Chapter 153

When a short poem came out, Zhou Meirong beside him subconsciously looked at Ye Da.

But after knowing each other for so long, everyone has gotten used to it. Although the "prodigy Ye Da" in ancient times died very early, he left behind a lot of works. He is a standard high-yield person. From elementary school all the way to university, there are textbooks The prodigy Ye Da's articles and poems.

What can I do?It is equivalent to a person named Li Bai among the classmates.

The Dawn Squad was no longer surprised, and it was even inconvenient to tease in the movie theater. Zhou Meirong just smiled and showed a few white teeth, and then turned to the screen again.

Ye Da could only show an embarrassed smile. He didn't do his homework before coming here. Is this film about the Dabin Dynasty?
Then it's not surprising to have something of your own.

Those few poems were copied and written before the death of my second life. At that time, the century-old plague had begun to show its power. The disease spread widely in Liangzhou and affected the autumn harvest.

So a lot of people died of the plague, and many people died of starvation, and they had to pay food.

I combined Du Fu's "Song of Soldiers and Chariots" and wrote a long poem. I wanted to urge the surrounding government and gentry not to go too far, and an excerpt was taken from the movie.

Originality and plagiarism are about four or six.

It worked out well.

At that time, the name of "Prodigy Ye Da" was still very big. In the words of the time, he was the leader of the literary world, and he was popular, especially among the scholar class. Also affected by it, he opened a warehouse to give out porridge.

Although the Ye family is also a big landlord, the heirs of poems and books are better than the powerful gentry. They care about the face and have a thicker background. At least until Ye Da died, the Ye family was quite frightening to the tenant farmers below and the surrounding residents. according to.

The official movie opened, and with a piece of heavy music playing, the first scene was in the palace. It seemed that this movie just borrowed a poem from myself, and had no actual connection with the second self.

He has never been to Dabin Palace, and he has never even left Liangzhou.

From far to near at the end, an emperor played by an old opera bone is eating. From the perspective of modern people, it is neither delicious nor rich, but the decoration and display seem to be quite exquisite, which seems to be verified. of.

"Your Majesty, Qinzhou last year was registered, and a total of 2 people died due to the epidemic, 5 in Guanzhou, 3 in Yuezhou, and 300 in Yunzhou."

Emperor Dabin was still eating slowly, looked up at the eunuch, and said, "I'm afraid less than one-tenth of them are registered. This number is just to fool me."

The eunuch backed away and dared not speak.

"It's good to be fooled, so you don't have to worry about it. Since the first emperor, this Dabin's disease has never been eliminated. I have been enthroned at the age of 17, and now I am already in my fifties."

Suddenly put down his rice bowl, the emperor was silent for a while, here is a close-up of the movie.

Ye Da guessed that this wanted to express the emperor's numbness.

Yes, after a lifetime of struggle, the emperor may have become numb to these numbers at this time.

After about a few seconds, the emperor said again: "Only 300 people died in Yunzhou last year, which is amazing."

The eunuch said: "Wang Wenwei, the governor of Yunzhou, rewarded and punished well, governed the land well, opened water canals, repaired the city, provided relief with work, isolated pathogens, and sheltered a large number of people."

Now the Shuguang team looked at Wang Weiwen again.

This film is really right!

The Shuguang team, He Dehe Neng, has two crouching dragons and phoenix chicks at the same time, and also chose this movie.

Wang Weiwen could only smile awkwardly.

Ye Da observed Wang Weiwen's expression carefully, and saw nothing unusual, but felt a little helpless.

The emperor picked up a piece of bone, gnawed on it, and said, "Well done, you can do better than me."

"Wang Wenwei is probably in his eighties this year, and he still has such good energy. It's rare, rare."

After gnawing the meat cleanly, the emperor threw the bones aside and said loudly: "Liu Qing of Xuantianli Temple." Then the screen turned to black and the characters "Dynasty Tianqing" appeared on the screen.

The opening scene explained the background of the times. In just a few minutes, the content can be said to be very sincere, the acting skills are in place, and the character costume Ye Da can't see the deviation.

This is a very sophisticated film.

