Chapter 164
The crisp slap woke Wang Weiwu up.

Not everyone is Wang Weiwu's parents or elder brother, and they have so much tolerance for him.

Wang Weiwu froze away holding Ye Da's hand, only then did he realize that this person seemed to be his brother's friend.

After all, he is a child of the Wang family. Wang Weiwu woke up relatively quickly and did not show any signs of crying or collapse. Instead, he endured the pain and said: "My friend Luo Chao is inside, undergoing spiritual awakening. They may not have completed it yet. , which contains the really important secrets of these masked people!”

Ye Da was a little surprised to see him calm down quickly, pointing to the ground: "You stay here honestly, don't make any more trouble."

After speaking, Ye Da got up and picked up the Xuanshui stick. The pierced masked man was trying to pull out the stick, but the weight of the Xuanshui stick and the awkward position made him fail many times.

Ye Da kicked the back of the head to make him unconscious, and then went to the hut that Wang Weiwu mentioned.

Kicking the door open, Ye Da saw a strong masked man cleaning up the debris on the table. After seeing Ye Da, he didn't want anything, and fled to the back door. Others seemed to have also escaped through this small door.

"Footwork · Thrust!"

Ye Da grabbed the man's clothes with a stride.

"Eight God Technique: Flame Palm!"

The palm of the masked man slapped it with the flame of the spirit, but Ye Da grabbed his wrist.

The burning sensation came, but it was not unbearable.

Still that sentence, power almost means nothing.

With a twist of his wrist, Ye Da broke the opponent's arm, and the masked man spun around before being hit on the back of the head with a stick.

For Wang Weiwu and others, the masked man, who was too strong to resist, was not an all-in-one enemy when facing Ye Da.

After Ye Da confirmed that he was unconscious, he was about to chase out through the back door to find other people, but he caught a glimpse of the pile of debris on the table out of the corner of his eye.

There are a small pile of skateboards, vases, and antique-like things in a mess.

Three of the stone needles caught Ye Da's attention.

This is it.

The nine yin on the right arm sent a longing call.

It was as if the mother had finally found her lost child.

Ye Da held the three stone needles in his hand, and in an instant the three stone needles turned into a stream of light and sank into his right hand.

I was overjoyed, but in an instant I was a little confused.

"Why are there only three? Is the rest still in Wang Weiwu's hand? Why didn't he respond when I rescued him just now?"

Ignoring the new change in his right hand for the time being, Ye Da rushed out from the back door to chase other masked figures.

As for the other sundries on the table, Ye Da didn't pay attention to them. A pile of messy things, like the street stalls in Antique Street, let's put them here and talk about them later.

After Ye Da rushed out from the back door.

The hut returned to silence, only the unconscious masked man lying on the ground.

Among the piles of sundries, the most unsuitable skateboard suddenly fell down, changing from vertical to flat.

With a "click", it slid forward for a few meters, and the head of the skateboard was just facing the direction of the rear door.

After a while, Wang Weiwu rushed in, and it seemed that it was safe outside. He glanced at the masked man lying unconscious on the ground in fear, and then searched for traces of his friend Luo Chao.

"Luo Chao! Luo Chao, are you there?!"

The small house can be seen at a glance, and there are no traces of friends.

At this time, the illegal skateboard was no longer in the room.

Ye Da knocked down two masked men in a small park. Seeing that they could not run away, the two men turned around and wanted to confront the enemy, but were easily subdued by Ye Da.If there are more of these masked people, they can still cause some trouble to Ye Da, but one or two are far from being Ye Da's opponent.

But that's it. Since the masked people were running away in all directions, Ye Da could only choose one direction to chase. As for the situation in other directions, it depends on what happens to the people in the special affairs department.

After he and Ban Haijian captured Lin Xiaoxiao, they immediately interrogated Lin Xiaoxiao. As a member of the parasitism, Lin Xiaoxiao was very tight-lipped, but she couldn't stand the special affairs department with all kinds of magical methods.

