I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 147 Is This A Ghost?

Chapter 147 Is This A Ghost?

Liu Xiaoqian raised the toilet brush, her eyes became confused.

"Grandpa, where is this?"

Ye Da was also a little surprised that Liu Xiaoqian was here, she couldn't come here before, only the old lady Li Xiulan had come here, and Xiaoqing couldn't come here either.

It may be that Chen Jiu did it on purpose, or it may be caused by Liu Xiaoqian's own changes. After all, she is bound in the nine yin in Ye Da's body.

Ye Da said: "Do you remember the old man on the bridge that day? He is the owner of this place and invited us over."

Liu Xiaoqian nodded, actually it didn't matter where she was, as long as she followed her benefactor.

Not long after, the boundless purple mist parted to both sides, Ye Da took Liu Xiaoqian to walk in, and soon saw the abandoned hospital, Chen Jiu was waiting at the door with several spirit bodies, Chen Ruyan and Lao Zhou were also there here.

However, Chen Ruyan's smile was a little stiff, and his eyes were fixed on Liu Xiaoqian who was dressed strangely.

"Is this the newly born 'ghost' Uncle Jiu mentioned? What is she holding in her hand? A spiritual object?"

Seeing this battle, Liu Xiaoqian subconsciously wanted to hide in En Gong's body. Unfortunately, Ye Da is a conscious body here, and there is no place for her to hide.

Chen Jiu showed a slight smile and said, "Young friend Ye, come here and be safe."

Ye Da nodded and said, "I just returned to Donghai, I'm sorry I forgot what you said before."

Chen Jiu waved his hand and said, "It's okay, let's go to the second floor to talk."

Ye Da took Liu Xiaoqian and walked inward, and he was already familiar with the road here.

There are still many spirits in the abandoned hospital, each doing its own thing, but it is different from turning a blind eye to Ye Da in the past. Since the two entered, they have been looking at Liu Xiaoqian.

It seems that everyone already knows Liu Xiaoqian's identity.

But they felt that this "ghost" was different from what they imagined.
A "ghost" is like a more advanced "king" to a spirit body. Shouldn't it be the kind of existence that is howling in the dark wind, not angry and majestic, and showing strength with every gesture?

In the old legends, the spirit body is just the vassal or even the food of the "ghost", which can only appear after a qualitative change in the spirit body.

How could the ghost that Uncle Jiu spoke of be the same as the cleaning staff who had gone the wrong way.

Liu Xiaoqian panicked, and moved closer to Ye Da, turning into a little tail.

Are these all spirits?why are they looking at meI dress weird?
Especially the cheongsam sister next to her, her gaze is too direct.

She secretly changed herself into a normal set of clothes, a fluttering white dress, her small face was a little stiff.

But the toilet brush is gripped even tighter.

It is impossible to throw it away. It is not an illusion, it is something at home, and it has to be brought back.

Ye Da followed Chen Jiu to the second floor of the hospital, the tea room where he had discussed with Chen Ruyan before, who knows why there is a tea room in the hospital.

By the way, this is the first time seeing Chen Jiu here.

Chen Jiu and Ye Da sat down at the tea table, Chen Ruyan automatically sat sideways and began to pour tea, Liu Xiaoqian hesitated for a moment, instead of sitting, she stood behind Ye Da.

Chen Jiudao: "Since the last time, has the little girl changed?"

Ye Da took a look at Liu Xiaoqian, who looked like a fool, and felt that he still had to answer this question by himself, and thought about it: "There are some aspects, but most of them are good directions, such as getting stronger."

Chen Jiu nodded, and said again: "Is there any killing?"

Chen Jiu must know about Li Siyue. As for the other things, Ye Da was unsure and said, "Do spirits count?" "Ghosts, although they are better than humans, will still have an impact if they are in large numbers. 'Ghosts' are of the Yin type. He is born with the means of killing, but if he kills too much, he will easily lose his mind."

Liu Xiaoqian herself would not cause trouble, and if she wanted to kill, she would do so for Ye Da.

So far, apart from Li Siyue, she has only killed one crayfish, which should be fine, but she has to guard against it.

Ye Da recalled what Ye Jianguo said. It seemed that he was the same way. Zombies also like to kill. When he first came out, he wanted to kill the living ones. However, under Ye Jianguo's method, this desire was suppressed a lot. He is used to it.

It seems that Su Yifei was the only one who killed himself. It can be said that Ye Da is still very restrained in this regard.

Chen Jiu took out a thread-bound booklet and handed it to Ye Da: "Here are some methods I have picked out. Let the little girl read more if there is nothing to do. It is not a complete 'method', but it is okay to read it silently from time to time." Calm down."

Ye Da nodded. This kind of treatment is the most suitable. Although it was obtained for nothing, if Chen Jiu really came up with a complete "method" that can let the "ghost" practice, he would hesitate whether to let Liu Xiaoqian practice.

After accepting the things first, Ye Da couldn't take the benefits and left, and chatted with Chen Jiu.

Dressed in a cheongsam, Chen Ruyan sat upright to show her figure, and poured a cup of tea for Ye Da with her fingers raised. Ye Da looked down and saw that it was still the Yin Qi tea from last time.

After thinking about it, in front of Chen Jiu, turning a blind eye to the inappropriateness, he pretended to take a sip.

It was bland and tasteless, far worse than his black ice.

Ye Da gave Liu Xiaoqian a cup to taste, and then said: "By the way, there is something I just want to ask Mr. Chen. I collected two human souls and a few spirits before. What should I do with this kind of thing?" deal with?"

Chen Jiu seemed not surprised by Ye Da's ability to restrain souls and dispatch generals, and said: "It depends on what Ye Xiaoyou needs. Ordinary souls can feed ghosts, but I don't recommend this, because although this method can be short This little girl has improved a lot within a short period of time, but it is easier to lose her mind than killing a living thing."

Ye Da nodded and said, "Then I let it go? Let it dissipate?"

"Ye Xiaoyou, why worry. Some things may seem useless now, but they may not be useless in the future. It will take some time to verify whether it is a blessing or a curse."

The next day, Ye Da went to class as usual, but compared to the past, there was a lot more talk about Chaofan in the school.

The various actions of the official media recently have also affected the direction of a large number of self-media and commercial stations, and many related articles and programs have appeared, which can be said to be a hot topic during this period.

All kinds of "brick houses" and "big mouths" from all walks of life have posted articles to discuss. Witnesses who were afraid to speak up and were asked to remain silent in the past have also come forward to express what they have done.

Of course, some of them must be true and some are false, and it is even possible that most of them are false.

But apart from the carnival of traffic, it is not difficult for people of insight to see that the official is doing psychological construction for everyone in an orderly manner.

But for Ye Da, his popularity in school has become even higher.

Yes, he is inexplicable.

But it's not outrageous when you think about it. After all, everyone has a slight sense of security crisis recently, and then they will remember that there is such a fierce man named Ye Da in Tunghai University, and they feel quite relieved.

After all, Ye Da also hangs out in school every day, doesn't he?If something really happens, my Dadonghai school grass will be wiped out, okay?
Especially those majoring in ancient literature, it can be said that they feel a sense of security, sitting in the same classroom every day.

The only pity is that Ye Da can't live in the dormitory, otherwise the sense of security in the dormitory area can be raised to a higher level.

Walking to the school gate after school, Ye Da was swiping his phone when a figure suddenly plugged in from the side.

"Excuse me, is this classmate Ye Da?"

A middle-aged man with sunglasses and a stubbled beard said.

(End of this chapter)

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