I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 140 Smoke!It's smoking!

Chapter 140 Smoke!It's smoking!
Not long after, a few people came out of the forest area, and their vision suddenly became clear, and all they could see was a mudflat, exuding the unique smell of lake mud.

Yao Ruting stepped into the muddy pond helplessly. Although she was wearing combat boots, the sticky feel and unimaginable color still made her look disgusted.

"I deliberately chose Luoyun Bay, there must be aquatic spirits among them."

Dabeitou added: "Be careful, aquatic spirits are far more difficult to deal with than land ones, and there may be ambushes in the mudflats."

Everyone maintained the formation of front, middle and back, and went deep into the invisible mudflat along the established route.

Not too far away, I saw the first aquatic spirit monster.


A large crab five meters wide.

But at this time, there is only one shell left, the body is almost eaten, and there are a lot of broken carapaces left around.

After picking up a fragment, the crab's carapace was probably 20 centimeters long, Ye Da squeezed it hard, but it didn't break.

Sure enough, the aquatic monsters are more difficult to deal with.

For crustaceans like crabs, when they are enlarged to the level of spirits, their defense and strength may be much higher than those of land mammals. The spirits of Kyushu belong to extraordinary power and will not be restricted by rules such as oxygenation ability.

If this crab is alive, the earth and stone abilities of Dabeitou may not be strong enough to suppress it, let alone Wu Fei, who can only find weak joints. The guns in Wang Weiwen and Peng Dawei's hands can also start to assist. Only myself and Yao Ruting able to pose a threat.

By the way, Liu Xiaoqian should have miraculous effects in the face of this kind of thing, but there were too many people in the joint training, and Ye Da never let her out.

Dabeitou has relevant experience. He squatted down and endured the stench to check for a long time, and finally said: "I was defeated by another crustacean spirit, knocked off its head and ate it. I will go ahead and use my ability to perceive the ground. I ate this crab." Homes are likely waiting in the mudflats for a sneak attack."

Ye Da nodded, he had no objection, his temper was a little bit bad, but he was still responsible.

What's your name?

Several people became a little cautious, and the speed slowed down. After a while, Dabei waved his hand to signal everyone to stop, pointed to a muddy place in front of him and said, "There is something big there."

Since it was discovered in advance, you can also choose to go around at this time, but everyone is here, everyone wants to see it, and the spirit is not allowed to escape.

Ye Da thought for a while and said, "I'll start a group."

As he spoke, he took out a cone like a missile warhead from his backpack, and stuck it on the top of the Xuanshui stick through the joint.

The big back was surprised: "What is this?"

Ye Da grinned: "Rockets!"

Li Youren has already produced some accessories for the Xuanshui stick. Among them, Ye Da's most anticipated blasting accessories are also the easiest to make and the first to be made. There are three in Ye Da's backpack.

"Back off!"

I'm going to start pretending.

Ye Da took a few steps to run up, and in the posture of throwing a gun, he threw the Xuanshui stick in his hand violently. The Xuanshui stick spanned a distance of nearly [-] meters and shot out like an arrow off the string, drawing a parabola, deeply inserted in the In the mudflat, only one tail came out.

Then nothing happened.

The remaining six:.
Ye Da smiled awkwardly, and said, "It seems that the mudflat is too soft, and it didn't trigger it. Wait a minute."

He took out a small thing like a car key from his backpack, and pressed the manual trigger button. The next moment, the mud flat exploded, and tons of mud splashed, showing its power.

At the same time, a violent scream came from the ground, and a huge monster came out of the ground trembling.

A crayfish.

But big!

Not counting the tentacles, the length is nearly ten meters. The huge iron tongs look like claws, but the eyes are a row of compound eyes the size of a fist.

Judging by the size of its original race, this crayfish obviously didn't just become a spirit.

However, what surprised Ye Da and others was that with the appearance of this crayfish, three equally huge figures emerged from the quagmire one after another.

