Chapter 158 Useless

Ye Da got some information from several high school students who were playing basketball.

Wang Weiwu has a very bad reputation in the "Second Affiliated Middle School of Donghai University".

In the earliest days, Wang Weiwu was just one of the many students who came in through his relationship. He was not so conspicuous, but he was not so hated. After all, there are many similar people. Woolen cloth?

Probably belonged to the kind of famous fringe characters.

His academic performance cannot be recognized by teachers and classmates, and he is also arrogant. He is picked up by a luxury car every day, so he is naturally separated from other classmates.

If it's this far, it won't be too bad.

But recently, it has taken a sharp turn for the worse.


Ye Da was a little confused, what did you mean by "XY vitality behavior"?
A little fan said: "It is said that the guy met a group of bad people. A boy had a quarrel with him before. On the way home that day, he was blocked in an alley and beat him up. I heard it was all The guy in the society, maybe that trash spent money to win over, I heard that more than once someone was blocked after school because he was rude to him."

Now Ye Da was a little surprised, this Wang Weiwu is really stretching his hips.

It is precisely because of Wang Weiwu's recent actions that he became famous in school.

Another boy said: "I heard that he had an older brother who was also from our school. He looked very good. I don't know how there is such a younger brother."

"Haven't you reported this to the teacher? Or report it?"

Several boys looked at each other: "Who would tell the teacher about this kind of thing, let alone call the police."

In fact, many things in the school will only be circulated among the students, as if there is an invisible wall between the students and the teacher.

Who was bullied by whom, who engaged in XY sexual behavior, who talked with whom, and even some worse news, it was difficult to reach the ears of teachers, school officials, and parents.

There is no explicit regulation, but a kind of tacit agreement between minors.

Ye Da remembered that in the first life, there was a rumor about a girl in your grade.

Not to mention the truth or falsehood, almost every student in the school knew this news, but the teachers didn't know it, the principal didn't know it, and the girls' parents didn't know it either.

The same is true of XY vitality behavior, most of them will choose to remain silent until the scars are discovered or something more serious happens.

Especially those people who will specifically pick the unpopular, unbackgrounded, and weak as targets. These people basically smashed their teeth and swallowed them in their stomachs.

"Did this guy come to school today?"

A few boys didn't know: "We are not in the same class as him, but I heard that this guy has been absent from class often, and he will be expelled after a while."

"The Second Affiliated High School of Donghai University" is the leading public high school in Donghai after all. Even if the Wang family put in a lot of effort to send it in, the school will never be lenient when it is time to expel it.

Even if you don't know about "XY vitality behavior", the reason for absenteeism is enough.

Ye Da said: "Can you do me a favor? He found someone to bully my younger brother. I need to talk to him. If he comes back to school, please tell me."

A few little fans hesitated, after all, Ye Da was also a member outside the school.

No matter how bad Wang Weiwu's reputation was, they were cautious about it.

"Don't worry, I'm a civilized person, I won't use violence to control violence, but the truth has to be told, let him apologize or something."

Only now did the boys reluctantly nod their heads. After all, Ye Da didn't look like the kind of violent beating guy.

But Ye Da did not expect that the news would come very quickly.

In the afternoon of the next day, I received a message from a basketball fan.

Wang Weiwu didn't come, but those "bad people" seemed to appear around.

Considering that this group of people might have something to do with Wang Weiwu's running away from home, Ye Da blocked a car and went to the "Second Affiliated Middle School of Donghai University". Suspicious person.

A group of guys who are about the same age as eighteen or nineteen.

Although the hair is not that colorful, it does not look like a serious person.

They were not arrogant nearby, but two intersections away.

Seven or eight people blocked the entrance of the alley, scanning the passers-by fiercely, with a feeling that strangers should not enter, causing passers-by to leave quickly.

A thin figure wearing glasses was blocked in the alley, and a man a head taller than him pushed him to the ground.

"Ask you! Are you dumb?!"

The man kept patting the other person's face with his hands.The little boy's glasses were crooked, but he said nothing.

The people around looked at each other coldly, watching the jokes.

"Tell me! Where did Wang Weiwu go?! I asked you to ask yesterday. What was the result?!"

Seeing that the short boy didn't speak, the man cursed a few words, and pointed the cigarette butt in his hand at the little boy.

"Damn it! Four-eyed boy! Let you grow your memory!"

He enjoys this feeling very much, he can knead other people at will because he is stronger than them.

Maybe every person who exerts XY vitality behavior has an ancestor living in his heart.

"Crack! Kick!"

The disappointed voice came from behind.

The tall boy turned his head and saw a guy wearing a mask taking pictures with his mobile phone.

"Hey! What the hell are you filming?! You're courting death!"

For people who look older than themselves, this group of people has no fear, and is even more angry.

Ye Da took a few more photos and said, "Record it."

"Crack clap."

The guy who was closer obviously couldn't bear this kind of provocation. Others have always been afraid of them, so any guy who is not afraid of them will make them extremely angry.

To do XY vitality behavior, you can have no brains, but you can't do without "prestige", which is the basis for their survival.

The man hit him with a punch, and Ye Da caught it with one hand, and twisted it hard, the man felt that the bone in his hand was about to break, and he knelt on the ground howling.

"How dare you!"

Before he finished speaking, another person lay down.

After a few breaths, among the seven or eight young people, only the tall boy who was the leader was still standing.

The man was quite courageous, he didn't run away, and he didn't tremble with fright, the fierceness in his heart drove him to charge up with a strange cry, but he still followed in the footsteps of his companion for a second.

In an instant, the group of guys who were arrogant just now were lying in the alley moaning.

Ye Da pulled the boy with the eyes up.

"Are you okay?"

The boy straightened his glasses, looked at the group of people howling on the ground, and said calmly, "It's useless."

Ye Da frowned: "What?"

"Are you a passerby? Or do you have a grudge against them?"

Ye Da said: "Not at all, wouldn't you help me if the road is uneven?"

The boy picked up his schoolbag, and said without a trace of ups and downs in his voice: "It's useless, after they wake up, they will come back with even worse revenge, and if they can't find you, they will come to me and use even more extreme means to prove I am still in a position where I can bully others, this time the cigarette burns my hands, and next time it will burn my face or even my eyes."

Ye Da's brows deepened.

The little leader who was still howling on the ground raised his head enduring the pain, and said viciously: "That's right! I thought it was a helper that Four-Eyed Boy had found, but it turned out that he was really a meddlesome guy passing by! You can protect me by pretending to be a hero." Can he protect him for a lifetime? Four-eyed boy, you are finished!"

Ye Da kicked the little boss in the face to shut him up, but his heart was already irritated.

Saving people was not his original purpose, but anyone who thought he had done a good deed, even if he did it casually, would not be happy to receive such an evaluation.

"Haven't you tried reporting j?"

The boy with glasses shook his head and said: "It's useless, they will come out in three to five days, and then continue to take even more vicious revenge."

Pat the dust on the bag.

"Thank you for your help, but I really can't be happy, and I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable."

Thin body, eyes unmoving.

This guy may have been numb.

(End of this chapter)

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