I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 145 Charade Brother and Brother

Chapter 145 Charade Brother and Brother

Although there were many accidents in the final training program at Luoyunshan base, it ended with the safety of all the staff and Ding Yong was arrested.

Ding Yong was hurriedly sent back to the Luoyun Mountain Base by the chief officer of Qinzhou. This person is a member of the Dharma Seeker who has rarely been caught in recent years. Naturally, he had to be saved and tortured.

Why is it here?Why attack the training squad?Information about other members of the Dharma Seeker?Even the location of the Dharma seeker's headquarters, these are priceless news.

The medical personnel and spiritual enlighteners of the Luoyun Mountain base took over immediately.

But to everyone's pity, although this person's vital signs were maintained through various means, he couldn't wake up for a long time.

The final result of the judgment was that Jiang Hou's punch was too strong, and he, who was "unified with body and soul", injured Ding Yong's soul, and he might never wake up again.

The chief official of Qinzhou was very dissatisfied with this. The three captains surrounded a Dharma seeker when they were clearly sure to win. This kind of overhanding should not have happened at all, and they criticized and complained to Jiang Hou.

At that time, why beat this person like this?Isn't it good to save one's life to torture information? !

Jiang Hou could only smile awkwardly at this, expressing that he must pay attention next time.

There is no next time!
The Dharma seekers are all slippery, and they are basically doing things in secret. Ding Yong rarely has the opportunity to hit the muzzle of the gun.

But this also made Ye Da feel at ease. If Ding Yong couldn't wake up, he could hide his situation for a while longer. At the same time, he began to wonder whether Jiang Hou did it on purpose.

He felt that he and Jiang Hou were playing charades with each other, and under the premise of mutual trust, they both hid something from each other.

After returning to the Luoyunshan base, Ye Da also saw the other six members of the team. Among them, Yao Ruting, Dabeitou, and Qiao Xuan were seriously injured. Concussion, Qiao Xuan even had a fracture, I don't know how it was done, the three of them were lying on the hospital bed.

Wu Fei, Peng Dawei, and Wang Weiwen were fine, especially Wang Weiwen, so to speak, unscathed.

"Your spiritual enlightenment ability can still escape from the ground? Is it so powerful?"

Ye Da said while peeling an apple.

He was visiting Yao Ruting's ward at this time, not treating them differently, but he sat in both Dabeitou's and Qiao Xuan's wards for a while, and this was the last stop.

In the afternoon, he will leave Luoyun Mountain Base and return to East China Sea, while the three patients will stay here to recuperate for a period of time before going back to their respective homes.

Wang Weiwen looked into Ye Da's eyes and seemed to be judging Ye Da's thoughts. Ye Da concentrated on peeling the apple and didn't seem to notice.

After a long while, Wang Weiwen said: "There just happened to be an authentic piece of work that is suitable. My ability still depends on whether the content of the original piece of writing corresponds to it, but I did my best to do it. By the way, when did your hearing recover?"

Ye Da peeled off the apple several times, and he simply cut it like a potato, and said: "I gradually recovered when I was fighting with Ding Yong. That guy kept pretending to be aggressive, and it didn't matter whether he heard it or not." .”

After finishing speaking, Ye Da seemed to say unintentionally: "What's the matter with your eyes, they turned green when I saw them. I thought there was some chemical reaction with that whistling sound."

Wang Weiwen said: "Is there? Maybe the mobilization ability is too strong. It's still a little bit reluctant to take away 6 people at once. I'm afraid I won't be able to use my ability any more in the near future."

"It's okay, you can calm down for a while when you go back to the East China Sea."

There are two more charades in this world.

Handing an apple that was one size smaller to Yao Ruting on the hospital bed, Ye Da said, "You should take good care of your health. We will go back in the afternoon and come to the East China Sea to gather together when we have time."

Yao Ruting turned pale, took the apple, and said solemnly, "Thank you for saving us."

Whether it was the encirclement of the four lobster monsters at the beginning, or the shocking transformation of dozens of monsters afterwards, Ye Da showed his dominance-level strength, and perfectly played the role of "attacking the fortress". everyone.

With such a teammate up front, anyone will feel at ease.

If it is said that before Luoyun Bay, Ye Da had the vacant position of captain because of his strength, then now he is considered a reliable team leader in the eyes of Da Beitou, Yao Ruting and others.

Geniuses can already freely admit that someone is more genius than them.

Ye Da said: "Don't take it to heart, but I suggest that you strengthen your physical training after you recover from your illness. Your ability is very strong, but your physical fitness limits its performance."

Although the specific data is not clear, it is not difficult to judge from Yao Ruting's proud figure that his muscle content must not be high. Although his stick technique is very strong, his physical strength is his obvious shortcoming.

However, the members of the youth training camp have their own lives. Maybe they are not going to take the special affairs department at all in the future.

