Chapter 139
The heavy iron gate opened slowly, and Ye Da and other seven-member team walked into Luoyun Bay fully armed.

Peng Dawei looked at the display screen on his arm. Because of his medical ability, he was originally positioned as a logistics supporter. The thing on his arm was specially made for him by Guanzhou.

"According to the rules, we start from here and head all the way south, that is, the direction of Yunzhou Lake. The total distance is about 15 kilometers. Luoyun Bay is now a low-water season, and most of them have turned into mud ponds."

Yao Ruting pursed his lips, muddy ponds are always disliked by girls.

Ye Da thought for a while and said: "It is said that there are more than one kind of ghosts, and their strength should be within our ability, but it is best to set a simple formation. I think Peng Dawei and Wang Weiwen are the support team, and I and the big back head attack team , how about Yao Ruting, Wu Fei, and Qiao Xuan in the middle?"

Dabeitou of Yuezhou turned his head suddenly: "Wait, you don't know my name, do you?! Why can everyone else be called by their full name, but I am Dabeitou?!"

Ye Da pondered for a while, and finally could only shake his head and said calmly:
"Sorry. I really didn't remember it."

The back of the head is like petrification, unbelievable!

Angrily said: "You bastard! My name is Ren Shilin! Ren Shilin! Remember it for me!"

Ye Da: "It's easier to remember with your head on your back. I've met too many people these days. Okay, Ren Shilin, if it's okay, let's go in front."

The corner of Dabeitou's eyes twitched, he was speechless.

The initial location was in the woods, and none of them were weak. If they ran with all their strength, they might finish the run in half an hour, but this is definitely not the purpose of Luoyun Bay's training. They also really want to fight against spirits.

Among the seven, only Ren Shilin and Peng Dawei have experience in fighting spirits.

While exploring inside, they chatted.

Peng Dawei said: "Many spirits will be born in the mountains of Guanzhou. There was a gold-graded spirit in a mountain range before. It ate 12 pigs, 4 dogs, and dozens of chickens and ducks in one night. I went with it Handled by Shan Shan, that thing is almost 10 meters long, not counting the tail. It stands up like a small house, but it has not dealt with humans much. When it sees guns and the like, it has no guard against it. A salvo of high-concentration anesthesia, hundreds of needles stuck in the buttocks like a hedgehog."

Ye Da imagined this scene.

I feel quite miserable
Said: "It doesn't feel very powerful, and it's not easy to face modern weapons and monsters. It's just an anesthetic. If a heavy weapon is 20 meters long, it can't withstand the salvo of modern weapons."

Peng Dawei shook his head and said: "The Jin Jianlayer has just become a spirit monster not long ago, and has never dealt with humans, so it cannot represent the strength of a spirit monster. In fact, if there are no captain-level characters to entangle, fight with a regular team, and give it 5 minutes. Can tear apart an elite army, you can’t drive armored vehicles in the mountains, can you? Bombing doesn’t work too well, it will cause wildfires, even if its ass is the same as a hedgehog, it persisted for half an hour before it passed out.”

Qiao Xuan asked, "Are all spirits this big?"

Peng Dawei shook his head and said: "No, it has something to do with the direction of evolution. Some spirit monsters are big in size and strong in physique, while others will produce some other abilities, similar to spirit enlightenment, which are related to species. Jin Gradient is a predatory beast. , Maybe they will subconsciously rely on the direction of increasing body size, although the food demand will also increase, the brains of animals, who knows."

The tiger has become huge, but Hu Er has changed his human form and is proficient in human language. Obviously, spirits and monsters cannot be generalized.

However, increasing the body size should be the choice of most people. Similar to the compulsory course, Hu Er's real body should also be much larger than ordinary foxes.

Dabei cut his head and said: "Compared to the guys in the mountains, they are more difficult to deal with in the sea. They are bigger, stronger, and have the ability of carapace, venom, electricity, etc. There are a hundred times more types than the guys in the mountains. They all look so weird that they can’t call out their names, and with a little weather, firearms can’t even tickle them, and only a cannon can penetrate the carapace.”

Hearing the news of the ocean, Ye Da raised his attention.

After joining the Dawn Project, some information is no longer difficult for him to obtain, and he is consciously collecting news about Haiyang in the headquarters of the youth training camp.

Dabeitou comes from Yuezhou, which has a long coastline and is also an important source of fish and seafood in Kyushu. There are aquatic spirits in Yunzhou Lake, and Yuezhou naturally has more.

However, among the information available to Ye Da, the internal data divides the ocean into three types.

Shallow sea, offshore, deep sea.

