Chapter 159
The boy with glasses walked towards the entrance of the alley, and all the passers-by gave him malicious looks.

Although these people were lying on the ground, they should already be thinking about how to get revenge and how to get back their place.

"Prestige", the "prestige" they think is their foundation, and whoever sees their lack of prestige will be crazily retaliated against.

Standing at the entrance of the alley, the boy with glasses seemed to have foreseen what would happen to him next week. He looked back at Ye Da and bowed.

"You should be a spirit enlightener. It is easy to deal with them. You will make a shot, but will you kill them for me?"

The little boss said fiercely: "Hey! Four-eyed boy! Do you want to die! Shut your mouth! Let this guy go away! Otherwise, you will have nothing to eat!"

When he met someone who was more vicious than himself, he instinctively became afraid, and hurriedly looked at Ye Da's face.

This guy can't really kill someone, can he?

Facing the question of the boy with glasses, Ye Da shook his head. It is impossible for him to kill someone for such a thing, let alone six.

"Impossible, right? Killing them can completely solve the problem, but who is willing to pay the price of killing for irrelevant people? I was approached by them because I was small, my grades were not good, and I didn't have many friends. Rescue for the weak."

"Weak people have no heroes, one rescue will not change the fact that they are weak."

The boy with glasses bowed again, turned and left, bypassing the punk lying on the ground.

The little boss suddenly showed a smile of success and was so arrogant towards Ye Da: "Did you see it! Great hero! This guy doesn't accept your kindness at all! He is brave enough to do what is right?! What age is it! You will only make him worse! Next time. "

Before he could finish speaking, a finger pressed his lips.

Ye Da squatted down expressionlessly, and said, "I'm very upset now. Although it doesn't seem to be because of you scumbags, but I have to figure out a problem, what kind of mentality does that kid with glasses help your current situation?"

Use a little force on your hand.

In the terrified eyes of the little boss.

He broke two of his front teeth.

In the dim old community, a thin and thin figure walked alone. There was a crack on the lens of the glasses, but it was not conspicuous under the dim light.

Taking out the key, the boy was about to open the door, but the door opened by itself, and a head poked out from inside, it was a boy about his age.

"Luo Chao, why did you come back so late?"

Luo Chao adjusted his glasses and said, "I met Brother Dong and the others."

The boy who opened the door realized that Luo Chao's clothes were dirty, and asked concerned: "Are you all right? Are they still looking for me?"

Wang Weiwu stepped aside and let Luo Chao in.

Yes, Wang Wei Muzang is at Luo Chao's house.

Luo Chao took off his shoes and said, "I was helped by someone, and I'm fine for the time being. At least Brother Dong and the others probably won't come near the school again these days."

Wang Weiwu nodded, relieved, and didn't ask any more questions.

Luo Chao walked two steps in and found the kitchen was in a mess, he frowned and asked, "Did you make it?"

Wang Weiwu said embarrassingly: "You came back late, I wanted to try cooking by myself, but it didn't work."

Looking at the spoiled ingredients, Luo Chao feels distressed.

Wang Weiwu said: "It's not all for me, your grandma is also hungry, I will pay you later."

Luo Chao nodded and began to tidy up the kitchen.

Gathering and discarding all kinds of ingredients that directly turned into wet garbage, Luo Chao ordered three bowls of noodles, each with a poached egg and a few green vegetables.

Two bowls were placed on the table, and one bowl was brought into the inner room.

"Grandma, it's time to eat."

An old lady with white hair and dull eyes turned her head and said, "Xiaoying, mom is hungry."

Luo Chao put his face down expressionlessly: "Grandma, I am Luo Chao, and I will feed you."

"Xiaoying, where is your father?"

"Grandma, I am Luo Chao, open your mouth." Luo Chao's grandma is 87 years old and suffered from Alzheimer's disease two years ago.

