Chapter 156
Wang Weiwu's departure obviously made Wang Junshan very angry. Ye Da felt that he wanted to drop the tableware and pull Wang Weiwu back to beat him up, but the guest was present, so he took a few deep breaths, calmed down, and said, "Sorry everyone, dogs are not sensible. .”

Turning to Lu Zhixuan, she said, "Don't worry about your good son!"

Lu Zhixuan looked anxious and ugly, and left in a hurry.

Ye Da looked at Wang Weiwen, and he also looked helpless. It seems that Wang Weiwu's peeing is not a day or two.

Before the atmosphere of the dinner faded away, it was difficult for everyone to say anything. Wang Junshan tried to chat again twice, but it didn't help much.

But it was cheaper for Ye Da, everyone was not focused on eating, so he didn't move much, so he was not tortured by the taste bomb.

The boring dinner lasted another 20 minutes, and I don't know what kind of education process the mother and child went through upstairs. As Ye Da expected, Wang Junshan took everyone on a tour after the dinner. Lu Zhixuan also came down. It should be Wang Weiwu has already been educated.

Wang Junshan introduced antiques, famous paintings, and awards that Wang Weiwen had received before.

Ye Da was looking for something that resonated with "Nine Yin", so he listened patiently.

It is good that the house is big, everything can be placed and displayed, and Wang Weiwen's status in the family can also be seen from the side. There are many awards and trophies on display before.

Interestingly, there is still a painting by Xin Yi hanging in Wang's house, which should be quite valuable depending on its size. It is said that it was bought at Wang Junshan's auction.

But none of these things resonated with Ye Da when he entered the door.

Finally came to a room, Wang Junshan said that this is his collection room, everyone can sit in it for a while.

A benevolent aunt served cakes, and Wang Weiwen introduced that this was Aunt Liu, who had been in the Wang family for many years.

Before sitting down, Wang Weiwen's stepmother Lu Zhixuan asked suspiciously: "Hey? I remember there are a few antiques here?"

As he spoke, he pointed to one of the display stands, on which there was a piece of red velvet and a base, and the velvet was empty.

Wang Junshan was taken aback, and said, "What's on display here?"

Lu Zhixuan said: "Just a few stone needles? Weiwu bought them before."

Speaking of this, she glanced at Wang Junshan in fear, and then remembered that Wang Weiwu used the name of the Wang family to spend a lot of money to buy things at the auction. Wang Junshan, who has been away for a long time, may not know about this.

Sure enough, Wang Junshan frowned, and had no impression of the things inside. He often went out to do business, and only a few favorites would pay attention to the large collection at home.

"Why put it in such a place? Where did this kid get the money?"

Lu Zhixuan tactfully avoided the second half of the question, and said: "I also think it's a bit strange to put it here, and it doesn't look good. I was going to put it in the safe just now, but Wei Wu accidentally broke a vase, so I put it Things are forgotten."

Wang Junshan sneered, stopped paying attention, and called everyone to sit down.

Only Ye Da's expression changed.

He pretended to be curious, and reached out to flip through the red flannel.

The echo was not triggered again, but I am afraid that what was played before this was something that resonated with "Nine Yin".

Stone Needle?Is it the remaining six?
After thinking for a while, he asked involuntarily, "Stone needles? Such antiques are rare."

Lu Zhixuan obviously didn't want to discuss this issue in depth, her husband's face couldn't be more ugly, she said with a dry smile: "It's really rare, that child Weiwu might have been cheated, it's like six sweater needles."

"Six roots?"

Although he was prepared in his heart, Ye Da originally thought that the Wang family had one or two.

Didn't expect the other six roots to be all in the Wang family?
A family dinner that was supposed to be harmonious and relaxed ended in embarrassment. After chatting awkwardly for half an hour, Wang Weiwen suggested that it was almost over and asked the driver to take the teammates back.

Wang Junshan nodded, and said to Lu Zhixuan: "Tell that kid to come down and see off the guests."

Since the whole family is there when we welcome you, you must also be there when you see them off, otherwise it will be a great disrespect.

As a result, after a while, Lu Zhixuan ran down and said, "Husband, Weiwu, Weiwu, Weiwu, he is missing."

Wang Junshan was probably numb with anger.

Aunt Liu knocked on the door, came in and said, "Mr. Wang, Xiao Wu took a lot of clothes from his room, so he ran away from home?" Wang Junshan could only force a smile and said to the Shuguang team: "You guys are laughing, I’ll send you away.”

The Dawn team waved their hands again and again.

Good guy, I ran into many personal matters of the Wang family by accident, so embarrassing!
They're just here for dinner, so it's okay.

After getting into the car, the driver is also from the Wang family, so it's not easy to discuss.

Just hold it in
I want to discuss a few sentences in the group, but there is still Wang Weiwen in the group.

Keep holding it in
Ye Da was the last to get out of the car, and the lights were already on.

The news that Wang Weiwu ran away from home and suspected to have six remaining "Nine Yins" with him is very important.

Ye Da hasn't decided whether to fight for the remaining six nine yin.

I didn't even think about how to get it. After all, it was something bought by the Wang family, so I can't let others give it to me, right?
However, Wang Weiwu's situation made Ye Da curious, whether this is another pawn for the seekers of the law.

After thinking about it, Ye Da made a call.

Yang Tian.

"what's up?"

"You came out?"

The other side replied silently, "Well", I think it is not very pleasant to be in the special affairs department, even if he is the one who was hunted down.

But for this kind of person, if he can come out, he will already have a high incense, so what kind of bicycle do he need? !
"Find someone for me?"

At this time, Yang Tian's role was revealed. Wang Weiwu ran away from home, and the Wang family themselves were not necessarily easier to find than Yang Tian.

Unexpectedly, the other side said: "It won't work recently, I'm being watched very closely, I have to wait until the limelight passes."

Ye Da could only nod his head.

The other side said: "I will help you with the car matter. This time I owe you a favor."

Yes, very good.

Yang Tian can't use it for the time being, and Ye Da has nothing to say to him, let him tell himself when he can handle things.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Da remembered something, took two steps and went to the garage.

Sure enough, there was a figure here, wrapped in a down jacket and guarding.

This Cao Bin must have been here for three days.

Sangu Thatched Cottage is at this level, and Ye Da is not sure if this person is a liar.

If the liar is so serious about death, he may also starve to death.

Seeing Ye Da approaching, Cao Bin stood up like a carp.

"Classmate Ye, Mr. Ye, have you agreed to make a movie?"

Ye Da looked at him for a while and said, "It can be considered, but I need you to help me find someone."

Cao Bin was stunned for a moment, and then he understood: "Which actress do you like? Or what kind of actress do you like?"

Ye Da couldn't help feeling that his thoughts were a little unreliable.

"Screenwriter, Landau, can I get in touch?"

(End of this chapter)

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