Chapter 137
On the court, Ye Da had already dealt with several unnamed members.One of them seems to be mental interference, which caused Ye Da to lose his vision, and he also showed good melee combat ability. Follow the instinctive counterattack and get knocked down.

It can be said that the people who come here from the youth training camps from all over the country are good local seedlings. Their spiritual enlightenment ability may not be suitable for melee combat, but they still show a good overall quality.

Ye Da won't be arrogant and think that he can really do unparalleled mowing. Many people's abilities are still very tricky, but under the current rules, they can only go straight in a relatively monotonous way.

For example, for the visually deprived spirit enlightener, it's one thing to come up to melee combat, but it's another thing to have a sprayer in his hand.

10 teams, with two to three people in each team, the total number is about 25 people, not all of them are really beating the East China Sea, but Ye Da has enjoyed the treatment of the protagonist, which also led to the elimination in just a few minutes There were nearly 10 people, and the scene was extremely intense.

On the Huajing side, who was full of aura before, the woman who liked to be called a brother did not move, but her eyes never left Ye Da.

The teammate on the side said: "Sister Ting, do you want to go? Should I solve Donghai first, that fast woman has a flaw, I can control her.

The woman known as Sister Ting puffed her chest out and said, "Go find that woman, and I'll meet Ye Da."

The teammates hesitated: "Are you alone? Is it inappropriate?"

"The opponent didn't even have a weapon. It would be disgraceful to win a beating. We in Huajing can't be too shameless, can we?"

As she spoke, she held a long stick and walked towards Ye Da.

Instead of sprinting and attacking, he stood behind Ye Da, waiting for him to deal with his opponent.

After Ye Da brought down his opponent, he turned his head and looked behind him.

The woman danced a stick flower with one hand, and said, "Give me a gesture?"

Ye Da moved his gaze up the mountain peak, ah no, it moved up three points, and looked at the opponent's face: "Like sticks?"

The woman said: "Yes, especially the long ones!"

After speaking, the long stick waved.

Ye Da was going to snatch the stick with his bare hands to finish the job, but the stick actually radiated with the glow of spirit seeds, so he retreated a bit to be cautious, and at the same time began to recall the woman's ability.

The A-level in Huajing seems to be called Yao Ruting, what kind of ability is it?

Obviously, Yao Ruting's stick technique was unusual, he missed a single hit, and followed the stick into his body, stabbing continuously like a big gun.

"Footwork: Cut and Surround"

The long stick swept from the side, Ye Da raised one foot, and was about to kick the long stick to pieces.

But the moment the soles of his feet came into contact with the long stick, he realized that the sweep had no strength at all, and the long stick retreated as soon as he touched it.

This woman is very strong!
However, Ye Da suddenly felt his body sink and his speed slowed down.

This feeling.
Weight gain?
Yao Ruting turned 360° and turned to sweep from the other side. Ye Da blocked it with both hands.

He didn't break the defense, but his body became heavier again.

Holding the stick behind Yao Ruting, he said with a smile: "My ability is 'Gravity Superposition', every time you are hit by me, your body's gravity will double, just now it was twice, now it is four times, and next time it will be eight times. Doubling?"

Ye Da frowned, exponential growth? 16 times, 32 times, 64 times?
Although four times his weight has little effect on his strength, after all, his weight is not much higher than that of ordinary people, but his strength is far beyond.

But it's hard to say when it's 32 times, 64 times or even more.

Maybe this woman didn't need to attack, Ye Da fell to the ground by herself.

This ability is very strong. Normal people, regardless of whether they are injured or not, will probably lie on the ground after being touched three times. The opponent should not be able to activate the ability with thrown objects, so choose to use a long weapon like a long stick as a weapon.

So the next thing is to try to avoid getting hit?Harmful or not.

But the heavier the body, the less coordinated the limbs, the slower the speed, the easier it is to be hit.

This ability is interesting.
Yao Ruting's long stick struck again, and Ye Da showed off his waist strength with an iron bridge. Yao Ruting held it empty with one hand, and quickly pierced through it with the other.

Ye Da hit again, although he didn't break the defense at all, but the superposition of gravity reached 8 times, and the speed was a little slower.

