I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 150 8 Magical Skills

Chapter 150 Eight Divine Skills
The group of people behind were still chasing, jumping and moving on the street lights at a speed not much slower than that of a car, Ye Da frowned, this group of guys was at least as good as a B-level spiritual enlightener, and they had to be of the physical system to be reasonable.

How about a dozen B-level meat systems?

Of course, this is also related to Ye Da's lack of acceleration. The performance of this car is far more than that.

The side also reflected the speed of Yang Tian who was skating barefoot at this time.

If Yang Tian was hunted down because of other things, Ye Da would not save him, and he would bear the risk for the money he earned, but Ye Da couldn't ignore the fact that the other party was a member of the Eternal Life Society.

The actual destroyers of the Shanghai Branch of the Eternal Life Society were the five members of the Shuguang Squad. They allowed Yang Tian to be arrested, and would implicate himself and others later.

Want to bet on whether Yang Tian's mouth is strict?These people don't look like they're ready to reason.

Ye Da leaned towards Yang Tian and said, "Get in the car! This car can run 370, let these monkeys chase after it!"

On a flower stand in front of him, Yang Tian leaped high, his mink fur coat was like two wings, and after landing, he slid in an unimaginable S-shaped curve and jumped directly to the roof of the car.

With a bang, two consecutive heavy pressures, the roof deformed.

Ye Da didn't hesitate, just put it into gear and stepped on the accelerator: "You'll crush your mother's car."

Yang Tian said anxiously: "I gave you this car! I don't have time to explain! Hurry up and drive!"


The roar of the engine resounded through the deserted night road, and the Ram sports car accelerated rapidly, galloping boundlessly.

Yang Tian is also miraculous, he only held on to the roof of the car with one hand, but firmly stabilized his figure.

For the first time since Ye Da bought the Ram sports car, it showed its full performance. The motor rotated crazily, and the pointer on the instrument panel rose rapidly.

Just when Ye Da thought he was about to completely get rid of the group of people behind him.


A tree beside the road broke off at the root and fell sideways in the middle of the road.


Ye Da turned in a hurry. The flat grip of the Ram sports car kept him from overturning, but he still slammed into a tree sideways.

With the sound of glass and steel shattering, this car has never been driven at a speed of 100 from its birth to its scrapping.

Yeda's first car since 2.5,

I can't rest in peace.

Pushing off the airbag, Ye Da kicked the car door, got out from the other side, and looked at his smoking car.

At this level, it seems that there is no need to repair it.

And he couldn't afford it either.

Ha ha.

Yang Tian struggled to get up, even though he was the first to jump off the car just now, he still fell hard.

Seeing the dozen or so strange figures approaching, Yang Tian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, took off the mink fur coat covered with dust from fallen leaves, and revealed the clean and delicate suit inside.

"Damn, don't run away, kill these guys!"

And Ye Da, who was dressed in sportswear, fished out a bag from the car with a livid face, and pulled out the Xuanshui stick that had been split in two, with an obvious attitude.

He wants to hit someone now.

Yang Tian moved his shoulders and saw what Ye Da was holding.

"Although the stick is not very powerful, at least I have something in my hand. Give me one."

Ye Da ignored him, and assembled the Xuanshui stick by himself: "You are too good to use."

Yang Tian's temples popped out.

Well, at least he was the one who saved himself.

To be honest, he had been chased by these people for a long time, and it was a complete accident that he met Ye Da.

Although the relationship between the two is extremely complicated, it is always good to have a strong teammate by his side at such a time.

I just don't know what's going on under the hands of this "Donghai school grass". If he can be half as good as the rumors, he will have a chance to fight today.

Ye Da put the stick on his shoulder, and dialed the phone with the other hand.

"Hey, Police Officer Wang, I'm surrounded. The other party has more than a dozen people who are spiritual enlighteners of the physical system. Yes, it's so outrageous. I'm sure that the car has been wiped out, and they seem to have just killed someone." Yang Tian was a little stunned, but suddenly felt normal again.

That's right, I am a person in a gray area. This "Donghai School Grass" is not, and he can even be said to be an official celebrity. It is normal to call the police.

It is also good to call the police for support. Although the police often come late, there is hope anyway.

But I heard Ye Da say:

"I just want to ask, in this case, is killing him a legitimate self-defense?"

Ye Da looked around at the masked figure that surrounded him and Yang Tian, ​​and asked seriously.

"Okay, I know."

Ye Da hung up the phone and pointed the stick forward. There were more than a dozen masked people of different heights, short, fat and thin, even male and female. It was hard to tell who was the leader.

"This is the East China Sea. I don't know where you guys come from, but I'm afraid you are too brave to act so wildly in the city."

No one answered, but someone moved.

Four of them put their hands on their chests and moved their fingers slightly, making a gesture.

"Eight Divine Skills · Tianluo"

A large number of blue energy ropes flew out from the fingertips of the four people, forming a huge net in the air, flying towards Ye Da and Yang Tian.

Ye Da jumped high with a vertical leap, while Yang Tian slid to the right.

In mid-air, Ye Da's eyes froze.

Isn't he a spiritual enlightener of the flesh system? !
The way of movement just now is not something that the non-meat system can do!
Picking up the Xuanshui stick in his hand, he wanted to test the strength of the blue energy net.

The energy net seemed to have a solid body, but was stirred by the Xuanshui stick, the whole big net was deformed, and then it was pierced at a high intensity.

Ye Da estimated the strength in his heart, it wasn't too strong, but it wasn't weak either.

"These guys are law-seekers? And they called out the name of the move?"

Yang Tian turned sideways and shouted: "I don't know, maybe I got mixed up with the practitioner."

When Ye Da fell to the ground, the Xuanshui stick in his hand had turned into a black ice lance. Although the simple and simple shape lacked details, it was still domineering.

He didn't directly call for Liu Xiaoqian to kill indiscriminately. Liu Xiaoqian's killing scene was too brutal, and killing too many lives would not be beneficial to "ghosts".

The situation is currently on hold.

With a sideways meniscus sweep, Ye Da smashed at the nearest person.

"Eight God Skills: Immobility!"

A man with the appearance of a strong man took the initiative to block Ye Dali, a golden light flashed, and golden ice cube-shaped energy entities appeared around his body, which was obviously some kind of defensive method.

Ye Da sneered and added some strength.

The brawny man was obviously very confident in his own defense, he stood there blankly, watching the big lance formed from black ice attack with indifference.

A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.


crushed ice.

people fly.


Ye Da thought to himself, there are still fools who actively resist my attack.

The golden ice cube lasted only for a moment before it turned into crumbs all over the sky. Before the strong man's expression could turn into panic, he was cut in the waist and abdomen. out.

It must be impossible to survive.

Wang Guofang said that a dozen or so encirclement is justifiable self-defense!

So Ye Da is not going to hold back.

The law is to protect good people like him!

(End of this chapter)

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