While responding to grandma's illogical questions, Luo Chao fed the old man and left grandma's room with an empty bowl. Wang Weiwu had already finished his portion.

Wang Weiwu said embarrassingly: "I'm so hungry, I haven't eaten much all day."

Luo Chao stirred up his soaked noodles and said, "Don't you have money to order takeaway?"

"All the cards are locked. But don't worry, I will definitely pay you back in the future. This little money is not even included in my pocket money."

Luo Chao nodded.The noodles could no longer be picked up with chopsticks, so I simply picked and ate them, and I ate them all in a short while.

"Brother Dong, they seem to know that you ran away from home and asked me to find you. I didn't say, but your family is so rich, the longer you don't go back, the harder they may investigate, and they may even call the police to find you through surveillance video. Trust me Not too long."

Wang Weiwu said disgustedly: "No, my father will definitely not let my mother call the police. He hopes that I will disappear, so as not to embarrass him."

"I don't really understand the affairs of your rich family."

Wang Weiwu sighed, and said, "Wait for two more days, when we both complete the spiritual awakening, everything will be fine."

As he spoke, Wang Weiwu took out six ancient stone needles that were carefully preserved from his bag.

Luo Chao looked at the unattractive stone needle and said, "Is this really a spirit-enlightening object?"

Wang Weiwu nodded and said: "I'm sure, I saw my brother let them fly. Although they don't seem to have other functions, they are indeed genuine enlightenment objects, and there are a lot of them. We have three for each of us. How can we awaken them successfully after three chances?" If it wasn't for my brother and mother noticing this thing, and even wanting to put it in the safe, I wouldn't have run away from home."

"Your brother seems to be a powerful spiritual enlightener? He was also from our school before, and I heard he is very famous."

Wang Weiwu snorted resentfully.

"My brother's grades are better, his staff is better, his spiritual ability is more advanced, and he's handsome. There's not much else."

As he talked, Wang Weiwu couldn't continue talking.

Luo Chao looked at the ceiling: "I don't have an older brother. If I had one, I'm afraid I wouldn't be bullied."

Wang Weiwu said: "I wish I was the only son, forget it, what are you talking about?"

Luo Chao picked up a stone needle, but felt that it was as cold as gold and iron. Unfortunately, neither he nor Wang Weiwu was a spiritual enlightener, so they couldn't verify it, so he had to believe in Wang Weiwu first.

"Even if this is a genuine spiritual enlightenment, can those people really awaken us?"

Wang Weiwu said cautiously: "Don't worry, I've searched for a long time, and I found a person who was successfully awakened. I have already paid the money in advance. If it was a liar, I would have ignored me a long time ago."

After saying this, Wang Weiwu thought for a while and said: "Luo Chao, although we have agreed to awaken together, can you let me go first? After all, money and things are all important."

Those people helped people awaken, and it was said that they needed to consume the spiritual objects destructively. Wang Weiwu was worried about his luck, worried that he would not succeed even after three chances.

Luo Chao understood what he meant, nodded and said: "I understand, you awaken first, and the rest is mine. If you only awaken the six senses, then I forget it."

Wang Weiwu smiled happily when he heard the words, and said, "If the awakening is successful, what kind of spiritual enlightenment ability do you want?"

Luo Chao already had the answer in his heart. He had fantasized about awakening his spiritual enlightenment ability for countless nights.

Those who can kill, the ability to kill silently.

But he said: "I haven't thought about it yet, this is not something we can decide."

Wang Weiwu has already begun to enjoy it.

"I like the energy system, the energy system is the most powerful, or the rule system that can fly is also very good."

The two teenagers, facing different lives, are very dissatisfied.

And they all regard the awakening of spiritual enlightenment ability as the only chance to change their lives.

So they came together and became a pair of friends whose original families were very different.

Even Ye Da didn't expect that such a thin and small boy with glasses would be good friends with a spoiled rich second generation like Wang Weiwu, so that he missed the most important clue.

(End of this chapter)

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