I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 142 White smoke?steam!

Chapter 142 White smoke?steam!
The masked man stagnated for breath, thinking he had heard wrong.

The face beneath the mask frowned.

No no no, the show would be meaningless without inversions and surprises.

In front of Ye Da, he took off his mask, revealing the face that used to be a substitute teacher.

He must have seen Ye Da's shocked expression.

Yet he was still disappointed.

Ye Da's eyes shrank, but he was not surprised.

As early as joining the Shuguang Project, Ye Da obtained some authority. He asked Jiang Hou for the information about the Dharma-seeker incidents related to him several times before, and Jiang Hou did not hide it, just like he took Ye Da It was like when I went to Yang Tian to ask for an explanation.

Ding Yong, a former substitute teacher at Tunghai University, is suspected to be a member of the Dharma Seekers. He stole a lot of things from the library on the day of the Lingzi incident.

"Suspected" is just a written term in official materials, just like "criminal suspect" before sentencing, but the Special Affairs Division has basically confirmed this matter.

"Jiuying" is a seeker of the Dharma, and Ding Yong is also a seeker of the Dharma. After Ye Da knew this, he would naturally link the two together.

So after seeing Ding Yong, Ye Da was just surprised, but did not appear the "shocked enough to doubt his life" that Ding Yong expected, nor asked loudly: "Teacher Ding! Why are you here!"

This undoubtedly made Ding Yong very upset, feeling like he had punched cotton.

Ye Da said, "So you did all of this? For me?"

These guys, apart from the accident of the first battle between the furniture city and the men's toilet, since Jiuyin boarded in his own hands, they have been contacting him purposefully.

"Jiuying" is like this, and so is "Ding Yong".

Because Ye Da's hearing has not recovered, he didn't hear Ding Yong's self-explosion at the beginning, and he didn't even hear his evaluation of Wang Weiwen.

Ye Da finally realized it at this time, and asked himself a question!

I can't hear anymore!

The man who used to be called "Ding Yong" and whose real name was unknown seemed to feel that the singing of countless ghosts around him was a bit noisy. He took out an old-fashioned Walkman, pressed the pause button, and dozens of huge ghosts seemed to have been pressed. At the same time, the ecstasy howling stopped.

Apparently it was a spirit enlightenment.

Ding Yong said: "You are not so proud, but now that you have encountered it, there is no reason to let it go. 'Nine Yin' and 'Juantian' are both in your hands. I think it is better to take back this kind of thing from the organization," That guy Jiu Ying is still a little too careless in his work."

Ye Da: What is this B talking about?Why hasn't my hearing recovered yet?

But he was not too panicked.

From the moment he appeared in front of him, it wasn't just Ye Da who was in crisis, but also Ding Yong himself.

Because he has Liu Xiaoqian as a big killer.

Even Chen Jiu was quite surprised by this, a "ghost" that was rarely born in modern Kyushu.

No matter what purpose you have, you will die if you take out your intestines.

Seeing Ye Da's calm expression, Ding Yong couldn't express his displeasure in his heart. This spur-of-the-moment action became dull due to the non-cooperation of the supporting actor Ye Da.

Ding Yong glanced at Ye Da in disgust, stretched out a hand, and said, "Forget it, a Tie Hanhan."

The next moment, the mudflats around Ye Da surged instantly, and several long snakes made of mud wound up.

How similar is this ability to the one with the big back!That's how Dabeitou restricted the lobster monster just now.

But in Ding Yong's hands, the mud seemed to be faster and more subtle. The long mud snake even turned into a snake head, and the letter on its mouth came in and out, climbing towards Ye Da.

Ye Daxuan swiped the water stick, and the long snake broke in response, but a strange scene appeared. The broken mud snake did not collapse, and it still kept a part missing. Ye Da seemed to be hit by the water flow above.

There was no other way, Ye Da had no choice but to retreat, with seven or eight long snakes chasing after him.

And Ding Yong was standing still, his five fingers shaking rapidly from time to time, like a master puppeteer.

While Ye Da was running forward, he paid attention to Ding Yong's condition. This guy seemed to be particularly confident, with an expression that was like a game in the world.Although the surrounding spirits did not attack, they also restricted Ye Da's space.

"Footwork, cutting around!"

Ye Da's toes were slightly crushed, but his body was like an arrow leaving the string. He suddenly changed direction in an almost elegant way, and the "two-pointed spear" in his hand pierced out.


The tip of the black ice spear directly pierced Ding Yong's neck, and he didn't even dodge a little bit.

However, what surprised Ye Da was that Ding Yong's body was actually liquid!
The gun pierced his neck, but there was no blood, as if Ye Da had plunged two pointed guns into a pool of water. Ding Yong just looked at him with a smile.

Ye Da frowned, but he echoed Liu Xiaoqian in his heart.

In Ye Da's field of vision the next moment, a pair of ghost claws protruded from the two pointed spears and swung towards Ding Yong.

Ding Yong's neck was cut in two, and a head flew high. Then there were countless scratches on his body, and even many big holes were broken, and he could see the scene behind him.

But soon, the head flew back to the body, and Ding Yong surged like a liquid, and he recovered.

This guy is immortal?

Or is it that this is not his true nature at all?

Ding Yong looked in the direction of Liu Xiaoqian and said: "You seem to have a very scary pet. It seems that you are already using the 'Nine Yins', right? Your physique is indeed strange. You can survive using the 'Nine Yins' You haven't died for so long. Is it because of super regeneration?"

At this time, Ye Da's hearing recovered a little, and he got a rough idea.

Ye Da called Liu Xiaoqian back. Liu Xiaoqian's biggest advantage is that most people can't see her. Although Ding Yong can't see her clearly, he seems to be able to sense Liu Xiaoqian's existence. It's better to wait for the opportunity in the nine shades.

In case Ding Yong suddenly took out a mahogany sword and held a gossip mirror.

Ye Da hit the "two-pointed gun" heavily on the ground, and the black ice on it melted and recondensed into an exaggerated giant hammer. The huge hammer head was somewhat cartoonish, just like the one written in animation. Holding the "10 Ton" black sledgehammer.

At the same time, white smoke drifted out from his left hand and was absorbed into Ye Da's body.

Ding Yong put on the mask again and said: "Have you absorbed so much life force? It seems that Classmate Ye is compatible with the incense burner. Your body is really special. How about I give you another chance? Come with me , I will take you to see the real side of this world, and let you understand the despair hidden under the peaceful scene."

The answer to him was silence.

Amidst the white smoke, Ye Da lowered his body.

"Footwork: Thrust!"

Ye Da rushed out of the white smoke in an instant, and smashed the terrifying giant hammer at Ding Yong. Ding Yong stretched out his hand calmly.

"Student Ye should know the concept of 'hydraulic pressure', right? In terms of absolute strength, a flesh and blood body has a limit after all."

With a smile on his face, he punched the giant hammer he swung.


Ding Yong felt a powerful force coming from him.

Just flew out!
The pretentious words even have an ending sound.

The violent impact was hard to resist, and Ding Yong's body could only twist like jelly in order to release the force.

He clearly calculated Ye Da's strength just now!How did it increase so much?

Even if there is "juantian" to provide vitality, it can't be like taking medicine!That should be a long-term growth process!
Ding Yong looked at Ye Da with blank eyes.

He had been observing underground for a long time just now, and he thought he had figured out Ye Da's reality!
At this time, Ye Da's veins burst out, and two thick white smoke penetrated into his nostrils from all around.

The white smoke around him was like steam, making his figure looming.

Smoking white smoke strengthens the body.

 What second gear?
  Never heard of it!
(End of this chapter)

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