Fishing boats and fishermen mainly operate in shallow seas, and offshore waters are also involved, but deep seas are restricted areas, and there are very few materials left.

Among them, the spirit monsters born in the shallow sea are generally dominated by crustaceans, and the number of spirit monsters in the coastal waters has increased exponentially, and there are many types, but they will not take the initiative to approach the land, and not all of them will attack fishing boats.

The deep sea is extremely terrifying, and the Kyushu government does not allow any individual or organization to approach the deep sea. It is a restricted area in the administrative sense, and there is very little information, at least Ye Da currently has no access to it.

Maybe the big back head has other information?

So Ye Da asked: "Have you guys been to the deep sea? For training or something like that? It should be convenient to go across the country, right?"

The big-backed avatar looked at Ye Da as if he had seen a ghost, and said: "How is it possible! Forget it, the dividing line between the offshore and the deep sea is, I can't say." Now the other six people became curious and kept asking questions.

Da Beitou refused to say anything, just said: "If you can know, you will know, some things can't be revealed from my mouth, otherwise you will be punished when you go back. If you want to know, go back and ask your captain."

Ye Da wanted to knock around, but heard movement from ahead.

A huge body overwhelmed the trees, and walked out with red eyes.

An exaggeratedly large black bear, with a shoulder height of nearly five meters, has saliva flowing from the corner of its mouth. Compared with its small eyes, it is staring at several humans maliciously. Before it gets close, a stench comes over.

It was the first time seeing a large spirit monster, Ye Da was not afraid, but felt that Hu Er was really embarrassing for the spirit monster.

The seven were not low in tactical skills, and quickly acted according to the previous division of labor. Wang Weiwen and Peng Dawei retreated and hid.

Ye Da took out the Xuanshui stick from the backpack on his back, exchanged a glance with Dabeitou, and rushed forward to be the vanguard.

Dabeitou didn't talk nonsense, he slapped the ground with his palm, the soil and rocks under the black bear's feet shattered, and a stone pillar stretched out.

It seems that because of the huge weight, the stone pillar that originally wanted to overturn the black bear did not achieve the goal, and it was crushed and shattered. The giant bear got hit in the stomach and entered a state of anger.

Ye Da frowned secretly.

It stinks!

Bear paws are so stinky and someone eats them? !

You can hide, but Ye Da is going to try the power of spirits.

With a body like a big tendon, with a twist of the Xuanshui stick, he faced the bear's paw with terrifying strength.

Hit each other with sticks and palms, but the huge black bear is at a disadvantage.

With a wail, the bear's paw seemed to have been knocked off a few fingers.

Dabeitou continued to activate his ability, and the earth and rocks on both sides turned up, clamping the black bear like two walls.

The three people who made a detour from the side had already arrived, but Wu Fei was a little helpless in the face of the huge black bear, feeling that the length of his knife might not be as thick as the opponent's fur.

Yao Ruting, on the other hand, went up with a long stick without hesitation, and hit the black bear twice in a row while breaking free from the earth and rocks.

The gravity was superimposed four times, and the black bear's struggle was obviously weakened.

Ye Da originally thought that Yao Ruting could deal with the black bear directly, but saw that after hitting the black bear twice, Yao Ruting became gasping for breath, his face flushed, and it seemed that he couldn't continue with the third hit.

Feeling puzzled for a moment, Ye Da jumped up high, and put a stick on the black bear's forehead. With four times the gravity and the blow to the head, the black bear finally passed out.

Yao Ruting gasped and said: "My ability, the greater the weight affected, the higher the multiplier, the greater the physical exertion. I have never met a guy with this size before. I thought I could hit at least four hits. , the result is that it won’t work after two strokes.”

Ye Da nodded. It's normal for such a strong ability of "Gravity Superposition" to be limited. Otherwise, sticking a stick directly into the ground would increase the gravity of the entire planet.

The blood on the black bear's forehead slowly left, and Ye Da asked curiously, "Isn't it dead?"

Dabei nodded and said: "Impossible, spirits have very strong vitality and cannot die. I guess someone will take care of them after we leave."

It's not hunting in the deep mountains, just subdue it, and there is no need to disembowel the black bear to make up for it.

The spirits in Luoyun Bay are all dispatched from various places, and the cost is not low.

Judging from its peripheral activities, its strength should not be considered strong, but it is very aggressive, without the common temptations of wild animals, and it is the kind that is about to do it directly.

None of the seven people were injured. For this elite team, the black bear can only be regarded as a warm-up. After tidying up, several people continued to move forward.

(End of this chapter)

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