The others looked at Ye Da: "Let's just say, isn't it inappropriate to use explosive weapons?"

Ye Da looked at the big back: "Don't look at me, look at him, he said there is only one."

Dabeitou roared: "I'm not omnipotent! Others are hidden deeper!"

Ye Da lowered his body and said, "There's no time to quarrel, follow the original formation."

Four lobster monsters rushed over.Ye Da confessed and quickly attacked.

He had to retrieve the stick first.

The seven people took advantage of the situation, and only Wang Weiwen frowned, as if he felt something unusual.

"These monsters."

Ye Da didn't know Wang Weiwen's doubts, and resolutely carried out his positioning of tackling tough problems.

Where is strong, where to attack.

Rushing forward, Ye Da found that his stick was being inserted into the top of a lobster monster's head, piercing several of the opponent's eyes, and the opponent's huge head kept shaking, as if it was in some pain.

"Alright, save me from intervening myself!"

Ye Da jumped up, pulled out the Xuanshui stick, stepped on the lobster monster's ferocious mouthparts, avoided the giant pincers, and jumped onto its back.

The Xuanshui stick smashed towards the location where the brain of the crayfish was eaten in the first life in memory.

With a muffled sound, cracks appeared on the crimson carapace, but it did not penetrate completely.

It was really hard!

Compared to mammals like black bears, this kind of crustacean spirit couldn't arouse Ye Da's sympathy, and he needed to defeat one as quickly as possible.

Facing four lobster monsters at the same time, there is a possibility of overturning.

At this time, it's time to buff!

Ye Da shouted!
While running, Wang Weiwen tore a page from his bound book of ancient books. As early as when the lobster monster showed up, he knew what kind of support he should give Ye Da.

"Fengyan has nothing to fear, and the gun goes out to chisel the north."

"Nothing is indestructible, and there is no regret when you leave the customs."

"The spirit of words, the splendor of pomp, I carry them with my body!"

Several lines of words exuding the fluorescence of spirit seeds flew over, melting into Ye Da's body like tadpoles.

Ye Da raised the Xuanshui stick high and lowered the bucket again, the originally indestructible carapace was instantly pierced.

Seeing this scene, the big-backed head who was struggling to control another lobster monster popped out of shock: "Fuck! Ye Da is so strong!"

He knows best how strong the crustacean spirit's defense is.

Ye Daxuan's water stick kept stirring, and the lobster monster kept screaming and howling, but its huge vitality prevented it from dying immediately, and the two giant pincers wanted to attack Ye Da.

Ye Da thought to himself that this thing can still jump for a while after cutting off its head. This is not the time to hide. Pull out the Xuanshui Stick, and point your left hand together like a knife. The incense burner tattoo instantly emerges, and then it is inserted into the lobster monster body fiercely. The arms are gone.

Life force extraction!launch!

Almost at the same time, a huge white smoke of vitality gushed out like a blowout.

I can really suck it out!
It was like a pot was boiling above the lobster monster's head, a large amount of smoke gushed out, and even Ye Da's figure was obscured.

Dabeitou: "Damn it! Ye Da pokes the crayfish until it smokes!"

As the incense burner was fully activated, the white smoke of vitality poured into the incense burner like a whale sucking in the sea, which was stronger than the thousands of scavengers before him.

The lobster monster gradually weakened, and Ye Da pulled out his slippery left hand.


It feels like two more visits will restore the injury of the incense burner.

But it's not over yet.

The nine yin in the right hand appeared automatically, and from Ye Da's perspective, a one-meter-long lobster spirit body with mottled colors, teeth and claws, was sucked into the "Jueyin".

Soul arrest!

The left hand absorbs life, and the right hand arrests and sends out souls.

Ye Da was in a daze for a moment.

Suddenly found
These two treasures, plus his own identity, isn't this a pure villain template? !
When the censer is repaired enough to turn people into incense ashes, isn't this a pure "destroying bone and raising ashes" package?
(End of this chapter)

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