Chapter 154
In this scene, the storyteller is just a member of the background of the tavern. As the perspective of the protagonist changes, the voice of the storyteller ends and is replaced by a tense and deep soundtrack.

Ye Da repeatedly recalled that piece of vernacular writing, recalling the way traffickers and foot soldiers spoke in the second life.
This is not an original text, it should be written by the screenwriter using modern language habits.

But this so similar to the things in his hands.

From the mouth of the skin-changing girl, he knew that the stone needle in his right hand was called "Jiuyin", and from Ding Yong's mouth, he also knew that the incense burner in his left hand was called "Jiantian".

He even began to wonder if this movie was also related to the conspiracy of the Dharma seekers?

In the blink of an eye, Ye Da denied this conjecture again.

It takes at least one to two years for a film to go from project approval, to shooting, to editing and release. At that time, I hadn't even come to the East China Sea, and I had nothing to do with the Dharma seekers.

That is to say, the screenwriter may occasionally see some records, anecdotes, etc. when looking for information, and think this story is very interesting, so he wrote a storytelling and used it as the background.

This is more likely.

I'll have to check it out later, maybe I can dig out the secrets of the two treasures.
Putting his mind away for the time being, Ye Da focused more on watching the movie, wanting to see if there was any other news, and even turned on the state of yin qi concentration.

But he was disappointed, and nothing happened after that.

The direction of the plot began to be biased towards individual heroism. The protagonist checked and checked, and finally found that there was an old alien group bewitching the emperor. He said that the reason why Wang Wenwei was still in his 80s and he was still energetic and did not show his old age was because Wang Wenwei had a traitor. A rare treasure that can make people live forever. The old emperor wanted to be investigated because he was dying of a terminal illness, but the protagonist was only a person on the surface, and someone else actually investigated Wang Wenwei.

This is outrageous. Let’s just treat it as a script requirement.

In short, until the end of the male protagonist's battle, using the rainstorm's addition to water control to kill the mastermind behind the scenes, Wang Wenwei, the governor of Yunzhou, did not appear, but only gave a back at the end, which roughly means that Wang Wenwei chose to enter the capital for some reason. up.

Then there is no more.

"Is this the end?" Ye Da glanced at Zhou Meirong.

Why is she blushing?

Although two hours have passed, I always feel that the story is not finished, leaving a lot of foreshadowing.

Zhou Meirong nodded and said: "It seems that there are two parts, and the other one will be released next year."

"Well, I have nothing to say."

After leaving the movie theater, Li Zifeng said, "Is this Wang Wenwei famous?"

Although because of his teammate's name Wang Weiwen, he knew that there was such an ancient name in only one order, but Li Zifeng didn't know his specific deeds. things surrounding him.

In fact, Wang Wenwei is far less famous than "Prodigy Ye Da" in history. It is roughly equivalent to "Li Bai" on earth, and the popularity gap between him and a good official of the same era.

Wang Weiwen said with a smile: "It's not too famous, but a movie, if you start with a well-known character, it will look like a biography. This movie, at least the first half of the movie, is Yunzhou, whose name is not in the same order as mine. The history of the governor is just a large background board, and the main perspective is still around Liu Changqing."

A few people discussed the plot for a while, and the movie is still full of sincerity, the costumes and props are very elegant, and the plot is not bloody from the perspective of modern people.

Ye Da was thinking about how to find the screenwriter of this movie. He just wrote down the cast and crew list. The name of the screenwriter is "Landao". I don't know if it is Lang or just a stage name.

"When the second part is released next year, let's watch it together. It feels worth the ticket price."

The five members of Dawn Squad nodded and left talking and laughing.

On the side of the road, Li Zifeng was asking Wang Weiwen's home address so he could call a car. Wang Weiwen shook his head with a smile, and two black luxury cars parked on the side of the road.

"The driver at home came to pick us up, no need to call a car."

Surprised by the financial resources of Wang Weiwen's family, but they are all young people, and they will not just get into the car because of this little material stimulation.

The car went around all the way and drove to a place that looked like a private garden.

This is not a villa area, that is too low-level, there is only one residence in the entire area, and the three towers form a semicircle.

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it a "pavilion".Although it is not in the city center, it is still amazing.

The car was parked at the gate, and Wang Weiwen's family members were already waiting at the gate, showing that they attached great importance to the dinner. If there were people from the business world here, they might be surprised that Mr. Wang actually greeted a few young people in person.

But at this time, the few young people just felt that Wang Weiwen's family was easy to get along with, and they didn't have the strange smell of rich families in TV dramas.

Zhou Meirong: "Hello, Uncle and Auntie, excuse me."

Ye Da met Wang Weiwen's stepmother once in Kyushu Hospital, and she was greeting her with a smile on her face. The middle-aged man beside him who looked calm and arrogant should be Wang Weiwen's father.

By the way, there is also that half-brother with a stern face and a stern face.

This 16 or 7-year-old boy is well dressed, but the expression on his face is very cold.

We chatted at the door and greeted each other. Wang Weiwen also introduced several teammates one by one, and everyone walked inward.

Wang Weiwen's father is Wang Junshan, who should be the top figure in the East China Sea business circle, but the young people don't know him, so they can't judge how powerful he is.

The stepmother's name is Lu Zhixuan.

The younger brother is called Wang Weiwu.

That is, the person who made Jiuyin react before.

Today I don’t know if I have a chance to get close to him. When I figured out why the three stones in my right hand reacted to Wang Weiwu when I was in Kyushu Hospital.

Wang Junshan took a few boys to drink tea in the living room on the first floor, while his stepmother took two girls to visit the mansion.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Weiwu went to his mother's side and seemed unwilling to stay in the living room.

"Student Ye Da, isn't that right? Our Wei Wen always mentioned you. You have been in trouble together many times. I thank you on behalf of the Wang family."

Ye Da shook his head and said politely. It is true that Wang Weiwen and Wang Weiwen had experienced many thrilling things together (the viaduct is not counted).

His first friend after coming to East China Sea, it can also be said to be his best friend.

While sipping tea, he observed Wang Junshan's face, feeling that he was indeed somewhat similar to Wang Weiwen, and a small doubt in his heart was slightly dispelled.

"Wei Wen has joined the youth training camp since junior high school. He has been training till now and has endured a lot of hardships. We all need to help each other when we are young. I heard that the 'Shuguang Team' is the most elite youth team in the entire southeast region. The training team is even famous in the special affairs departments in the three cities of Kyushu, which shows that everyone is very good."

Being able to know some internal information of the special affairs department, Wang Junshan seems to have a lot of energy.

A few people were chatting, and suddenly there was a woman's exclamation and the sound of broken porcelain on the second floor.

Several men looked upstairs together.

Especially Ye Da.

Because since entering here, Ye Da has sensed a resonance in the dark, and something related to Jiuyin seems to be on the second floor.

There is no good opportunity now, but there may be another tour after dinner in a while, so you can pay attention to it then.

The commotion upstairs was neither Wu Fei nor Zhou Meirong.

Then it should be Wang Weiwen's stepmother Lu Zhixuan.

Immediately afterwards, there was a more depressing reprimand.

Wang Junshan's face became stiff for a few minutes, and he forced a smile and said, "Maybe he knocked something off, I don't know if it was Zhixuan or Weiwu, the mother and son are always frizzy."

He shook his head helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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