Chapter 160

"Are you still scolding?"

Holding the bloody little boss, Ye Da said indifferently.

Ye Da didn't have that much tolerance for these guys, especially when the boy with glasses made him feel bad.

Whatever he asked, these people would answer, and they didn't bother to explain the reason to them.

The blood and pain soon made these strong-armed guys succumb.

"Huh? So you are not from Wang Weiwu's group, and you are looking for someone to trouble him?"

After coming and going, the blood-faced little leader was a little confused whether this ruthless man was helping Luo Chao or Wang Weiwu.

Or it is simply unlucky.

"Don't bother him, just have fun together. His family is rich."

The little boss's words were a bit leaky, four of his teeth were broken, and one was swallowed into his stomach.

He was completely terrified, this ruthless man was really ruthless, as bad as he scolded just now, he is now as miserable as he is now.

At the beginning, he threatened to retaliate in the future, but when he saw that it didn't work, he changed it to threats from some brother on the road, and finally threatened with the law of protection of minors and scum while crying.

All the threats were meaningless, and he just lost two extra teeth.

This kind of pain of having his teeth broken alive made him subdue even the fierceness.

"How dare you do this if you have money at home?"

"He didn't tell his family, who knows, besides, we didn't beat him, but took him to play together"

In fact, these scumbags have another way to deal with this kind of rich kid. Coercion with words is more appropriate than threats with fists.

A group of people are together, using ambiguous threats and runs, so that the rich children have to pay, safe and effective.

But Wang Weiwu is not a fool. After a few times, he found out that these guys are not good, so he stopped dealing with them.

"Didn't you say that whoever yells at Wang Weiwu in school will be beaten by you?"

"No, it was done deliberately to show Wang Weiwu to make him afraid of us. We didn't dare to hit him, so we beat his people to make him even more afraid to reject us."

"Why did Wang Weiwu run away from home?"

"We...we don't know."

Ye Da raised his hand suddenly, making the little boss tremble with fright.

"Wait, let me think about it! By the way, he seemed to say that he wanted to awaken the spirit or something, and wanted us to accompany him to a script killing shop to find someone or something. We didn't want to do such troublesome things, and then he went by himself Now, I only have this clue!"

"What's the address?"

The little boss reported a string of addresses.

"Brother, let me go, I won't hang around outside anymore!"

Ye Da patted the other party's face and said, "Did I tell you to change it? It's none of my business?!"

If you emphasize not to take revenge on the guy with glasses, I'm afraid it will be more counterproductive. Although that guy with glasses annoys him, it's better not to bring him any extra trouble.

After all, if it wasn't for him, maybe this group of people would let him go after burning a cigarette.

The more I think about it, the more angry I get.

Kicking each of them again to ensure that they would stay in bed for half a month, Ye Da left the alley.

Things became more and more complicated, and Ye Da's patience was gradually decreasing.

If Wang Weiwu simply ran away from home, Ye Da could safely follow up and track down the six stone needles secretly to confirm the status of the six stone needles, but if Wang Weiwu was involved in some strange incident and might be in danger, it would be unreasonable not to inform Wang Weiwen up.

Let's go and have a look. If it doesn't work, let's have a showdown with Wang Weiwen, find out Wang Weiwu, and then find a way to buy the six stone needles.

Half an hour later, Ye Da arrived at the so-called script killing shop, and when he looked up, he had actually been here.

The branch of the Shanghai Branch of the Eternal Life Association, the place where the Eternal Life Association held brainwashing classes, and the mixed-use commercial and residential buildings.

A bad idea came to Ye Da's mind, the two would have nothing to do with each other, would they?

On the 9th floor, Xiaobaichuan script kills.

It is only two floors away from the training room of the Eternal Life Club.

Before entering, I heard the sound of men and women playing.

It doesn't look like it has much to do with the Eternal Life Society.

The door was open, and Ye Da walked in.

"Hello, do you have a reservation?"

asked a male clerk.

Ye Da announced a person's name: "Is Lin Xiaoxiao here?" The man showed an obviously surprised expression.

"Someone comes to see Xiaoxiao again. Are you his ex-boyfriend?"

Ye Da raised his eyebrows: "She has many ex-boyfriends?"

