Chapter 155 Dinner
Several people upstairs returned to the hall, and everyone continued to chat and wait for dinner. Wang Weiwen's stepmother and younger brother looked unsightly, especially Wang Weiwu, who kept a straight face.

Zhou Meirong happened to be sitting next to her.

The living room of Wang's family is very large. Although everyone is gathered together, they are not too close to each other, so they can't be heard by others when they whisper.

Ye Da whispered to Zhou Meirong, "What happened upstairs?"

Zhou Meirong replied in a low voice: "It's nothing, it's just that Wang Weiwen's younger brother broke a vase, which looked very expensive, and then Aunt Lu said something to him."

Zhou Meirong paused for a moment, then whispered in his ear: "Brother Wang Weiwen seems to have smashed it on purpose, I saw it from behind."

Zhou Meirong also majored in body language, so what she said should be pretty much the same.

Ye Da nodded and turned his attention back to the chat.

Wang Junshan is a very talkative person, and he is very skillful. He doesn't have that strong fatherly taste when communicating with young people, and everyone chats happily.

After another 15 minutes or so, the dinner was ready, and a group of people came to the restaurant, where everyone could be accommodated on the huge long dining table.

Wang Junshan said: "There are usually not so many people at home. I specially found a familiar chef to cook at home. I don't know if it suits everyone's taste."

From the way of arranging the tableware, Ye Da saw the clues, and his face suddenly turned ugly.

Gan!It's meal sharing!

There is no chance to fish in troubled waters!

In the past, when he ate with other people, he usually took a few bites, tossing and turning the plate over and over to pick up the food, pretending to pick it up from time to time, pretending.

The meal-sharing system is very unfriendly to him, which means that more and more food will accumulate in front of him.
Especially when you are a guest at other people's homes, you will definitely attract attention if you are served plate after plate of food and he is left with nothing.

Ye Da ironed his face and sighed, wondering if he was looking for an excuse to say that his stomach was uncomfortable..
Sure enough, as Ye Da guessed, the appetizer was served soon. It was a plate of cherry tomatoes, one for each person.

It is not the kind that is served directly after washing, but after complicated pickling and processing, the cherry puree is made into a tomato style.

Everyone started to eat, and Ye Da, in order to get along with the group, picked up a piece and put it in his mouth with a heartbeat.

It's so painful that my tongue is numb!

Although the "How to Live in the World" has been loosened several times, and he can no longer spray it out directly after eating it like before, but the taste system is obviously far from that of a living person. Eating such fruits and vegetables is simply top-level torture.

The whole mouth was protesting, reminding him of the sugar-free Shuanghuanglian he drank before, which was about ten times more bitter than that, and the fork was almost bent.

Zhou Meirong on the side showed an expression of enjoyment, feeling that he liked this dish very much.

Ye Da took one pill and waited for several minutes, but there were five pills on the plate.
After a while, Ye Da saw Zhou Meirong eat up everything on the plate, and Ye Da had an idea, and said, "Do you like it? I don't eat tomatoes very much, so I'll give you mine."

Zhou Meirong said: "This is made of cherries, not real tomatoes."

"It's okay, I don't like cherries either."

As he spoke, he handed the remaining tomato to Zhou Meirong with serving chopsticks.

Zhou Meirong's cheeks were flushed, and she ate one after another with her head down.

Wang Weiwu happened to be opposite Ye Da. Ye Da looked up and found that the boy was staring at him with a disdainful smile on his lips.

This kid is a little underwhelmed.

When the waiter or servant passed by, Ye Da whispered to him, "I have less food here, and my stomach feels uncomfortable."

The man nodded in understanding.

At the table, Wang Weiwen's stepmother Lu Zhixuan suddenly said: "You are all spiritual enlighteners, I really envy you. When I was 29 years old, I still had illusions. Now that I am over 30, I have no hope. You are all. At what age do you awaken your spiritual power?"

This question is actually asked for Wang Weiwu. As a mother, she very much hopes that her son can awaken and become a spiritual enlightener, so as to change the impression that nothing can be accomplished in the eyes of her husband. It is rare that there are so many powerful people sitting here, and the worst is a 2B. I want to ask Is there any experience to impart.

In fact, I don't have much experience. Apart from genetics playing a small role, Qiling is basically fortune-telling.This topic made Wang Weiwu prick up his ears and look at a few people expectantly.

Li Zifeng said: "In my case, about elementary school? 9 years old?"

Zhou Meirong said: "I am 7 years old."

Wu Fei whispered, "11 years old."

The three of them were very early, so they were able to do systematic development early and reach their current heights.

Many people wake up late, their life path has been fixed, and their development prospects and development time will be greatly reduced accordingly.

Therefore, the sooner the spiritual enlightenment ability is awakened, the better.

Hearing that the three of them became spiritual enlighteners at such a young age, Lu Zhixuan's eyes were inevitably a little sad. Her child Wang Weiwu is now 16, and there is no sign of awakening at all. It's hard to say.

By the way, Wang Weiwu has to pass the exam.

Thinking about it, Lu Zhixuan's eyes dimmed a little. Her son's grades have always been poor, and he often made Wang Junshan angry. Although the Wang family has a big business, Wang Junshan often said, "If you don't pass the exam, don't pass it. I won't help you." Talk about it.

Although angry words accounted for most of it, it also made Lu Zhixuan sad.

Her own child is not good enough, and his temperament is not good. This is a fact that even as a mother, she admits.

Ye Da thought for a while, and according to the registration, he should be.
"In my words, it should be awakened at the age of 18?"

These words immediately rekindled Lu Zhixuan's hope.

"As for Xiaoye, it seems to be a double A-level spirit enlightener, right? He is the most powerful in your team. It seems that you can catch up if you wake up later."

Ye Da didn't know how to answer this, but Ye Da just nodded.

Lu Zhixuan's mind became active. Even if the identity of the spiritual enlightener is excluded, the few young people here are good enough. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the top-notch group of young people. I should let my son get in touch with such people more. , rather than off-campus personnel who are nonsense.

Even though they are two brothers, there is such a big gap in making friends.

"You can add Xiao Wu's friends later. Young people should keep in touch with each other more. Xiao Wu, brothers and sisters are all very good. You need to learn more."

The Dawn team could only smile and nod their heads.

Anyone can see that Wang Weiwu, who always looks like someone owes him, is not a good person to want to get along with, neither pleasing nor meaningful to make friends with, but at this time, he can only accept it first.

Unexpectedly, Wang Weiwu said: "I have my own friends, I don't need to know them."

The scene suddenly cooled down.

The members of the Shuguang team just felt that the atmosphere was awkward, but it didn't matter, so as to save trouble.

Sure enough, Wang Junshan's expression changed immediately, and he opened his mouth to say a few words.

For the sake of her son, Lu Zhixuan opened her mouth to cover up, and said with a straight face:

"Wei Wu! Why are you talking! You..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Weiwu pulled the stool and said, "I've finished eating, let's go back to my room first."

He left the restaurant without looking back.

Ye Da thought to himself that this child is really skinny.

Are you playing less?In fact, he can do it for him.

(End of this chapter)

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