I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 162 I want to change my life

Chapter 162 I want to change my life
Wang Weiwu and Luo Chao took a taxi to go to Xicheng late at night.

There is no subway at such a late hour, and taxis are their only way of moving, which cost Luo Chao more than 100 yuan.

Distressed, he asked questions all the way.

"Master, are you sure you follow the navigation?"

"Why don't you go to the elevated?"

"Why is the watch jumping again?"

Wang Weiwu's expression was a bit embarrassed, he had never cared about money in his life.

When they arrived at the place, the two found that it was an unmanned land, which seemed to have been deserted for a while.

Wang Weiwu and Luo Chao murmured in their hearts, they didn't go in directly, but went around the construction site before walking in suspiciously.

A small door on one side opened, revealing a face wearing a mask. He glanced at the two of them and asked, "Wang Weiwu?"

Wang Weiwu nodded, a little scared in his heart, but he felt that it was appropriate for people to wear a mask for such a thing, which increased his confidence.

If the person who opened the door was an ordinary security guard, he would feel unreliable instead.

He and Luo Chao looked at each other, encouraged each other, and the two walked in.

The same few masked people were gathering together at the construction site. There was a light in a small house behind, and several figures flickered on the windows.

"You are the third wave, have you brought anything?"

Wang Weiwu kicked it into his pocket, where he hid the stone needle.

"I want to see the effect first."

The masked man sneered and said, "It doesn't matter, go in and tell the people inside, if you dare to trick us, you don't have to go back."

Luo Chao shuddered. These masked people were far more terrifying than Dong Ge, but he could only pretend to be calm because he was focused on enlightening his soul.

Wang Weiwu asked: "Is there anyone else enlightening tonight?"

The masked man pointed to a middle-aged man not far away.

He was the only one here who didn't wear a mask, and he was dressed quite decently, and he seemed to be a rich man, at least from a well-to-do family.

At this time, he was manipulating a stone up and down in his palm with his bare hands, with an obsessive expression on his face.

Wang Weiwu was overjoyed, it was really reliable, was it a success?

But I can't think right for a moment.

"This uncle is probably much older than 30, right?"

The age of Qiling is 6-30 years old, which is something that everyone in Kyushu knows.

The masked man said in a low voice: "Our technology has nothing to do with age, as long as the body can resist it, 60 years old is fine."

Wang Weiwu and Luo Chao believed it a little more.

It's just that the middle-aged man, for some reason, would scratch the back of his head from time to time, and even his fingertips were stained with blood, but it didn't seem to hurt at all.

This scene was not captured by Wang Weiwu and Luo Chao, they just waited nervously.

At this moment, a shrill scream came from the hut.


Wang Weiwu and Luo Chao were shocked and looked over in surprise.

The faint figure on the window seemed to be enduring some great pain.

"What happened to the people inside?"

The masked man seemed unsurprised and said: "You shouldn't think that this kind of spiritual enlightenment is painless. If you want to gain power, you have to pay a price."

Even so, the cry was a bit too miserable, as if the man was being crushed inch by inch.

This unexpected reaction made Wang Weiwu take two steps back abruptly, a little startled and uncertain, and he wanted to retreat in his heart.

However, looking at the malicious eyes of several other masked men around him, he could only pretend to be calm.

The masked man clicked his tongue and said, "Sure enough, the kid is uncontrollable, and the time is almost up. Let you 'kiss the gods' first."

As he said that, the masked man took out a small wooden statue. The wooden sculpture looked worthless, but it was carefully kept by the masked man. It was carved into a strange irregular sphere, with seven or eight tentacles extending like tentacles.

This strange wood carving seems to have some kind of magical power, and people will never forget it at a glance.

Putting the small wooden carving on an empty oil drum, the masked man said: "This is the 'God of Mercy', worship it with all your heart, and you will not suffer less after a while. Not sincere enough."

Wang Weiwu murmured: "The God of Mercy? What God of Mercy? The gods of the Kyushu, there is nothing and no one can be called a god!!"

The masked man sneered: "I know a lot, but if you enter here, you will have no way out. Do you want to worship that guy? Come and worship that guy over there, it will speed up your grasp of power."

The middle-aged man who had been playing with stones immediately ran over and worshiped the small wooden sculpture. How pious and pious he looked, but there was unparalleled utilitarianism in his piety.

The masked man didn't care and just looked at Wang Weiwu and Luo Chao.Wang Weiwu wondered whether these people were practicing some kind of cult?But their attitudes were different. They didn't seem to care much about the so-called merciful God, and they looked like they were willing to worship or not.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Luo Chao gritted his teeth, he was already kneeling in front of the wood carving like that middle-aged man.

