I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 138 Final training content

Chapter 138 Final training content
In the end, Ye Da really had the last laugh in this internal competition.

Among the 10 teams, Donghai has solved most of them.

The only pity is that Wu Fei was defeated by a spiritual enlightener who was similar to the "air wall" in Huajing Fang at the end, and Ye Dacheng was the only one standing on the field in the end.

It took less than half an hour for Jiang Hou to wave the flag to promote hatred until it was completely over. The high-ranking staff in the stands didn't care much about winning or losing, but the young people below didn't think so.

Many young spiritual enlighteners who were proud and arrogant before were hit hard. Which one of them is not like the proud son of heaven in the local area?The beating and the wheel failed to take down this little boy.

Even if there is a difference in appearance, is there such a big difference in strength?

There were no trophies or medals, but this competition made the youths of the youth training camps in the three cities of Kyushu remember Ye Da's name.

Except for the Xiyu City Youth Training Camp who didn't come, Ye Da can be said to be in the limelight.

Ye Da breathed a sigh of relief, only half of Yao Ruting's long stick was left in his hand, which was broken during the battle with the big-backed head controlling the earth and rocks, and the new combat uniform on his body was also a little damaged, but it was not a big problem for Ye Da. Healed without end.

At the same time, Ye Da also had an understanding of the level of the members of the various youth training camps in Kyushu. He would certainly not be able to achieve such a result when he was fully prepared and without rules. It was still very difficult to have a few abilities, and his own combat quality was not good. not bad.

But there is still a long way to go with the "strong".

Supporting Wu Fei, who was a little out of strength, the two returned to the edge of the field. Jiang Hou planted the big flag on the ground, laughing loudly, for fear that the people around would not hear it.

"I just said that the East China Sea is the first. All the conditions of our "Dawn Project" are top-notch, and the most powerful elites are cultivated, with extremely fast growth, strong technology, and high subsidies! There are also foreign participants. Rental housing and commuting subsidies, I myself, an S-level spiritual enlightener, personally act as an instructor to ensure a full range of 1-to-1 services!"

It's not so much showing off, it's more like recruiting students.
"Is this your purpose, Captain Jiang?"

Ye Da looked at Jiang Hou like an idiot, feeling quite helpless.

The members of the youth training camps in other regions couldn't help but hear Jiang Hou's loud voice, so they all looked over with stern faces.

Ye Da thought to himself that no one was really deceived like this, right?
No matter, go back and take a shower first.

In the next two days, Luoyunshan training base launched a series of group training.

Just like what Jiang Hou said, since there are members from all over the country, even regular training will definitely give them a ranking.

And the reputation of the Dawn Squad is getting louder and louder.

For shooting and firearms training, Li Zifeng took the first place in 9 of the 7 training items.

In terms of sprint speed, Wu Fei is the first.

For physical training, Ye Da came first.

In computer electronics related training, Zhou Meirong took the first place in three categories.

Even the culturally-based essays were scored the highest by the Shuguang team, and Wang Weiwen won the first place.

This "Dawn Squad" carefully selected by Jiang Hou has completely established its reputation. Not only the young people faintly treat it as the "first echelon", but even the high-ranking staff of the special affairs departments of the states are also hung up on it. Numbered.

The character set of the elite among the elite stands still.

Jiang Hou is very busy every day. He has already found a few young people with potential. He is lobbying every day, or on the way to lobby. This guy fooled away the talents he had cultivated for many years.

How the specific progress is, Ye Da is not sure if anyone has been persuaded by Jiang Hou, but from his happy smile every day, it is not difficult to see that Jiang Hou is not doing useless work.

Maybe after this training, the Dawn Squad will welcome new members.

On the sixth day, this joint training also ushered in the last and most important part.Luoyun Bay.

In order to examine the on-the-spot reactions of the participants, I didn't disclose too much information to them. I only know that Luoyun Bay is not small, and there are more than one kind of spirits in it.

Not everyone is eligible to participate. Among the nearly 7 youth training camp elites gathered here, only [-] people were selected to form a small team. The selection of personnel was stricter than before.

Among them, the three participants in the East China Sea, Ye Da, Wu Fei, and Wang Weiwen are all among them, accounting for nearly half, which shows the strength of the Shuguang team.

Among the other four people, Huajing Yao Ruting and Yuezhou Dabeitou are among them, and there are two more, one is Peng Dawei from Guanzhou, whose ability is medical, and he has not participated in the competition before, and the other is from Qinzhou, named Qiao Xuan, the ability is related to water. He did play in the competition, but he didn't match up with Ye Da. It seems that he was beaten out after finishing a few opponents.

Teams of seven change in their respective locker rooms according to gender.

This time there is no equipment restriction. Ye Da put on the battle uniform made for him by the Donghai Youth Training Camp. It is the same black style as Wu Fei, but because there is no weight restriction, special bulletproof materials are added in many places, which has a strong defense. The appearance is also more domineering.

Especially with the Xuanshui Stick, which is much thicker than ordinary long sticks, it looks extremely intimidating.

Qiao Xuan was quite friendly. Seeing Ye Da tidying up his clothes, he offered to say, "I'll help you hold this."

Ye Da didn't let go, and said, "It's a bit heavy, let's forget it."

The big back on the side clicked his head, thinking how heavy could it be?

Ye Da is not the only one who has his own equipment. Those who can enter Luoyunwan are all outstanding youth training camps from all over the country. They all have their own tailor-made system. It is not clear how the technical content compares with Donghai.

However, since they are the best, they must be ambitious. It may be difficult to cooperate at that time, but it should not be a big problem. The three members of the Dawn Squad alone are enough to solve most of the problems.

How powerful the spirit can be, you just have to see if you can resist it, and I'll be done with one stick.

When I came out of the dressing room, I just met the two girls opposite and finished their preparations, and they all walked out together.

Unknowingly, Ye Da faintly walked at the head of the crowd, and no one seemed to feel that there was anything wrong. It was a matter of course that he walked behind Ye Da, and even the provocative big back didn't say anything.

Wang Weiwen, who was one body behind Ye Da, smiled slightly. Yao Ruting looked at Ye Da's back, wondering what he was thinking.

Ye Da said to Wang Weiwen as he walked: "Can you use your abilities this time? Aren't you afraid of burning money?"

Wang Weiwen said with a smile: "Team Jiang recommends no more than three cards, but you have to choose carefully."

Seven people took a car and headed for Luoyun Bay.

The names of Luoyun Bay and Luoyun Mountain are very similar, but they are actually separated by more than ten kilometers. This place has been completely surrounded by the government, forming an existence similar to a nature reserve.

The surrounding area is all surrounded by iron grids and iron walls with high-voltage electricity. It seems that a lot of money has been spent on such a huge area.

In fact, Luoyun Bay is the core of this training base, and the rest are built around Luoyun Bay. In the future, youth training camps from all over the world will continue to come here to train, and Ye Da and others are the first guests here. .

Only the staff of the Luoyunshan training base came together, and the other members of the youth training camp who did not participate in the Luoyunwan training waited in the base and saw the performance of the seven-member team through the drone.

As for the group of senior members of the Special Affairs Section.
None came.

 The three-watch beast continues to output, the road to evolution, there is no retreat!

  I found a problem today. I sent it regularly at 7 o'clock every day, but friends in the group said that they only saw it between 9 and 10 o'clock. It may be a system audit problem.

  There is no way to solve this. When did you see it?

(End of this chapter)

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