I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 143 This wave is in the atmosphere

Chapter 143 This wave is in the atmosphere
Ding Yong, who was constantly wriggling, quickly condensed in mid-air.

Although it is not considered injured, but the mood is very bad.

Ye Da succeeded in one blow, but shook his head slightly in his heart.

Not even blunt force attacks?
This guy is really a bit elemental.

This is a bad character guy who seems to like to compare and look forward to the reaction of others.

Commonly known as villain syndrome.

If this is not the main body, then Ding Yong should have more performance space, such as pretending to be defeated and then resurrected with full blood.

Judging from the plummeting state of his mood, this should be his body, which is the only good news.

But as long as there is no way to crack the ability similar to elementalization, Ye Da has no chance of winning.

This guy is kind of a dick.

But Ye Da has already found a weakness that has not been verified, a guess.

It may be due to long-term immunity to attacks, this guy seems to have poor awareness of "dodge".

Especially for direct attacks from the physics department, the opponent will not subconsciously have dodge thinking like ordinary people, but an attitude of indifference, or choose a hard line that he thinks is not threatening.

Then pretend.

Ye Da wanted to get rid of this guy, he had better catch him alive.

The clay figurine is still angry, once or twice it's endless!
There are three cards left in the hand.

If you still can't win after playing the three cards, you can only withdraw first.

Ye Da secretly communicated with Liu Xiaoqian, and then charged again with a giant hammer in hand.

The white smoke around him made him look like a steam man, and his figure was looming in the white smoke.

This is a new cooperation between Ye Da and Liu Xiaoqian after absorbing thousands of scavenger souls.

The new form developed by Ye Da after playing Shen Shanrong with his illusion ability in the library and feeling surrounded by himself, especially after receiving professional combat training in the Dawn Project.

Bai Yan has a strong body, and while her speed and strength have greatly increased, Bai Yan can also cover her sight. With Liu Xiaoqian's now-unused illusion ability, she can perform various tricks.

The white smoke is completely under Ye Da's control, and will not escape or be absorbed by the surrounding life forms.

Facing the rushing Ye Da, Ding Yong pressed the fast forward button of the radio with a smile.

The countless spirits around seemed to have received some orders suddenly, and they moved violently.

A huge crab smashed down the terrifying claws several meters long, and it was about to smash Ye Da into a pulp.

Ye Da didn't even evade, he didn't even look up, he just stood firm against Ding Yong's position.

The next moment, the giant pincers fell, but Ye Da's figure disappeared into the white smoke!
When he reappeared, he was already on the left side of Ding Yong.

The huge hammer head is constantly magnifying in its eyes.

Ding Yong shook his head and said, "It's useless, your pet's illusion ability can't fool me."

Sure enough, the giant hammer was just a phantom, penetrating Ding Yong's body.

"But you can fool the crab."


The next moment, a giant pliers smashed down, and the target was Ding Yong.

At this time, in the eyes of the crab monster, Ding Yong is just like Ye Da.

Ding Yong could only take the initiative to turn into a liquid and dodge to one side.

At this time, Ye Da's real body was already waiting here, stuck in the blind spot of Ding Yong's vision.

"You can see through illusions, your vision is not 360° without dead ends, you can't see through the back of your head."

Under the giant hammer, Ding Yong's uncondensed figure can only be liquefied again and condensed in other directions. He doesn't want to be beaten into a puddle of jelly like just now. Although he is not injured, he will lose face.

Because this hammer is an entity.

"The hammer is an entity, but I am not."

Amidst the billowing white smoke, Ye Da's real body appeared in Ding Yongxin's place.

Ding Yong gritted his teeth, this brat!
At this time, Ye Da's hands were empty, but they were also as black as ink.

Ding Yong continued to liquefy, becoming angry from embarrassment, his arm turned into a liquid ball, and swung it violently.

The liquid arm was instantly stretched, extending one meter out of thin air.

"Although I am an entity, I may not have a stick."

Ye Da clasped both hands and made a throwing motion. The invisible Xuanshui stick was thrown out, shooting through Ding Yong who had just condensed.

Still, no damage was done.

Although unscathed, Ding Yong was furious at being suppressed and teased. He could no longer maintain that calm expression, and shouted at Ye Da who was still in the throwing posture: "Little devil! Don't be too arrogant!"

It was him who rushed to play around with others!No one can play him!

The voice that answered him was close at hand.

"Sorry, although the stick was thrown out, I might not be able to fly over together, right?"

It turned out that Ye Da didn't throw it, but arrived with the Xuanshui stick.

A pair of pitch-black hands inserted into Ding Yong's liquid body.

Rich Yin Qi came out from both hands, and the Yin Qi condensed into ice!
If it's liquid, is it okay to freeze it?
first card.


Ding Yong's body did not condense, nor did he react to the Yin Qi that a living being should have.

His liquid body seems to be incomprehensible as water!

The other party just stared at Ye Da with a sneer, as if mocking his little trick.

