I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 161 The festering face

Chapter 161 The festering face
Hearing the screams in the lounge, Ye Da and Ban Haijian were very fast, reaching a corner of more than ten meters in an instant. At this time, the door of the lounge was opened, and the screams came from inside.

Ye Da looked away.

A long-haired woman with heavy makeup on her face was riding on another woman and tearing up.

Although he didn't know Lin Xiaoxiao, Ye Da instinctively recognized that person's identity by looking at that maniac, and kicked him away.

Considering the physique of the group of reformed people, the force was not small, and the man slammed into the wall with a strange scream.

Ye Da pulled up the short-haired girl who was pressed to the ground and beat her up, but her eyes did not leave "Lin Xiaoxiao", in case she used any strange moves.

There are still several "Eight Gods Skills" that I haven't seen yet.

Unexpectedly, Ban Haijian, who followed closely behind, shouted: "Ye Da, be careful!"

Before turning his head around, what did Ban Haijian tell him to be careful about?
But out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a festering mark on the face of the girl who was lifted up by him.

What the hell!

With two sharp claws swiping, Ye Da tried his best to retreat, but his face was still cut.

Gan!Empiricism kills people!
This is Lin Xiaoxiao?She was hit by an ordinary woman riding on her body?

It turned out that it was the long-haired girl who entered the lounge just now and bumped into Lin Xiaoxiao who had a festering face and was fixing her makeup. She screamed in fright at her face.

Maybe it's because she played too many horror books, the adrenaline rush of the girl with long hair soared, and she slapped her.

Maybe Lin Xiaoxiao was also fooled, she was suppressed to the ground in a short period of time despite her superior physical fitness.

The short-haired girl stood up straight. She didn't know whether it was because her face was bruised or she knew she was being arrested, so she smashed the glass and jumped out from the ninth floor.

Ye Da's face was burning, he didn't know if it was because of the scar or embarrassment.

He ran to the window and took a look. Lin Xiaoxiao had already landed on the ground, crushed a car, turned a few somersaults on the ground, and then ran away.

Ye Da jumped out without hesitation, and at the same time shouted to Ban Haijian: "Let's chase!"

Seeing the back of Ye Da jumping out, Ban Haijian was stunned.

"Follow me! This is the ninth floor! You think it's all like you!"

Then he hurried back to take the elevator and took out the walkie-talkie at the same time.

"Pay attention to group B downstairs, Lin Xiaoxiao jumped off the building and ran away, and our people are chasing after her, you follow! We must catch him alive!"

"Old Ban, who is chasing you? Where are you?"

"I'm on my way to the elevator!"

hateful!I wasted my murder book, and those young people were being played around by me!

Ye Da landed much lighter than Lin Xiaoxiao, he didn't crush a car as a buffer, but landed firmly on the ground, costing two floor tiles.

It frightened passers-by.

At this time, Lin Xiaoxiao had already run to the corner, and Ye Da ran after her.

He didn't choose to chase Lin Xiaoxiao on the road with a lot of pedestrians, but took off again and landed on the roof of a two-storey shop beside the road, estimating the distance to Lin Xiaoxiao while running.

Lin Xiaoxiao ran with her head down all the way, and the pedestrians on the road avoided the mad woman, her skinny jeans were torn apart by her running, acting like a wild beast.

After chasing two intersections, and waiting for a gap where there were few people around, Ye Da saw the timing and jumped down.

Lin Xiaoxiao obviously didn't realize that someone would fall from the sky. With a loud noise, Ye Da directly pressed his knees on his back and subdued him to the ground.

Lin Xiaoxiao struggled violently. An ordinary person might be blown away by the force that doesn't fit her body shape, but Ye Da remained motionless, with one knee resting on her waist and one hand pinning her to the ground. .

Some people around saw Ye Da falling from the sky and knew that the matter was not simple and might involve a spiritual enlightenment person. However, some people did not see that scene and came out shouting: "Why are you beating a woman! Let go!" Fortunately, other members of the Special Affairs Department Came in time.

"We are the police, and we are arresting suspects, please get out of the way."

It can be said that it is a routine skill of the special affairs department to do things under the banner of the police.

Soon a vehicle arrived, and Ye Da carried Lin Xiaoxiao, who was buckled backwards in special handcuffs, into the car, leaving a few people behind to evacuate the crowd, and Ye Da and Ban Haijian drove away.

"be honest!"

Lin Xiaoxiao was still struggling, no matter what Ban Haijian said was useless, in order not to affect the driver's driving, Ye Da suppressed him.

Both Ye Da and Ban Haijian wondered if this man's consciousness had collapsed, especially with his festering face.

If it wasn't for some vicious villain boss, shouldn't he beg for mercy or make excuses at this time?

Looking at the festering marks on his face, Ye Da thought about what this meant.

He, Ban Haijian and the others found a person entirely because of different things.

If Lin Xiaoxiao is the person Wang Weiwu is looking for, he wants to find someone to help him awaken his spiritual ability. He actually found the head of the Eternal Life Society in a roundabout way.

A deduction formed in the mind.

The headquarters of the Eternal Life Association, not the East China Sea branch, has mastered a special method to create that kind of modified person.

Wang Weiwu may have actively sought it out, or he may have been deceived, thinking that it was a spiritual awakening, while Lin Xiaoxiao was the certification that convinced him.

This kind of transformation or spiritual awakening requires six stone needles as a reward, or simply a medium.
Wang Weiwu rubbed his eyes and got up from the bed.

A shudder followed.

Not all homes have air conditioners, let alone central air conditioners.

He imagined that Luo Chao's air conditioner was not willing to turn on, but he never imagined that it was not at all.

The walls of Luo Chao’s house are empty, except for the yellowed walls. In the whole house, only Grandma Luo’s room has an electric blanket, and the rest is a gas stove that can emit some heat.

Luo Chao had already woken up. The sound of eggs being beaten came from the kitchen. Wang Weiwu's stomach growled. Since he ran away from home, he frequently felt hungry.

Breakfast is fried eggs and steamed buns. Wang Weiwu ate while swiping his phone.

Naturally, it couldn't be compared with Wang's breakfast. Even the combination of fried eggs and steamed buns seemed strange to Wang Weiwu, but he didn't say anything.

"Hey?! They contacted me! In the middle of the night last night! They said they could go to Qiling tonight. Why do you feel very anxious?"

Luo Chao was shocked when he heard the words, did he finally come?
Although Luo Chao still had some doubts, this opportunity was a life-saving straw that he wanted to seize.

It is the common dream of Wang Weiwu and Luo Chao to become a spiritual enlightener and thus change their lives, although the reasons are completely different.

"Let me check the address, it's in the XC area? It's a bit far away, and the appointment time is also very late.."

Luo Chao worried: "Is there any danger?"

Wang Weiwu frowned and thought for a while: "The technology that can help people's spiritual enlightenment must be hidden, otherwise the officials will definitely trouble them and rob them of this technology. It's normal to be careful. Don't worry, we will go in separately. If If you succeed, go again."

It's a pity that Brother Dong's group of people have bad intentions, otherwise they would be more courageous with a large number of people.

Wang Weiwu is not completely unaware of the potential risks of this incident, but young people always feel that they are the special one and have a lot of luck.

Young people like to use their own cognition to speculate on the laws of society, and they are very good at self-persuasion, and then they are convinced.

"After wasting so much effort, I'm going to have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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