woman in charge seems to have set her target on Ye Da early in the morning.

Ye Da gave him a look: Proceed with caution.

Wu Fei: Understood.

Yuezhou's big back revealed a row of white teeth: "For other people, this might be a bit too much, but for you, it should be easy, right?"

As he said that, he let his hands glow with the glowing spirit, and then squatted down and deeply inserted into the ground, as if it was a piece of tofu.


A one-meter-square soil-rock mixture was easily lifted out, and then the huge rock quickly crossed a distance of nearly [-] meters in a trajectory that violated the laws of physics.

The members of the other teams were obviously taken aback.

This must have a ton?
Although there are many kinds of spirit enlightenment abilities, the spirit enlighteners are still flesh and blood. The simple and unpretentious physical attacks will always move the carbon-based creatures, and most people on the field cannot withstand this blow.

Ye Da waved back to Wu Fei.

"Back off."

I'm going to start pretending!

Ye Da squatted down slightly with his legs, catching the huge boulder abruptly with the momentum of the overlord resisting the tripod. Under the action of inertia, he retreated more than one meter. Two deep marks were plowed on the ground, and then the boulder was stabilized. Putting it aside, the ground trembled.

"Actually caught it!"

A drop of cold sweat was left on the foreheads of several weak contestants. They could no longer calculate how much strength was needed.

However, Dabeitou had already rushed towards him, and when Ye Da put down the boulder and his vision was limited, he slapped his palm on the ground.

The next moment, the ten-square-meter-sized ground around him shattered into countless pieces, and Ye Da staggered.

Numerous gravels were floating in the air, and the fists of the big back quickly swung out, hitting the gravel, and the gravel was shot at Ye Da like a small cannonball.

While adjusting the balance, Ye Da recalled the information given by Zhou Meirong.

A-level spiritual initiate from the Yuezhou Youth Training Camp, I can’t remember his name.

A-level spirit enlightener "Earth and Stone Control".

Then get off the ground.

Facing countless fist-sized gravels flying towards him, Ye Da stretched his legs and leaped more than ten meters high, dodging all the attacks.

Dabei turned head to back and yelled: "Paozi!"

Another member of the Yuezhou team compared his hands to the center of a circle and aimed at Ye Da who was falling.

B-rank enlightener: air cannon!
There was a muffled sound of "bang", and a huge mass of air flew towards it rapidly. Due to the refraction caused by the difference in speed and temperature, it was visible to the naked eye.

Ye Da folded his hands in front of him, took the blow, and flew into the distance.

Before the team member named Paozi could be happy, an afterimage appeared in his sight.

The Donghai team played two people.

The next moment, someone hooked his heel, and Pao Zai felt his whole body turn over. Then he felt pain in his waist and abdomen. Wu Fei's wooden sword slashed downwards. He obviously had to hold back his strength this time, otherwise his ribs would be broken.After receiving this blow, Pao Zai couldn't get up immediately.


Wu Fei didn't stop, and the figure under the "dynamic high speed" was like a ghost, rushing towards Dabeitou, Dabeitou hurriedly stepped on the ground, and a wall of earth and stone was turned up out of thin air as a defense.

Not to mention the battle with Wu Fei over there, after Ye Da landed, he was surrounded by coincidence.

A muscular man swung a punch, which was caught firmly by Ye Da with one hand.

"I heard that you are an A-level 'physical enhancement'? I happen to be a level-B 'wrist enhancement' who is also in the physical system. Unlike you, I specialize in arm strength. Because it is pure, it is powerful. In terms of strength alone, A-level I also."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Da punched him in the stomach, and his eyeballs protruded.

"Why don't you strengthen your abdominal muscles?"

Get out!

The teammate of the muscular man on the side was not empty-handed, but holding a wooden knife like Wu Fei, and slashed at Ye Da two meters away. In front of the wooden knife, an extension composed of spiritual particles appeared, and the wooden knife less than one meter turned into It looks like three meters long.

What kind of ability is this?Zhou Meirong seems to have said, forgot.

Ye Da dodged sideways. After this period of training, coupled with the efficiency of "Yin Qi Concentration", Ye Da's combat skills are no longer in the state of being reckless. Although he has no weapon in hand, he can react and respond Both are extremely strong.

He lowered his head to pass the Lingzi blade, and rushed towards the man.

"Footwork: L-shaped thrust!"

Relying on his strong foot strength, Ye Da showed an almost graceful movement on flat ground. He has integrated the footwork he first learned from boxing into his own characteristics, and also added some experience learned in the youth training camp.

His movements and changes of direction are always abrupt, thanks to the enormous amount of propulsion that can be obtained using only a few toes, and the process of exerting force is elusive.

In an instant, he was close to the body and turned. Ye Da kicked the opponent's heel, and the man spun around and fell to the ground.


The only female member left in the team where the muscular man was, looked at the ferocious Ye Da, her whole body trembled, and she ran away.

Ye Da wasn't going to chase him either, but was about to turn around to see what was going on with Wu Fei when he felt a stab in the waist.

Looking down, it was the female player who ran away just now.

The escaping figure gradually dissipated, seeming to be an illusion, but did the real body make a comeback?
Sure enough, the elites of the youth training camp should not have such a situation of running away when they meet, but it is a pity that the attack power is too low.

Did not break the defense.

The female player looked at Ye Da in embarrassment, and didn't even have time to take back the wooden stick in her hand.

"Senior Brother Ye Da, please be gentle."

Ye Da nodded, and knocked him out with a chestnut.

All destroyed!

On Wu Fei's side, Dabeitou and Dabeitou seemed to be evenly matched, mainly because Dabeitou couldn't attack Wu Fei, and Wu Fei couldn't break through the earth and rock defense.

If it keeps dragging on, Wu Fei should win. After all, if you stay for a long time, you will lose. That person is almost building a house for himself with earth and stone walls, but if members of other teams come to attack Wu Fei, it's hard to say up.

Seeing that the siege had begun, Jiang Hou temporarily put down the banner of enticing people to bear hatred, and nodded in satisfaction.

The Dawn Squad became famous, let them see the gap, and then came forward to lobby. These young geniuses who are arrogant and want to improve their strength may be fooled into the East China Sea.

On the other side, Mr. Li in the stands yawned, he didn't care much about what happened in the audience, and he didn't recognize Ye Da.

A staff member came to the side and reported: "Old Li, at Luoyun Bay, the food intake of the spirits seems to have increased a lot. Due to insufficient feeding preparations, some spirits have become more aggressive."

Mr. Li pondered for a while, then said, "Sudden increase in food intake? Check the water quality and geology, and then confirm the state of the environmental spirits. Grab one and come back for a physical examination."

Mr. Li was shaking Erlang's legs while thinking about what could be the cause.

(End of this chapter)

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