Yao Ruting's expression became more and more excited, and the long stick swept across. Ye Da picked out a piece of earth and rock from the ground, held it in his palm and faced the long stick, trying to see if indirect contact could prevent it from being superimposed.

Sure enough, it failed, and the gravity superposition came to 16 times.

The footprints on the ground are getting deeper and deeper, which has affected the balance, and Ye Da's speed is no longer much faster than normal people.Sure enough, it's not so easy to crack, that's the only way.

Ye Da crushed the earth and rocks in his hands, and sprinkled them on Yao Ruting's face.

Lime Wusheng!

Yao Ruting didn't expect such an appearance, so he quickly covered his eyes, and when he turned around, Ye Da was no longer in front of him.

"Where did you go?"

The next moment, she felt a black shadow zooming in from the sky, and when she looked up, she saw Ye Da falling from the sky at some point.

Fall rapidly.

"The gravity has increased by 16 times and can jump up? What kind of monster is this!"

Wait, this weight.
"Don't! You will die!"

Yao Ruting panicked, and the picture of himself being crushed into a pool of flesh and blood appeared in his mind, and he hurriedly stabbed the long stick into the sky.

As soon as Ye Da grasped the stick, the superposition of gravity reached 32 times.

Then, it fell heavily.

The next moment, the soil and rocks on the playground shattered.

The smoke and dust cleared, and Ye Da pressed Yao Ruting tightly under him in a "push-up" posture, and his limbs sank deeply into the ground, turning into a human-shaped cage.

There was only 10 centimeters between their faces.

Yao Ruting was stunned by such an aggressive action.

Ye Da grinned: "Fall down and out, remove the ability!"

Yao Ruting's complexion was flushed, this woman who likes to be called brothers and sisters was confused by Ye Da after all, so she could only bite her lip to release her ability.

Ye Da pulled his hand out from the ground. At 32 times, he felt that there was nothing he could do. Fortunately, he solved it smoothly.

He picked up Yao Ruting's long stick and weighed it, it was too light, but barely usable.

"Lend me the stick to play with."

After finishing speaking, I went to support Wu Fei.

Yao Ruting stood up staggeringly, with a blushing face and bowed head, but his legs were a little weak, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

In the stands, a group of senior staff from the special affairs department were chatting.

The chief officer of the Qinzhou Special Affairs Division with a gray beard pointed at Ye Da and said, "This Ye Da seems to have only joined the youth training camp for a month. It is said that he has not received any systematic training before? There is something."

Since there are competitions, they will naturally look at the profiles of members of youth training camps in other places. Compared with young people, they can see more profiles.

Another person said: "It's really powerful. There are a few spiritual enlightenment teaching aids in the East China Sea that are quite powerful. It may be related to those things."

"The combat awareness, strategy, and skills are not as good as what can be achieved in a month. We also have spiritual objects that can play a role in training in Qinzhou, but why don't they have such an effect? ​​This kid has something, and so does that little girl. It’s not weak, there’s something about the Shuguang Plan that Jiang Hou came up with.”

The man said: "At least in this kind of close combat, he is indeed at the dominant level. Donghai has always followed the elite route, and Jiang Hou also recruited top talents from other places. He said the day before yesterday that he would remove the rank of captain. It seems that it is not the case. Say whatever you want."

The chief officer of Qinzhou held the cigarette in his mouth and said: "I understand Marquis Jiang, and he is not a reckless person, but I can't see what he is thinking. Although the situation in Kyushu is constantly changing, he is still under control. Only a top S A super strong person only wants to train, could it be that there is something wrong with his mind and he got married?"

The man shook his head and said: "It doesn't seem like that, this big bastard"

Not far away, Jiang Hou saw that Ye Da cut melons and vegetables on the field and killed many people. The situation gradually became clear, and he began to wave the banner of hatred again.

Chief Qinzhou said after a long while, "You can't be fooled by this guy's appearance. When he rose to the top, it wasn't just his combat effectiveness that gave him excellent marks."

After a while, a staff member from Luoyun Mountain came over and whispered something in his ear.

Chief Qinzhou frowned and said, "I know, let's take it as a little surprise for the young people."

(End of this chapter)

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