I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 144 Red Beast Hair and the End of One Punch

Chapter 144 Red Beast Hair and the End of a Punch

Ye Da sat down on the cloud, and the touch under his body was like a resilient cotton candy. If a living person slept on it, it would be very comfortable, he thought so.

From the chief officer of Qinzhou, Ye Da knew that the other people were safe. Wang Weiwen sent them to the outskirts of Luoyun Bay. After finding that Ye Da hadn't followed, he planned to go back to look for him, but was stopped by the staff.

I think they must have been surprised when they knew that there were several captains in the cloud above their heads.

With no more worries, Ye Da relaxed and watched the battle from the edge of the clouds.

After just one glance, Ye Da came to a conclusion.

Jiang Hou is really fierce!

The ability known as the "integration of soul and body", the invincible defense and huge strength shown in the previous duel training, is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

Ding Yong was pressed and beaten by Jiang Hou.

Even if he is a mass of liquid.

It is also a physical attack, but Jiang Hou's fist can make Ding Yong extremely fearful. He dare not take it even once. He can only be liquefied and reorganized continuously. Power, together with countless muds, was blown out again.

As for the giant mud worm, it was long gone.

Those giant monsters around couldn't keep up with Jiang Hou's speed at all, and couldn't create any threat.

Anyone can see that the mighty Ding Yong just now is not Jiang Hou's opponent.

And the captain who could switch positions was standing aside, as if to prevent Ding Yong from escaping.

The chief officer of Qinzhou smiled and said, "How is it? Is Jiang Houqiang?"

Ye Da nodded: "It's really powerful, I've never seen Team Jiang go all out."

"Jiang Hou was a genius in the Special Affairs Department of the three cities of Kyushu more than ten years ago, just like you now."

Ye Da didn't know how to answer these words, so he could only say: "But that Ding Yong's ability is also very strange, we still have to be careful of him escaping."

The chief officer of Qinzhou said with a cold face: "That's not ability, it's 'Dharma'. This is the most difficult thing for those who seek Dharma. There are many tricks and there are many spiritual objects."

While talking, Ding Yong took out the radio-like thing while avoiding the gap, and pressed a certain button.

The next moment, the countless ghosts around began to scream, more hysterical than before.

They seemed to be using their vocal organs as one-time explosives, and in just a split second, blood of different colors spewed out from the mouthparts of the four sprites.

The unscrupulous Jiang Hou paused for a moment, but he was just curious. The howls that were hundreds of meters above the sky seemed to not affect him.

Ding Yong found a gap, condensed into a shape, panting heavily.

He has already seen that it is unrealistic to blindly escape from the ground, not to mention that there is a captain with suspected space-like abilities on one side, and another in the sky who does not know how deep it is.


The reason why he still chooses to do experiments here, knowing that this is the place where the government raises spirit monsters, is because it is difficult to find places with such a dense concentration of spirit monsters in Kyushu.

In the few days here, the progress of the experiment is as good as his running around for a year or two.

Originally, he didn't intend to show up, he just wanted to make arrangements secretly and retreat calmly, but Ye Da's appearance made him greedy.

"Jiuyin Stone Bian" + "Jiantian Incense Burner" + Ye Da himself with a strange physique, the temptation of three good things made him unable to hold back his hands.

People die for money, birds die for food, Ding Yong is used to absorbing all the resources that can strengthen his body, he is very old-fashioned.

But the most surprising thing was that Ye Da, who thought he could play with ease, was much more difficult to deal with than he imagined. He suffered a lot and wasted a lot of time.

Did this guy take medicine? !Three months to become what it is now? This is not the case in the information "Jiuying" gave him!
So in order to get out, I can only use a special method, and lose my wife and lose my army!
The radio in Ding Yong's hand is a spiritual object. It looks like a radio, but it is actually a Walkman, a personal spiritual object he got by chance.

The function is to force pollution, and this time I came here to experiment with the contents of the Walkman.

But now I can't care about so much.

