I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 163 The Hero Arrived But It Was Late

Chapter 163 The Hero Arrived But It Was Late

Luo Chao's thin body was a little pale in the night, but the cold outside seemed to be no match for his heart.

Why do people want to commit suicide?

Sometimes it is because I want to die, and sometimes it is because I want to change my way of life.

Success and failure are acceptable.

With his upper body bare, Luo Chao looked firmly at the masked man.

The masked man seemed to appreciate Luo Chao very much, with a hint of interest in his tone.

"Did you bring the spiritual enlightenment?"

Luo Chao touched his pants pocket and nodded.

Wang Weiwu kept his promise and gave half of the six stone needles to him before he came, but it was originally planned for Wang Weiwu to try first.

"Go in and listen to the people inside."

Luo Chao took a last look at Wang Weiwu, and saw shock, confusion, and strangeness in Wang Weiwu's eyes.

The friendship between the two is strange, but Luo Chao is not disgusted. Although Wang Weiwu is very different from him, he is also the only person who can be called a friend for many years.
In any case, without Wang Weiwu, there would be no such opportunity.

Luo Chao squeezed out a smile and said, "Wait for my good news, and you can rest assured when I succeed."

With that said, he opened the door of the hut and walked in.

Wang Weiwu hurriedly ran forward and stretched out his hand to stop: "Luo Chao!"

The masked man suddenly appeared, raised his knee, and pushed Wang Weiwu up.


With a low cry, Wang Weiwu knelt on the ground in pain.

"Don't do unnecessary things, it's not your turn yet. You have to come one by one."

Luo Chao walked into the hut, it was much brighter and warmer than he imagined.

A female masked figure in a white coat was wiping something like surgical clips, and there were still blood stains on it, while the other two male masked figures sat aside without saying a word.

"What is your name?"

"Luo Luochao."

Wearing only a pair of trousers in front of the opposite sex made the introverted Luo Chao a little ashamed and felt like a domestic animal in the market.

But looking down and seeing the scars all over his body, he strangled his thoughts again.

What is there to be ashamed of such a bad self?
The female masked figure took a second look at Luo Chao's scars, then pointed to the small bed beside her and said, "Lie down on it."

Luo Chao touched his pocket, hesitantly said: "How to get Qi Lingwu?"

The female masked figure pointed to the table and said, "Put it over there."

On the small table, there are some messy things, a skateboard, an antique-looking small print, and some sundries like vases.

Luo Chao thought to himself, these might be the spiritual objects brought by the previous two groups of people?

But these masked people don't seem to care about the spiritual objects
He put the three stone needles in his pocket on the table, and the female masked man took a look, showing a disdainful smile under the mask.

Ordinary people don't have so many opportunities to come into contact with enlightened spirit objects.

The reason why we need spiritual objects is just to make the whole scam more believable. A bunch of fakes were accepted, and some people blatantly brought fakes, and they thought they had taken advantage of them if they were not exposed. In fact, they themselves is the goods.

Luo Chao lay on the bed with doubts, but then felt his limbs being firmly held down.

The strength was far beyond his imagination, and he couldn't move at all.

"What are you planning to do?"

The female masked person took out a scalpel and said, "To prevent you from moving around in pain."

Luo Chao couldn't see the scene behind him, so he twisted a bit, feeling as if he was locked in cast iron.

Luo Chao stopped struggling after hearing this and just asked: "Is the success rate high?"

At an angle that Luo Chao couldn't see, the female masked figure took out a glass jar.

Inside, a strange colorful jellyfish was wriggling its tentacles.

"It depends on your fate."

Outside the window, Wang Weiwu was sitting on the ground, clenching his fists.

After being kicked by the masked man, he no longer dared to speak.

It was only when the phone was crushed by the masked man that he realized that tonight might be a one-way trip.

back and forth.

Only then did he feel fear and regret.

Not long after, Luo Chao's screams came from the cabin.


The screams were even mixed with sobs.

Wang Weiwu dug his nails deeply into his flesh. "Luo Chao! Luo Chao, are you okay?"