"Luo Chao, you..."

Luo Chao gritted his teeth and said, "It doesn't matter whether it's a true god or a false god, there is no loss in worshiping."

The masked people around did not respond to Luo Chao's question about the God of Mercy, and even had mocking eyes.

The masked man said: "Don't you worship? You will be in great pain at that moment. You have only one way to go now, which is to accept the enlightenment of the merciful God and carry it over. There is nothing else."

Wang Weiwu gritted his teeth. If it was just pain, which he felt he could bear, the God of Mercy could not be real, let alone relieve the pain. This was just a wood sculpture!
The more I think about it, the more I feel that this group of people may not be that simple. People always start to reflect on whether their previous self was too hasty when disaster is imminent.

Wang Weiwu froze in place, his legs were as if they had been filled with lead, but he was already unable to get off when surrounded by a crowd of masked figures.

There is still a trace of fantasy in his heart, maybe things are not as bad as imagined?
Time passed quickly, and after another 5 minutes, Luo Chao had already bowed hundreds of times, and the screams in the cabin gradually subsided and became weak.

After a while, a person was carried out. It was a woman in her 20s with only two underwear on her body. At this time, she was almost unconscious, staring at the sky with blank eyes, unable to even utter a wail.

This miserable appearance is creepy.

Wang Weiwu took a few steps back, and the fear in his heart could no longer be increased.

The middle-aged man glanced at the woman's miserable appearance, and lowered his head in worship.

A person walked out of the hut, and the masked man asked, "Failed?"

The person inside said: "It's not too successful, let's see how she recovers afterwards."

The masked man frowned, and said in a low voice: "The chief helm said that we must evacuate before dawn. The people in Donghai are powerful, and the investigation is too tight. This burden cannot be taken away."

The humanity in the back room said: "If you can't wake up after two hours, just kill her. The God of Mercy doesn't need this kind of waste. I'll rest for a while. Let the last wave of people prepare."

The iron door of the hut was closed, and the masked man said to Wang Weiwu and Luo Chao: "You two, take off your shirts, whoever comes first."

The miserable appearance of that woman became the last straw that overwhelmed Wang Weiwu.

"We. Let's think about it when we go back. I don't want the money I gave you before."

Unexpectedly, Luo Chao stood up and unbuttoned his buttons one by one.

Wang Weiwu was shocked and said: "Luo Chao. You!"

Luo Chao was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "Wei Wu, I don't want to wait any longer."

He took off his thin shirt, revealing the scars all over his body.

Cigarette burns, cracks from stitches, mottled bruises.

These scars appeared on the supposedly fair skin of a 16-year-old boy, and they looked particularly conspicuous.

Even Wang Weiwu saw it for the first time.

The weather in December was extremely cold, and Luo Chao's body shivered slightly.

He pointed to the scar on his back.

"This... was beaten by my father. He was an alcoholic before he died. He would beat me every day to vent his anger. This time, the beating was the hardest. The wound was wrapped in clothes and then became sore. It took a month to heal."

"These are cigarette butts that were burned. The latest one was burned by Brother Dong, and the oldest one was burned by my dad's girlfriend. Every time my dad asked her to take care of me, she would secretly burn me with cigarette butts because she I knew I wouldn’t say it, but I didn’t say it because if I said it, my dad would beat me up again.”

"This needle scar was poked by my grandma with scissors, because she felt that I was not born to my father, and she was not confused at that time."

"These bruises were from the guy from the high school next door, just last week."

"A gangster outside school, a bastard among relatives."

Wang Weiwu was speechless.

The scene in front of him broke through his psychological defense.

Luo Chao exhaled a breath of foul air, which drifted away in the cold night wind:
"I want to kill people every night, and I want to kill many, many people. But I also want to live well. I need my grandma to live so that I can use her pension to eat. I don't want to suffer so much and spend my whole life in prison when I grow up. Weiwu, I'm different from you. If you're afraid, I'll help you verify it. I don't want to wait any longer."

He no longer cared about the plans of these weird masked people.

If Wang Weiwu hadn't come to him in the past few days.

Luo Chao is already planning how to commit suicide.

Conspiracy worth mentioning, opportunity worth mentioning.

It's okay to succeed, but it's easy to die.

He just wants to fight for a chance, either change his way of life, or die.

The masked man suddenly clapped his hands: "Okay! Very good! The God of Mercy likes you the most. If you want to change your way of life, the God of Mercy will satisfy you."

(End of this chapter)

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