Ding Yong pressed all the buttons on the radio, and the tape inside it spun crazily.

The screams of the surrounding spirits became more and more horrific, and it seemed that inexplicable changes had taken place in his body.

On the body of the crustacean, animal hair actually appeared.

Yes, fur.

Red animal hairs sprung up from the bodies of the spirits like mushrooms after rain.

The gaps between the carapace, the ferocious mouthparts, and even the hard giant pincers all have red hairs.It seems to be evolving.

But then, their cross-species change led to the collapse of their bodies.

The crab has a second face growing out of its pincers, and the lobster has legs all over its back.

Scary, weird, and tingling.

Dozens of aquatic spirits turned into dozens of monsters with distorted bodies and covered in red hair, and some of them were even stuck together with flesh and blood.

After these spirits turned into monsters, they didn't attack anyone, but ran towards Yunzhou Lake.

Ding Yong was brushed aside by Jiang Hou's punch, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. It seemed that his ability to liquefy could not resist Jiang Hou's fist.

He turned into a liquid again, reorganized not far away, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, Ding Yong said: "Let me go, otherwise these things will pollute the entire Yunzhou Lake!"

At this time, the chief officer of Qinzhou manipulated Baiyun to fly down.

"You can't go! Neither do these disgusting things."

The white clouds under the feet are getting bigger and bigger, rushing in all directions, turning into countless cloud roll tentacles, wrapping up these twisted red-haired monsters.

When the combat power is at ease, the three captains tend to force out as many means as possible, or possible hidden reinforcements, so the chief officer of Qinzhou and the other captain just "watch" from the sidelines.

But the scope of influence will expand, which is another matter.

Seeing that the people on the cloud also started to attack, Ding Yong's face became even more ugly, and he desperately thought about countermeasures.

If it was a captain, he would still have the opportunity to compete with each other, and even win the battle, but the three captains are here, and there is a monster among the captains like Jiang Hou, who doesn't even have a place to run.

At this time, the captain who had been observing the battle after replacing Ye Da moved.

He took out a pistol, raised his hand and pulled the trigger.

Target, Jiang Hou.

A special flared bullet flew out. This kind of bullet did not have much lethality, but it allowed the shooter to observe the direction and position of the ballistic trajectory.

The light bullet quickly hit Jiang Hou in front of him, and the captain lifted his two fingers up, instantly switched the positions of himself and the bullet, and appeared in front of Jiang Hou.

Each captain has developed his spiritual enlightenment ability to perfection, and a special pistol allows him to appear wherever he wants at the speed of bullets.

As soon as he appeared, he raised his fingers again.

Space exchange, the target is Ding Yong.

Jiang Hou punched the captain tacitly.

Ding Yong's eyes blurred, and he switched places with the captain, and what greeted him was Jiang Hou's fist shining with the fluorescence of the spirit.

Too late to liquefy!

This punch hit Ding Yong firmly in the chest.

Not shot.

Because he has been pierced.

Ding Yong was hit head-on by Jiang Hou for the first time.

But it was also the last time.

A big hole was directly pierced in the chest, Jiang Hou's fist entered from the front, and came out from the back, blood gushing out without money.

Jiang Hou pulled out his arm, a drop of blood was not stained on it, then he grabbed Ding Yong's neck with one hand and lifted him up, and said lightly: "Shouldn't he die?"

The captain, who cooperated perfectly with Jiang Hou by virtue of the space exchange, walked slowly and complained: "At least avoid the vital points, won't you hit the lower body?"

Jiang Hou grinned, with a hint of cunning in his eyes: "This guy is too short, I can't squat down to beat him, hahaha."

Above the clouds, Ye Da breathed a sigh of relief.


There was no such bloody plot where people threatened to run away despite their abundant combat power.

To be honest, when Ding Yong threatened to pollute Yunzhou Lake just now, he really thought there would be some old-fashioned plot. Fortunately, the three captains were strong enough and decisive enough.

(End of this chapter)

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