Chapter 141
Using the censer and the terrifying ability of Jiuyin, Ye Da terminated a tenacious lobster monster in an instant. At this time, the other six people breathed a sigh of relief. The next three lobster monsters didn't seem so scary anymore.

Originally, the four lobster monsters were encircling, but the others were somewhat nervous, for fear that one of them would accidentally turn over. Now it seems that being careful is not a big problem.

Ye Da didn't have time to find out how much vitality he had received, or what the lobster monster's soul was useful for, but shouted: "Big back head! Yao Ruting and Xiao Wu! Use your ability to control two, and leave the other to me!"

Dabeitou urged his ability with all his strength, turned his head and shouted angrily: "My name is Ren Shilin!"

The "soil and rock control" ability of Dabeitou is greatly affected by the terrain. There are no hard soil and rocks here, only mudflats.

But it is not weakening but strengthening for him.

Compared with earth and rocks, mud has stronger shaping ability and stronger binding ability. The mud turns into a giant python and wraps around the lobster monster. It is meaningless to treat it as the enemy's continuous attack, and it is restricted in place.

On the other side, Wu Fei and Yao Ruting were not so lucky. They both had crispy skin and close combat. Wu Fei couldn't break the defense.

At this time, Qiao Xuan, who had been keeping a low profile, played a huge role. He raised his hand to the monster lobster, and a lot of liquid leaked out from the cracks in the monster's body.

He seems to be able to control the water inside the Lobster Monster.

Although he gritted his teeth and persisted, it seemed that he was exhausted, but the lobster monster vented all over the floor, weakening visibly to the naked eye.

Ye Da did the same, using the armor-piercing ability blessed by Wang Weiwen and the supernatural power of the incense burner to solve a lobster monster again.

Life Essence +999!

Lobster Soul +1!

Just when everyone thought the situation was clear and victory was close at hand.

The only two remaining lobster monsters suddenly moved.

Regardless of the entangled mud and the continuous overflowing body fluids, they gave up struggling, raised their huge pincers, and screamed at the sky.


The sound was so ear-piercing and loud that Dabeitou and Qiao Xuan, who were exercising their abilities, had their foreheads suddenly popped and they knelt down.

Yao Ruting was too close and lost consciousness for an instant, and Wu Fei carried him back with his ears bleeding.

Only Wang Weiwen and Peng Dawei, who were far away, were in good condition. Peng Dawei shouted anxiously: "Come here, I can treat you!"

Ye Da's forehead was also bulging from the screams.

At the same time, a bad hunch was confirmed.

As the two lobster monsters screamed continuously, the sound became louder and louder, and even shattered his compound eyes.

The whole mud stall began to tremble slightly.

five ten
Dozens of aquatic spirits of various shapes emerged from the vast mudflats in all directions, and countless scarlet eyes looked over.

The whistling sound obviously resonated with all the spirits, and the whole quagmire boiled.

Peng Dawei was in a cold sweat, and while he was treating Yao Ruting, he said bitterly to Wang Weiwen: "I think the higher-ups are a bit unsophisticated for bringing us here for training. Who can stand it?"

After waiting for a while, Wang Weiwen didn't respond, so he looked up.

"Wang Weiwen, what's wrong with you?"

Wang Weiwen's face was ugly at this time, the veins on his neck burst out, and he clenched his fists tightly.

A pair of eyes are actually a little green!
Peng Dawei was shocked, the distance between the two was relatively far, the scream shouldn't have such a big impact, he was fine, why did Wang Weiwen react so much!
"Wang Weiwen, what's wrong with you? Come here quickly, and I'll check it out for you!"

But Wang Weiwen turned a deaf ear, staring at the two screaming lobster monsters, his green eyes were full of coldness.

On the other hand, Ye Da didn't know what happened to Wang Weiwen. He endured it for a moment, and seeing that the screaming didn't abate, and even intensified, his heart became ruthless, and he slammed his hands on his ears, temporarily damaging his eardrums.

After temporarily losing his hearing, Ye Da shook his head, stood on the corpse of the lobster monster, and looked around.

All eyes are ghostly and gigantic figures.

Giant crabs, lobster monsters, ugly molluscs, and even something like a pipi shrimp.

The smallest is four or five meters long, and the largest is nearly ten meters long.

The sudden change made Ye Da's face turn cold. Is this training?
Train a ghost!Something must have gone wrong!

Without hesitation, he took out a flare gun from his backpack and shot it into the sky.

This is given by the staff before departure. If you encounter an accident, you can fire a flare gun to ask for assistance.

The flare gun was handed over to Ye Da, who was vaguely the captain.

The situation in front of me was obviously an accident!Big surprise.

He didn't know if this kind of scene was part of the training.

But he has to be responsible for his teammates. The current situation is obviously not something the young people in the youth training camp can bear.

Maybe get away with, maybe not invulnerable, but he doesn't want someone to be attrition in just one practice.

Yao Ruting had already lost consciousness, and Dabeitou and Qiao Xuan also fell to the ground and struggled. They couldn't destroy their hearing decisively like Ye Da, so they could only back up in the mudflat enduring the pain.

Ye Da stopped hesitating and called out Liu Xiaoqian and Xiaoqing.

The bewitching and beautiful Liu Xiaoqian, dressed in white, appeared on the right side of Ye Da.

"Grandpa, I'm here."

Xiao Qing swayed her silk-like fish tail and floated to the left of Ye Da.


It's time to come up with something real, just to verify the progress of the recent period.