After finishing the visit in the last ward, Ye Da and Wang Weiwen bid farewell and left.

Zhou Meirong and the others were already waiting for them downstairs.

On the way back, Jiang Hou, Ye Da, and Wang Weiwen were in one car, and the others were in one car. It was different from when they came.While driving, Jiang Hou answered the phone: "It's a pity that I still can't wake up. That Ding Yong is too good, I didn't even try my best!"

As he spoke, Jiang Hou glanced at the two young men in the second row from the rearview mirror, and sure enough, two pairs of eyes looked over.

Jiang Hou said to the phone: "If you can't wake up, it will be a little troublesome. By the way, the radio enlightenment is still okay. It feels like a good thing. Hmm, I see, let's talk later."

Putting down the phone, feeling a question behind him, Jiang Hou said, "What's the matter, two young men, do you have anything to say?"

Wang Weiwen: "Yes."

Ye Da: "Please don't drive with one hand, you don't deserve it."

Jiang Hou:.
After returning to East China Sea, Wang Weiwen cleaned up in the youth training camp building, bid farewell to his partners in the Shuguang team, and was picked up by his own driver.

As soon as she entered the gate of the mansion, Aunt Liu took the luggage from Wang Weiwen's hand and said with a smile, "The master is on the second floor, and he is very concerned about your affairs. Go up and have a look."

Wang Weiwen nodded, said something hard and went upstairs.

At the corner of the second floor, the stepmother waited outside the door with a worried face, almost restless.

Seeing Wang Weiwen's arrival, the stepmother was a little embarrassed at first, but then breathed a sigh of relief.

Among the two children of the Wang family, the eldest son Weiwen can be said to be extremely shining. His academic performance has never fallen below the top three in his grade. He is gentle, mature and stable, and he is also a powerful spiritual enlightener.

As he grows older, Wang Weiwen's existence becomes more and more dazzling, and it can be said that he concentrates all the advantages that young people should have.

And the second son, Wang Weiwu, was the second son who failed to live up to his brother's dazzling light.

The grades are average, there is no enlightenment enlightenment person, the character is not good, and he often gets into trouble.

The stepmother sometimes sighs with emotion, it is all her husband's blood, is it because her genes are not good enough?

But after all, Wang Weiwu is her own flesh and blood, so what can she do?

Ever since Wang Weiwu showed mediocre, even poor, aptitude, she has basically been enduring this kind of suffering and self-doubt.

The school called today, saying that Wang Weiwu was absent from class for no reason and fooled around with people outside the school. It is hard to imagine that this is something that a child of the Wang family can do.

The husband was reprimanding the second son inside, and even Wang Weiwu's mother was worried, fearing that her husband would look down on Wang Weiwu even more from now on. Seeing Wang Weiwen coming back was a bit embarrassing, but then she thought that maybe her husband would let Weiwu go, after all, he always cared more. The eldest son of his own family.

Inside the gate, there was an eager roar.

"If you do this again! Don't go to public school! I'll send you to a closed private school! Save yourself the trouble! Go out and reflect on yourself!"

Wang Weiwu pushed the door out with a blue face. When he looked up, he saw his brother, his face became more rigid, and he slammed the door away. The stepmother smiled apologetically and embarrassedly at Wang Weiwen, and hurried after him.

Wang Weiwen sighed as he looked at the backs of the two leaving.

Knocked on the door and walked into the room.

In the luxurious and extravagant room, almost every corner is decorated with valuable decorations, even the carpet is quite exquisite.

A middle-aged man with gray temples, wearing a suit, holding a cigar in his hand, panting continuously, seemed to be trying to calm himself down.

"Smoking less, smoking in a hurry is the most harmful."

Seeing Wang Weiwen coming in, the middle-aged man sighed, put down the cigar in his hand, and got up to make way for him: "Sorry, my lord, I got mad at that boy Weiwu again. I heard that there was something wrong with this joint training, all of you Are you all right?"

Wang Weiwen didn't sit in the seat of the middle-aged man, but waved to him, and sat on the sofa by himself.

"I'm fine. Someone helped me cover it up, but my things were stolen."

The middle-aged man was startled, and said, "Is something lost at home? It can't be that boy Weiwu, right? The school said that he had frequent contact with some unscrupulous people outside the school. I'm going to investigate this matter."

Wang Weiwen's eyes were on the ceiling, faintly green, and he said leisurely: "It has nothing to do with Weiwu. It's not that something was stolen, but that my 'dharma' was stolen. The other party is a seeker of the law. I don't know where I found it." .It was used to pollute spirits, and it should still be under experimentation.”

The middle-aged man nodded heavily. He didn't know much about this matter, but he knew it was not a trivial matter.

"Help me check Jianghou, I always feel that my captain is hiding something from everyone."

(End of this chapter)

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