I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 146 Information Desensitization

Chapter 146 Information Desensitization
"In Xiongxiazigou in Guanzhou, a big horse monkey spirit appeared, but this big horse monkey spirit was very polite. He knocked on the door of the village to beg for food. Although the villagers were shocked, he left after getting two sacks of sweet potatoes. Afterwards, the local power organization searched the mountains and found this newly born spirit monster. After screening, it was considered to be no threat, and it was moved to a nearby nature reserve. Professor Wang, what do you think about the frequent incidents of spirit monsters in Kyushu recently? ?”

In happiness, Ye Da rarely turned on the TV. This was a hotly discussed program in the class group.

Everyone knows that there are spirits and monsters in Kyushu, but in the past these things were far away from ordinary people, and there were very few of them, just like there are murderers on the earth, but few people have seen the truth.

Occasionally, when related matters arise, the official usually just makes a casual announcement to minimize the impact. Over time, Kyushu people, especially the urban population, mostly listen to it as a story.

However, the reason why the program currently playing on TV has caused some discussion is because it is on the official TV station, and its status is roughly equivalent to the first few channels of Earth Central Mother.

Recently, this official channel suddenly launched a series of programs. It changed its habit of not promoting it if it could not promote it in the past, and continuously reported and interpreted the haunting incidents of spirits and monsters in various places. Luoyunshan, the second issue is now on display.

The expert on TV was an old man with gray hair. Although he didn't know him, the expert invited by the official TV station should not be a brick expert.

"Yes, we all know that there is a periodic change in climate and geology. This cycle may last for decades, or even hundreds of years. According to the recent situation in Kyushu, we are likely to be in a period where the number of spirits is increasing. In the big cycle, not only the big horse monkeys in Guanzhou, but also snake spirits appeared in Liangzhou last month.

"Here, I must remind everyone that spirit monsters, especially newly born spirit monsters, are generally unruly and unruly. They suddenly gain strength, but their habits and eating habits still maintain the original habits. It is not necessarily true that the giant horse monkeys in Guanzhou did not attack people. It is because it is close to humans, but because he is a vegetarian or not used to hunting. If you encounter spirits, you must not be reckless, you should ensure your own safety as the premise, and then call the police as soon as possible."

The host is a dignified-looking woman. This kind of program has a certain purpose of popularizing science, so the questions asked are also rigid.

"So Professor Wang, how much does this cycle affect us ordinary people? Or how long will it last?"

Professor Wang said: "The biggest impact is still the issue of safety. It is recommended that some hiking enthusiasts or donkey friends should reduce their adventures in remote mountains, wild forests or inaccessible areas in the near future. As for the time, since it is a big cycle, the duration is likely to be based on years. as a unit."

The host continued to ask: "Then, do spiritual enlighteners have the ability to protect themselves in front of ghosts?"

Professor Wang shook his head: "I can't say for sure, for fear of giving wrong information to the spiritual enlighteners, the spiritual enlightenment abilities are various, and the strength is also very different. I think that [-]% of the spiritual enlighteners need to deal with spirit monsters. Be as careful as possible and inform the authorities in time to deal with it."

Ye Da watched it for a while, and changed a few other channels, obviously feeling that there were more content related to "Extraordinary".

In addition to ghosts, there is also a local station that is doing programs about aliens from the past, starting with literary works and explaining the history of hundreds of years ago.

Although the message conveyed so far is relatively mild and simple, the society has a little vigilance against this abnormal propaganda.

The fiery discussions in the class group came about because of this.

Shan Lili: "What's going on recently? I feel like something big is going to happen."

The monitor of the second class: "It's okay, there are spirits and monsters all the time? They're not monsters. The monsters that Mr. Ding Yong said before are the real scourge. Spirits and monsters are stronger wild animals."

Shan Lili: "For ordinary people like us, is there a big difference between a demon and a spirit? Originally, we planned to organize an autumn outing after the midterm exam, but now it seems that we should forget it."

The monitor of the second class: "What are you afraid of? We have two A-level spirit enlighteners in our profession. If we encounter spirit monsters, we will treat them as wild game. It doesn't matter who eats them."

Wang Liwen: "Ye Da and Wang Weiwen will be very troubled if you say that. Experts have said that even spiritual enlighteners should not confront ghosts rashly. It is the correct way to ensure safety and inform the authorities."

A group of more than 60 people built hundreds of floors in a short time.

But Ye Da didn't say anything, and he didn't suggest any autumn outings. One just came back from Luoyun Mountain and wanted to live in peace for a while, and the other was that he also felt that the government seemed to be consciously helping ordinary people. Things to carry out "information desensitization".

This means that the changes in Kyushu are really obvious and cannot be suppressed.

Thinking of the newly built Luoyunshan training base, its purpose seems to be to allow people from the special affairs department or the military to gain experience in dealing with ghosts.

The building in the class group was crooked after a while, and they began to discuss about the midterm grades.

With a strong attitude of getting close to full marks in almost every subject, Ye Da became the No. 1 in his major. Although there is no ranking list in the university, Ye Da's amazing results have become a talking point among professional teachers, so some class representatives also Heard the wind.The monitor of the second class: "It's crazy. I only got one multiple-choice question wrong in high math. Could it be that strengthening the body also strengthens the brain? How do we ordinary people live?"

A girl said: "Physical strengthening is naturally all-round, and it must be powerful everywhere."

Ye Da frowned.

Missed a multiple-choice question?I can't stand it anymore.

This is not the time to dive.

"Average, try to make a few more mistakes next time, and get along with everyone."

Wang Liwen: "Student gods are indeed inhumane, and Wang Weiwen is also very good. It seems that he has almost perfect marks in all subjects."

Not far away, Liu Xiaoqian was cleaning the room with a rag. Her ability to interfere with real objects is no different from ordinary people, and even more magical, so she took over the job of keeping the house clean.

It's a pity that there is no normal person in the family, otherwise Liu Xiaoqian would like to try cooking or something.

From Ye Da's point of view, he could just see the curve of Liu Xiaoqian's skirt propped up by bending over, and his eyes stayed unconscious for a few seconds.

Say it silently a thousand times a day, and say goodbye to the undead knight.

Just as he was about to put away his phone and go back to the freezer to sleep, Ye Da recalled the mysterious touch of Qinzhou chief officer's top-level clouds, and wondered if there was a way to get a piece back to make a mattress.

At this time, there was faint Yin Qi emanating from the cabinet.

Ye Da opened the cabinet, and the pocket brush inside shone slightly.

It was Chen Jiu who was calling him.

Only then did he realize that on the night of Li Siyue's death, Chen Jiu said that he would give him some "ghosts" that could be used for meditation, but he left him behind afterwards.

After all, Liu Xiaoqian didn't seem to have any abnormalities, and she didn't seem to have any appetite for living people.

Instead, I fell in love with cleaning.

You see, you are cleaning the toilet right now, humming a song, and transforming yourself into a small apron.

After thinking about it, Ye Da still decided to meet the "King of the Spirit Body" of the East China Sea, took out a brush, and drew a vertical line on the palm of his hand.

A sense of space confusion came, Ye Da did not resist, and quickly opened his eyes, already on the edge of an endless purple mist.

It feels amazing every time.

But it's different from before.

Liu Xiaoqian, who was wearing an apron and holding a toilet brush, was standing beside him with a blank expression.

 Three more 8000.

  ask for a ticket
(End of this chapter)

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