I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 151 The oppression of the captain level

Chapter 151 The oppression of the captain level

The strong man flew out in a spin, which obviously shocked the masked people. He thought that surrounding the two of them would be sure of winning, but he didn't expect Ye Da to be so fierce.

The others stopped hesitating and made their moves one after another.

But his foot slipped, and more than a dozen people fell down.

Friction control.

Yang Tian minimized the friction of everyone except him and Ye Da.

Ye Da rushed in like a wolf into a flock of sheep, and the big lance slashed down.

A masked man who was still trying to maintain his balance was directly smashed to the ground, and Ye Da took a little effort.

It's not good to kill directly after all.

Just break the spine.

Compared with Ye Da's power, Yang Tian is much more elegant. The masked man skids like a pantomime, but Yang Tian is like a genius skater on the ice rink, turning and accelerating flexibly.

These people have weird methods and strong physical fitness, but he is a seasoned A-level spiritual enlightener after all, and three or four masked people can still handle it.

There were more than a dozen people when he met before, and he could only run mainly, and his heart was full of anger.

A flat ground flashed to the back of the masked man, and Yang Tian hit the back of the opponent's head with a fist with phalanges, and the man fell down in response.

"Eight Gods Technique·Slaughter Hook"

Seeing that she couldn't move, a masked figure with a female appearance flicked her hands, and a white energy hook flew out and wrapped around Ye Da's weapon. Then, without any movement, the hook began to shrink back, unexpectedly trying to trap Ye Da pull over.

With a flick of Ye Da, the female masked figure didn't pull Ye Da, but flew over by herself.

He punched the opponent's chest and abdomen and knocked him to the ground. His ribs were broken by at least two digits, and the ground was shattered.

It depends on who it is helping.

Ye Da took off the man's mask.

The situation below made him shudder.

It was a bloody face.

It seemed to fester and heal, its face covered with scabs and connective tissue, its eyes full of dark brown scars and twisted blood vessels.

Ye Da shook his hand and put the mask back on.

"Sorry for disturbing you."

What the hell are these guys.

The physical fitness can generally reach the level of the B-level flesh system, and it is the kind that has been trained for a long time, but it has abilities other than the flesh system.

There are quite a lot of means, but the strength is not up to the level of a law seeker.

And there is a scary face.

The general strength should be at B level, but there are many methods.

At this time, the earliest strong man who was almost 50% cut by Ye Da stood up staggeringly. Ye Da was taken aback, he was sure of the power of that blow just now.

The vitality is also so strong?
And the female masked figure, whose ribs should have broken more than a dozen, was also struggling to stand up.

On the contrary, the one who was hit on the back of the head by Yang Tian's not-too-heavy fist fell silent again.

Yang Tian shouted very alertly: "The weak point is the back of the head."

Ye Da nodded.

"Eight God Skill Burning Blood"

All the masked people who were still able to move normally cheered in low voices at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, red flames erupted from their bodies, and a hoarse sound of enduring pain came out of their mouths.

Good guy, he still has the ability to burst seeds.

Just as Ye Da was on alert, thinking about how to attack the back of their heads.

A bright spark passed him from behind.

Not the one in the sky, but the one with burning paper floating up into the sky.Ye Da's eyes followed the sparks floating forward, a little confused.

The next moment, he heard a steady voice behind him.

"Flame Vortex"


At the feet of each masked person, a several-meter-high flame tornado soared into the sky.

More than a dozen violent flame tornadoes directly illuminated the night sky.

Ye Da hurriedly jumped back, turned his head to look, and saw a man in a woolen coat with a perfect middle-parted hairstyle walking slowly.

Yan Yongheng.

The captain of the third team of the East China Sea Special Affairs Division.

Yan Yongheng strode towards Ye Da, "Xiao Ye, are you alright?"

Ye Da shook his head: "It's nothing, Captain Yan came so quickly."

Ye Da was not surprised by the involvement of the Special Affairs Department. They were originally responsible for handling related work, and the collective crimes of more than a dozen spiritual enlighteners could not be ignored, but the speed was beyond Ye Da's expectations.

It has been less than 10 minutes since I met Yang Tian who was fleeing while driving.

Yan Yongheng pointed to Yang Tiandao: "Since this guy was chased, the information center has already noticed it through monitoring."

Ye Da nodded, that's why.

Looking at the astonishing fire tornado that continued to burn, Ye Da said with emotion that the captain level is not easy. He didn't know Yan Yongheng's specific ability before. It seems to be energy-based.

The energy system is really fierce, this visual effect is not covered.

It could be considered a weapon of mass destruction.

Ye Da thought for a while and said, "Should I leave him alive?"

Yan Yongheng said: "Don't worry, they will not be directly burned to death, but they will be unconscious due to hypoxia."

The fire tornado was extremely dazzling, and it was impossible to see the scene inside clearly, but the masked figures seemed to start to move to break through, but under Yan Yongheng's control, the fire tornado was also moving, always restraining them in it.

Yan Yongheng: "The vitality is quite tenacious."

After burning for nearly 5 minutes, Ye Da could even smell the smell of barbecue, and Yan Yongheng waved his hand, and the fire dragon roll dissipated completely.

More than a dozen masked people passed out one after another, and some of them were severely burned. However, given the strange vitality of these guys, they should not die.

At the same time, Ye Da also heard sirens from far and near, presumably the police had arrived.

Yan Yongheng said with a serious expression: "These guys really don't know how to live or die. They made such a big noise in Donghai City with great fanfare. Is this from a suicide attack?"

Ye Da briefly talked to Yan Yongheng about the Eternal Life Society.

Yan Yongheng nodded: "Xiaoye, you and I will go back to the special affairs department and tell everyone about the previous incident."

Turning to pointing at Yang Tiandao: "And you."

Yang Tian's face was ugly, but there was nothing he could do.

Two hours later, when it was daylight.

"What? Not a spiritual enlightener?!"

Ye Da stared wide-eyed in the lounge.

"What is that? Dharma seekers? Are there so many Dharma seekers?"

In his impression, the Dharma seekers are all elite soldiers, all of them are small boss-level characters, and they will not act so crazy.

Yan Yongheng thought for a while and said: "They are not law seekers. To be more precise, they are a group of ordinary people whose bodies have been transformed."

Physical transformation?
Yan Yongheng pointed to the back of the head, and said: "After inspection, their back of the head is parasitic with a kind of organism, which is highly fused with the cerebellum. The changes in physical fitness come from this, and the hormone levels in the whole body are not normal. The weird ability seems to come from this."

"Parasite? Bug?"

Yan Yongheng said: "If I don't have to describe it, it's probably similar to a jellyfish?"

(End of this chapter)

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