The water flow condensed from the air and gathered at both ends of the Xuanshui stick, and then the extremely cold breath permeated along Ye Da's right hand, and condensed into black ice on both sides of the Xuanshui stick.

"Two Pointed Guns"

To deal with this kind of monster, there is no need to use "Wind King Barrier" or "Illusion Transformation". Ye Da clamped the "Two-pointed Spear" under his armpit and lowered his figure.

"Help me pay attention to other people." After speaking, he rushed out.

He lost his hearing, so he was immune to the screams, but at the same time, his five senses were damaged, so he might not be able to notice the situation of the other people.

He came to Dabeitou immediately, picked him up from the quagmire, and yelled at him: "I have fired a signal flare, use your ability to find a way to take everyone back to the woods! These guys are big, The woods are a good deterrent to them."

Dabeitou didn't know if he heard it clearly amidst the screaming sound, but Ye Da couldn't hear what he replied, and secretly poured some vitality into him, and then threw it in the direction of Peng Dawei and the others.

Look at his understanding.

The big back rolled on the mud flat for several times before stopping, but his reaction was not slow. He got up and ran towards the others, and even pulled Qiao Xuan who was also struggling on the ground.

Ye Da didn't hesitate anymore, and rushed towards the two screaming lobster monsters, even though his compound eyes were shattered, they didn't stop.

While running wildly, Ye Da and Liu Xiaoqian looked at each other and separated.

Ye Da leaped more than ten meters high, raised his two pointed spears above his head, and thrust them down fiercely.

With the sound of flesh and blood breaking apart, Ye Da pierced through the sharp corners of the lobster monster's head and nailed it to the ground.


The lobster monster didn't resist, it just screamed blindly.

This monster is obviously abnormal, as if possessed by a demon!
Even though he lost his hearing, Ye Da felt that the violent sound waves penetrated his internal organs. If it weren't for his very different physique, living people might not be able to get close at all.

"To shut up!"

Ye Da attached the gauntlet of yin energy in his left hand, and punched the lobster monster's ferocious mouthparts.

Violent white smoke spewed out and was swallowed by the whale and melted into the incense burner.

On the other side, Liu Xiaoqian quickly attacked the second lobster monster without being disturbed by the sound waves.

During the flight, Liu Xiaoqian waved her hands, and the terrifying ghost claws extended, emitting a dangerous cold glow.

Then it flew directly into the body of the lobster monster.

The next moment, the sound of flesh and blood churning came from inside the lobster monster, and countless fountains of blood flowed out from the cracks in the carapace.

After more than ten seconds, the lobster monster's abdomen was opened, and the flesh and blood of its internal organs fell to the ground. Liu Xiaoqian got out from it, still beautiful and spotless.

The two screaming lobster monsters were finally dealt with, but more and more aquatic monsters surrounded them.

Dozens of terrifying spirits separated Ye Da from the others and formed two circles. Their huge bodies actually seemed to block out the sky and the sun.

Dozens of monsters did not attack.

Instead, they screamed and sang together.

The sound waves that were several times larger than before swept across a radius of [-] meters.

Peng Dawei, Wu Fei, Dabeitou, Qiao Xuan.

Everyone's eyeballs were congested instantly, their temples bulged, and they passed out.

In the encirclement, only two figures were left standing.

Ye Da, and Wang Weiwen.

Ye Da looked at Wang Weiwen in surprise, looking through the gaps between the legs and feet of the spirits. Only then did he realize that Wang Weiwen's eyes had turned green like a faint light, and his face was standing there with a livid face.

Why isn't this guy dizzy?What's the matter with the eyes?What kind of BUFF did you use your ability to add to yourself?

Wang Weiwen also looked through the legs and feet of countless ghosts, looked at Ye Da not far away, and opened his mouth to say something.

But Ye Da couldn't hear it.

A page of authentic ancient books was torn in half by Wang Weiwen, and half was held in Wang Weiwen's hands, muttering something.

A ball of light appeared with Wang Weiwen as the center, wrapped the people around it, and sank into the ground.

The other half of the authentic ancient book exuded the fluorescence of spirit seeds, and flew towards Ye Da as if someone was pulling it.

Ye Da understood, Wang Weiwen was really reliable!He was able to take everyone away.

As long as Ye Da touches that half page, they should be able to escape together.

The spirits seemed to have no reaction to such a small thing as half a page, their huge bodies still roared upwards, chanting ecstasy.

However, Ye Da's hearing score was zero.

Ye Da called Liu Xiaoqian and Xiaoqing back into his arms, put away the Xuanshui stick, and reached out to grab the half of the authentic handwriting.

A hand intercepted half a piece of paper in mid-air, exerted a little force, and the spirit seed fluorescence on it was crushed.

A masked figure emerged from the mudflat, surrounded by countless spirits, and looked at Ye Da.

"I didn't expect that a young man in the official youth training camp would have such a high attainment of 'earth escape'. I just don't know. Is the official hiding it? Or is it full of loopholes?"

Ye Da's outstretched hand slowly retracted, and he took out the Xuanshui stick from behind again.

It's endless, and it doesn't let people run away.

Is this guy the culprit of the mutation?
Why do I always encounter so many broken things!There are villains who want to jump out and mess with me even after training!

Is it against me?Or for the youth training camp?

The base of the mask is jade white, with only a thin slit at the eyes.

The masked man crumpled up the half page of the original manuscript and threw it into the quagmire.

"Although I ran a few times, I came here for you, classmate Ye Da, meet again? Is my voice familiar?"

Ye Da picked out his itchy ears: "What about your mother? Make it louder! Can't hear you!"

(End of this chapter)

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