The next moment, a ghostly and beautiful face was superimposed on Ye Da's face.

Ye Da and Liu Xiaoqian opened their mouths at the same time.

Face to face, so close!A soul-stirring scream sounded.


second card.

It worked!

Ding Yong lost his mind for a moment.

He could be immune to the singing of countless spirits, but he couldn't be immune to this face-to-face soul shock.

Seeing that the Yin Qi freezing was ineffective, Ye Da pulled out his black hand decisively, jumped back, and in mid-air, there was a small object like a car key in his hand.

The third card.


The Xuanshui stick that was still in Ding Yong's body had already been installed with the blasting gun head with the help of white smoke to cover his sight.


Ding Yong was blown into countless splattered liquid blobs.

In the sky, in the ground, in the mud, in the mouthparts of the monsters.

They are all Ding Yong.

For Ding Yong, who is everywhere, Ye Da has no nostalgia, and turns around and runs away.

All three cards are played.

If this didn't kill Ding Yong, then he should also withdraw.

If it is successfully done, there is no need to fight with dozens of abnormal monsters, just wait for the support to go back and collect Ding Yong's body.

If he still has.

Can there be 500CC left?
After Ding Yong exploded into countless liquids, countless ghosts also fell into confusion.

But it only lasted for a while.

When Ye Da ran wildly, he felt the quagmire under his feet tremble slightly.

Looking back, a huge mud dragon surged towards him.

No, this color scheme can only be called a giant mud worm.

Half of Ding Yong's body grew on the head of the nearly [-]-meter-long mud giant worm. His lower body seemed to be integrated with countless mud, like the Cordyceps parasitic on the giant worm.

Carrying hundreds of tons of liquid, Ding Yong rushed forward, faster than Ye Da's dashing speed.

And behind it, there are dozens of spirit monsters that also rushed over.

Ye Da was also a little bit tongue-tied, this guy is so ridiculous!
On top of the giant mud worm, Ding Yong could no longer maintain a calm expression, replaced by rage.

Ding Yong's face was full of murderous looks, the corners of his mouth were almost cracked to the back of his ears:
"Student Ye, did I tell you that get out of class is over?"

At this speed, Ye Da would be overtaken before he ran into the woods.

At this moment, a black shadow descended from the sky.

Ye Da ran wildly while looking curiously.

chasing that track.

That majestic figure, with unparalleled power, fell like a meteor.

Ding Yong raised his head as if observing, his expression changed from anger to panic.



The next moment, a casserole-sized fist hit Ding Yong's face.

One-third of the giant mud worms that were nearly [-] meters long disappeared!
Evenly scattered over the vast land.

Before Ye Da could say a good dick, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and he appeared on an unknown white object, and there was a blue sky around him.

Patting his body, Ye Da said uncertainly: "Is this a cloud?"

A man with a gray beard came over, pulled Ye Da up, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Ye is right, she is courageous and resourceful, calm in times of crisis, and behaves very well, we all see it."

Ye Da was a little dazed. This person seemed to be the chief officer of the Qinzhou Special Affairs Department!
The cloud under his feet is his ability?

Ye Da quickly ran to the edge and looked down. Sure enough, he was at an altitude of thousands of meters at this time.

On the ground, where he was just now, was replaced by another middle-aged man whom he didn't know, who also seemed to be a team leader, who was smoking a cigarette while raising his head to say hello to Ye Da.

This person can change the positions of two things?Did you switch places with him just now?

"When did you guys come here?"

The chief officer of Qinzhou seemed to be in a good mood and said with a smile: "Since you guys left Luoyun Mountain, we have been following them in the sky. This is my spiritual power."

"You don't really think, us old guys, don't worry if you enter Luoyun Bay full of ghosts, do you? You are not afraid, the other little guys almost have something."

Good guy.

Ye Da has a few good guys in his heart.

To be honest, it was impossible to say that there were no complaints from the dozens of spirit monsters that rioted before, and I felt that these captain-level gangsters were unreliable.

It turns out that these are in the atmosphere, the atmosphere in the physical sense.

"Then that Ding Yong down there?"

"We detected an abnormality in Luoyun Bay three days ago, but we haven't found anything. It turned out that he was hiding underground. When this person first appeared, we considered intervening and suspending the training, but Jiang Hou said that you are all right. Get ready and take a look, anyway, Xiao Wu's ability can save you all in an instant."

"However, after waiting for such a long time, I didn't see any other accomplices for this person. This seeker seems to have become serious, so I replaced you. You have done enough good enough."

The chief officer of Qinzhou could not restrain his appreciation: "No, it should be said to be dazzling enough!"

Then, Qinzhou Chief Officer looked down coldly. Jiang Hou, who was full of spirit glow, was fighting the [-]-meter-long mud giant, and said quietly: "This guy should have discovered that these spirits are officially raised. You dare to do something here, you are looking for death, you think us too stupid!"

 There are only two updates today, and the degradation is successful again.

(End of this chapter)

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