If you count the time, it should be about 40-50 years after the death of Ye Da II. Of course, this is just speculation. Screenwriters often compile together the content of the same era and different periods.

Ye Da suddenly thought that it might be about the same time as the phantom in the "Xuyun Cave" of Yunzhou Lake.

The protagonist of the movie is that Tianli Temple Liu Qing, named Liu Changqing, a role similar to a gold medal detective, and also an old stranger, played by a tough guy on the screen, no fresh meat.

It took more than ten minutes to tell about Liu Changqing's birth and family, as well as his ability to control water with one hand, and then he continued with the emperor's summons at the beginning.

The emperor asked him to take someone to Yunzhou to investigate Wang Wenwei, but he didn't give specific instructions. Liu Changqing was very puzzled by the twists and turns in his words.

Then before departure, high-ranking officials from all walks of life came to him, some begged for mercy, and some asked him to dismount Wang Wenwei. As the protagonist, he was naturally the image of Guang Zhengwei. He only thought that Wang Wenwei, the governor of Yunzhou, was a good official who lived a life of common people. Wang Cishi cannot be involved in this kind of struggle.

So Liu Changqing chose to leave Yunzhou pretendingly. In fact, only his subordinates went there. He asked his subordinates to be slow but not fast. In the slander of the king's assassin.

Here Ye Da has a sense of separation. In the feudal period, there was not so much personal heroism. The emperor called out and set off, daring to stay in the capital. This is equivalent to taking risks with the heads of the whole family on his belt, and it is too irresponsible for the family. A little more, the beheading of a man and the prostitution of a woman are considered benevolent ways of dealing with it.

Especially for grassroots people like the protagonist, it is too arrogant to disobey the emperor's order.

Unless you are a scholar leader, or a literary figure, for example, the emperor gave Ye Da three warnings to go to the capital, but Ye Da ignored him.

But the protagonist is the protagonist. Anyway, after checking this and that in the capital, many people suspected that he had not left the capital, but no one reported it to the emperor, and no one copied his family.

Then there are all kinds of investigations and clues. The male protagonist is quite powerful, otherwise the emperor would not choose him. He is also considered a master among the old strangers, and he has solved various crises by controlling water with one hand.

Here it may be that the status quo of Kyushu has limited the film. The old strangers are far from having only one method. The screenwriter is using the imagination of the spiritual enlightener to portray the old strangers.

The overall plot is relatively depressing and realistic. In addition to the court crisis encountered by the hero, it also spends a lot of space describing the decline of Dabin in his last years, the powerlessness of the court to the local area, the numbness in the face of epidemics, and the suffering of the people's lives.

Originally, Ye Da was not touched. Although he was similar to the second generation, he had never been to the capital, and some of the characters in it were not familiar. Even "Yunzhou governor Wang Wenwei" started from listening to Ding Yong in the university class. I know such a person.

It was only after meeting Wang Weiwen that he left a deep impression.

But there was one scene that made his eyes freeze, which was extremely heavy.

This scene is in a tavern, and the protagonist finds it secretly and hides on the roof.

There is a storyteller in the tavern, who is reading a paragraph of white lines in rhythmic rhythm to the sound of drums.

"But it was said that there was a great epidemic in Liangzhou, with corpses everywhere and mourning all over the sky. There was a strange doctor. Every time a great epidemic wiped out the city, nine out of ten houses would be empty. He would arrive the next day. When the people saw this man, they would know that the epidemic was over! This strange man If you don’t prescribe or sell medicine, you’ll give acupuncture to the dead and burn incense to the living. No one else dares to ask.”

Ye Da subconsciously grabbed the handle of the seat with both hands.

Acupuncture for the dead, incense for the living? !

Zhou Meirong felt her hand was touched, and her cheeks flushed.

Is Ye Da going to hold my hand? .Is it too fast?

The boy's name is Ye Murong, and the girl's name is Ye Mumei.

Almost two births.

 (Wang Weiwen is a classmate, and Wang Wenwei is the governor. I am afraid that if people don’t read the book carefully, they think they have the same name.)
(End of this chapter)

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