I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 149 Who Is Not Confused With a Skateboard and a Big Sable

Chapter 149 Who Is Not Confused With a Skateboard and a Big Sable
Afterwards, with the help of the two-sided mirror, Ye Da started training with Ban Haijian again on stick techniques.

Compared with the previous few times, Ban Haijian looked very tired to the naked eye, as if he had not had a good rest for a long time, but he still came to the youth training camp responsibly to train Ye Da.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Da defeated Ban Haijian for the first time in the consciousness space inside the two mirrors under the rule that "the power is the same, the right side (Ban Haijian) shall prevail" written on the mirror.

Although there may be reasons for the other party's fatigue, it also means that Ye Da has basically reached the same height as Ban Haijian after three training sessions in just one month.

Luoyunwan's practical experience is also an important reason for Ye Da's rapid growth.

Well, there is still a hang up.

Four hours later, Ban Haijian exited the consciousness space exhaustedly, shook his head and said, "I have nothing more to teach you, this should be the last duel."

Ye Da thanked: "Thank you very much for your teaching."

Ban Haijian said: "I just have some achievements in weaponry, and I'm not a master of cold weapons. I also learned these skills from Huajing. If you want to continue to improve, you can go to Huajing. have a look."

Ye Da recalled that Yao Ruting's stick technique was indeed quite methodical. Leaving aside his physical strength, he was actually not much worse than Ban Haijian. Especially considering Yao Ruting's age, I am afraid that there are indeed some powerful teachers there.

However, going to Huajing is still too far away. If there is no special situation in the near future, he is not going to leave the East China Sea.

After finishing the two-way mirror training, Ye Da drove back to Happiness.

While waiting for the red light, the phone rang.

It seems that the person to call is actually Jiang Hou.

"Xiaoye, where are you?"

Holding the phone in one hand, Ye Da said, "On the way back from the youth training camp."

Jiang Hou said on the phone: "Let me tell you, I can't go back to the Dawn Project training this weekend. I'm in Yuezhou now."

Sensing something shaking from the side, Ye Da subconsciously turned his head to look, and saw a girl dressed in a nightclub style shaking her phone in a taxi that was also waiting next to her, with a friend's QR code on it.

The corner of Ye Da's mouth twitched, and he slowly lifted the door glass, choosing to ignore it.

"Why are you talking to me alone?"

Jiang Hou smiled and said: "After all, you are the captain of the Shuguang team. In the future, I will notify you through you, so that you can get used to managing the team in advance."

Ye Da raised his eyebrows: "Captain? Is there such a saying?"

"Not now, please inform other people. Of course, you can also carry out other training normally. Wait for my good news. I found a lot of good seedlings in the Luoyunshan joint training last time. I will try to fool you a few more. Teammates back."

When the green light came on, Ye Da responded a few times. It was just a trivial matter. As for whether Jiang Hou could fool his teammates, in his opinion, it was quite difficult.

Those good seedlings in the three cities of Kyushu are very precious everywhere. Jiang Hou is a blatant act of stealing his home.

Besides, it's not a real organized team. It's very happy to make friends, and it's also conducive to the progress of "How to Live in the World", but whether there are new teammates has little effect on him.

The car started slowly, Ye Da said: "I see, I will inform everyone, I will hang up while driving."

With a sound of "shua", the taxi on the side passed Ye Da.

Maybe the driver also wanted to try the feeling of a supercar, but Ye Da didn't care.

It was the disdainful eyes of the girl in the taxi window that made him a little puzzled.

Maybe in her eyes, sports cars that can't blow the motor are all fake.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Da continued to move forward at a leisurely pace.

It was very late, and the nightclub girls had all gone home, so there was naturally no one on the road.

While he was in a daze, a figure passed Ye Da from the left.

Yes, figure.

Ye Da was stunned and quickly glanced at the dashboard.It's okay to be overtaken by a taxi, but what the hell is being overtaken by someone!

The dashboard is correct, what's the situation, running and overtaking?

Wait, that figure from the back seems a little familiar.

That big bear-like mink fur coat, tall and straight back.

Why does it look like Yang Tian?
Ye Da stepped up the accelerator, chased after him, lowered the car window and asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

Yang Tian's movements in the running are a bit strange, rather than running, he is skating, the ground seems to be his ice rink, as if there is an invisible skateboard under his feet.

Shuai is quite handsome, but his expression is a little irritable.

Seeing Ye Da, Yang Tian was also obviously surprised, and shouted: "Why are you here? Forget it doesn't matter, I'm running at night"

Ye Da's expression was weird. Did he dress a bit too fashionable for this night run?

Yang Tian opened his mouth to continue talking, but then his expression changed: "Be careful!"

careful?Beware of what?
There was a loud "bang", and a person fell from the roof of the car!

The car swayed for a while, and Ye Da quickly grabbed the steering wheel. Fortunately, the speed was not too fast, otherwise he would have hit a tree just now.

Ye Da looked up, only to find that there were several figures wearing masks, jumping and moving quickly on the telephone poles!

Just now one of them jumped down and landed heavily on the roof of the car.

Yang Tiandao: "I didn't ask you for help, you came here by yourself!"

Ye Da's pupils shrank.

Before thinking about it, the next moment, a knife penetrated the roof of the car and took Ye Da's head.

Ye Da reacted quickly, with the "Yin Qi Gauntlet" attached to his right hand, he grabbed the blade and broke it off, but a quick movement made the car lose its balance again.

The Ram sports car skidded out of the Model S, and the tires rubbed wildly.


Ye Da quickly gripped the steering wheel, trying to straighten the car.

Compared with the knife, the car is more troublesome!
It's a pity that his driving skills are only at the average level. The Ram sports car has been moving around like a snake, and the person on the roof couldn't climb steadily and was thrown out.

Yang Tian shouted while running: "Don't step on the brakes! Don't step on the brakes!"

Hearing this, Ye Da let go of the brakes, and just put his hands on the steering wheel, and finally got off the car.

It may be the instinct left over from the first life. Obviously Ye Da has rough skin and thick flesh, and he may not die if the car blows up, but the situation just now made him break out in a cold sweat.

It's dangerous, it's more exciting than fighting crayfish.

Yang Tian was still maintaining his flamboyant posture of air skateboarding at the side, and he heard the mink fur coat fluttering in the wind, and only then did he have a chance to finish his sentence.

"When I was running at night, these guys suddenly jumped out, should they be seeking revenge from the headquarters?"

As a middleman in the gray area of ​​the East China Sea, it is not difficult to find him. After all, the task was hung up for a long time and no one answered it. It is considered a semi-open state in the gray area.

Ye Da asked curiously, "If you're not looking for an employer, what are you doing as a middleman?"

This is the same as looking for an intermediary instead of asking the developer for trouble when the house price falls.

Yang Tian gritted his teeth and said: "The employer is dead! These people are crazy! They came to me with the employer's head in their hands!"

(End of this chapter)

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