Wang Weiwu didn't care about being afraid, and opened his mouth to shout out, but the masked man's fist answered him.

He was punched hard in the face, and Wang Weiwu almost fainted.

"If it weren't for the fact that the operation must guarantee the person's sobriety, I would have knocked you out."

Wang Weiwu said: "I"

Luo Chao's screams came to his ears one after another, and Wang Weiwu's mind was in a mess.

Regret, fear, anger.
Who can come and save them!Why no one came to save them!
Just when Luo Chao's screams became weaker and weaker.

The masked man suddenly looked up.


A thick metal long stick fell from the sky and hit the ground.

After a loud noise, a tall figure landed firmly beside the long stick.

Ye Da looked at the eight or nine masked figures in front of him with a calm expression.

Immediately afterwards, another long, thinner wooden stick flew over and stuck on the ground. Another figure jumped off the construction site, rolled on the ground to release force, and then grabbed the wooden stick.

Ban Jianhai had no expression on his face, but he recalled the feeling just now in his heart.

No wonder many meat systems like to jump from high places.

Handsome is really handsome.

I dare not jump on the ninth floor, but the challenge on the third floor is successful!

It's just that the landing is not chic enough.

My ankle still hurts a little
Seeing two guys with sticks falling from the sky, the masked men stood up one after another.

Wang Weiwu didn't recognize Ye Da, but he felt that the savior had arrived!

"Hurry and save the people inside! They... they are not good people!"

Ye Da glanced at Wang Weiwu, but didn't speak.

This unpleasant kid, just make sure he doesn't die, there's no need to talk nonsense.

The masked man's reaction was beyond Wang Weiwu's and even Ye Da's expectations.

They only do one thing.


Almost at the same time, a group of masked people scattered and ran towards the extension of the construction site.

The middle-aged man and the unconscious woman who were carried aside were also carried on their backs. Eight or nine masked figures jumped away without hesitation, and even chose to run away after meeting each other.

Ban Haijian snorted coldly, thinking that it was not slippery, but his style was different from those lunatics before.

At the same time, he ordered through the headset: "They are going to scatter to break through, and those outside should pay attention to intercept."

Of course, he and Ye Da didn't come to play superheroes alone. There were many people from the special affairs department forming a siege outside. He and Ye Da just came to make a surprise attack as the strongest.

Ye Da was merciless in dealing with this group of strange people, and threw the Xuanshui stick in his hand directly, piercing through a masked man who was just about to jump up the wall, and nailed him to the ground.

Among the group of people, there were obviously two who were not wearing masks and were carried away on their backs. These two might be the breakthrough point, and Ye Da chased there.

However, Wang Weiwu rushed up from nowhere, grabbed Ye Da's clothes, pointed to the small room and said, "Go inside! My friend is inside! Go save him!"

Ye Da shook his hand, and Wang Weiwu sat down directly on the ground.

"Find a place to hide, don't make trouble!"

With this delay, a masked man turned around and gestured to Ye Dabi.

"Eight Gods: Heavy Rain"

Countless tiny energy spikes flew over, overwhelming the sky for a while.

This kind of small move is meaningless to Ye Da, the ability level of the masked man is only a B-level, and he could have carried it directly or bypassed it, but at this time there is an extra oil bottle beside him.

Ye Da thought inwardly that he was troubled, so he could only fly to pick up Wang Weiwu, and hid behind the steel pile beside him.

There was a clanging sound, if it weren't for Ye Da, Wang Weiwu would have been shot to death with random needles.

Wang Weiwu still didn't give up, he grabbed Ye Da tightly and refused to let him go, even with a trace of anger in his tone.

"Aren't you here to save people? It's in the house."

Ye Da slapped Wang Weiwu on the face.

"Crack!" With a crisp sound, Wang Weiwu turned his face away, his eyes lost.

To be submissive to the bad guys, to boss the good guys around is to talk about his current behavior.

Ye Da: "Calm down!"

(End of this chapter)

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