The clerk smiled awkwardly and said, "You'd better talk to her yourself. She's in the rest room inside, but please be careful. Someone came to make trouble before. We called the police."

Whether it was a reminder or a warning, the clerk pointed to the room inside.

Ye Da walked outside a small door in the depths, and was about to knock on the door, but heard a woman's low cry of pain coming from inside.


It wasn't that kind of violent roar, but it could be heard that he was trying his best to endure.

Ye Da paused with his hands, and instead of knocking down directly, he listened for a while. It didn't sound like the sound that should be in a script killing shop, but rather like a wound in a hospital.

He secretly called out Liu Xiaoqian, gave some orders, and Liu Xiaoqian's phantom slipped in.

Not long after, Liu Xiaoqian came back and said, "My dear friend, the girl inside is putting on makeup."

"make up?"

"But her face seems to be ulcerated. She seems to have some disease!"


It was hard for Ye Da not to think of the dozen or so lunatics from the Eternal Life Society that night!
Just as he was about to open the door and enter, a hand came over to stop Ye Da.

Ye Da turned his head alertly, but he was someone he knew, but he didn't expect to appear here.

Ban Haijian.

It's somewhat strange that a middle-aged man with an upright face appears in a script killing shop that is mostly young people, but there are also customers, and Ban Haijian seems to be playing a customer.

The two communicated silently with their eyes a few times, and retreated to the balcony next to them together.

Ban Haijian asked in a low voice, "Why are you here?"

Ye Da thought for a while and said, "I'm looking into the affairs of the Eternal Life Society myself, and the people inside seem to be a clue."

Ban Haijian nodded. He knew that Ye Da was one of the victims of the dozen or so immortal lunatics a few days ago. It seemed that the loss was not small, and it was not surprising that he was young and wanted to check.

"The woman inside, Lin Xiaoxiao, met a high-level executive of the Eternal Life Association through Wang Yanji, and became one of the other's concubines. We are figuring out the situation, and there are other colleagues downstairs."

The special affairs department is very fast. It has only been three days and a lot of things have been found.

It's just that Ye Da got here from a completely different path.

Ban Jianhai handed over a cigarette: "Smoking?"

Ye Da shook his head and said, "Is this guy also the kind of...transformer?"

Now Ban Jianhai was puzzled, it seemed that he didn't know that Lin Xiaoxiao's face had festered.

"The modification of parasitic jellyfish in the back of the brain?"

He didn't question Ye Da's source, but directly took it as a real thought.

"In that case, there is no need to hide. I thought it was a simple concubine to see if I could catch fish. If it is a dangerous person like a reformed person, it is better to control it first. Wait, I will notify the police. Pretend to check the license and evacuate the guests here first."

Ye Da: "Is it necessary to be so cautious? I'm both here, so I can easily win."

Ban Jianhai shook his head and said, "You haven't officially joined the special affairs department yet. We have to follow the rules. All accidents are caused by unfamiliarity with the rules. If we are more careful and troublesome, maybe one less innocent person will be injured. .”

Ye Da nodded. What the other party said made sense, but he still didn't think about things from the perspective of a "law enforcer".

When the situation permits, it is always good to be more careful, just like the safety rules of the factory, one time of laziness may not necessarily be a hit, but one hundred times of laziness will always break one's hands.

"You enter my place first, just say that a friend came to pick me up, don't say it, the script killing is quite fun, I took the murderer's book."

Ye Da thought to himself, the experienced members of the special affairs department took the identity of the murderer, and ordinary players might not be able to figure it out the whole time.

The two were about to go back when they heard a scream coming from the direction of the lounge.


Ye Da and Ban Haijian looked at each other and rushed out.

 Not in the mood today.

  When I wake up in the morning, I have a headache and a sore throat, but my body temperature is normal, so that’s a problem.

  But I feel like I've been tricked and I've been feeling groggy all day. Let's see how it develops next. I guess I can only change it to two updates in these two days.

  There is nothing I can do about getting stabbed sooner or later. Everyone should pay attention to their health. Although it is unavoidable, symptoms may be mild or severe. It is also important to improve immunity and basic physical attributes.

(End of this chapter)

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