Let's talk about this later, in short, Lin Xiaoxiao got a lot of information from his mouth.

The branch of the East China Sea Eternal Life Association was organized by Wang Yanji. He only wanted to make money, and even the people who were at the helm of the Eternal Life Association were fooled by him, thinking that Wang Yanji would open up the situation for the Eternal Life Association in the East China Sea. In the end, Wang Yanji took the helm of the Eternal Life Association. There are a lot of resources, but they listen to the tune and don't listen to the announcement, flickering up and down.

In a sense, Wang Yanji also didn't believe the people at the headquarters of the Eternal Life Association, and felt that they were helping lunatics.

And he just wanted to prostitute for free, and somehow convinced the people at the helm not to parasitize him with that weird creature.

After experiencing the initial land reclamation, he also gradually transferred away the real members of the Eternal Life Society's main helm in the East China Sea branch one by one.

This person is also a talent, and he has gained support and resources from the chief rudder, and he has formed his own school, so the chief rudder did not bother him. Introduced by Wang Yanji to the person at the headquarters as a concubine.

Later, because he was unprepared, he carried out the so-called enlightenment awakening and stepped into the abyss completely.

When the Donghai branch of the Eternal Life Society was destroyed by Ye Da and others, because Wang Yanji had already laundered the Donghai branch into a pure money-fraud organization, and the police department instead of the special affairs department was responsible for the follow-up case, in order to make himself With a few years less sentence, this man has concealed a lot of truth about the headquarters of the Eternal Life Society.

And in the absence of clues, the police department has no suspicions in this direction.

However, after Wang Yanji was arrested, the head of the Eternal Life Society came to investigate, and Wang Yanji was completely exposed.

It was originally planned to be sentenced to 10 years, but it may be difficult to get out now.

According to Wang Yanji, those suspected spiritual enlighteners at the headquarters of the Eternal Life Association all came from human experiments at the headquarters.

Through various channels, including human trafficking, abduction, kidnapping, etc., these lunatics have continuously implanted strange creatures called "God of Mercy" into people, in fact for the purpose of human experiments.

It is said that the death rate of this transformation was high at the beginning, but in the past one or two years, it seems that the success rate is getting higher and higher.

And the reformed people, no matter whether they were voluntary or forced at the beginning, will be loyal to the Immortal Society after the reformation, which is why Wang Yanji thinks these people are lunatics.

I can only sigh once again that Wang Yanji is indeed a talent, able to handle with ease in such a dangerous organization, and has not been transformed by parasites, but his intentions are not correct, and he has not used it in the right place.

In other words, although these masked people are loyal, they do not necessarily mean they are smart, and there is a possibility of being deceived.

Among them, according to the different transformation results, the masked people are also different. The brains of the lowest level are somewhat abnormal, and they can only execute orders in a simple and rough way.

There are actually two groups of masked people in Donghai, and the first group is mainly about the collapse of the Donghai branch.

Another wave of people came to do human experiments, and this wave of people obviously had more brains.

But judging from their way of doing things, Ye Da felt that Wang Yanji's comments were good.

A little bit crazy.

No wonder Wang Yanji panicked too, he was just a scoundrel who gave birth to a son who didn't know how to make money, but he was still far from a lunatic.

Ye Da suppressed the two masked men, called Ban Haijian, and reported their location. After a while, personnel from the Special Affairs Department came to arrest them. All these masked men were arrested. They were both prisoners and researchers. material.

At present, there is no way to take out that weird creature without harming their lives, but fortunately, there are enough samples, and the official has made a lot of progress in dealing with the "God of Mercy" in the mouth of the Immortal Society.

Wanting to go back to Wang Weiwu to confirm the status of the last three stone needles, but was told that Wang Weiwu had been picked up by the Wang family, Ye Da could only shake his head secretly, thinking that he thought he could do all the work in one battle, but in the end he left a tail.

At this time, he hoped that the stone needle would be in Wang Weiwu's hands instead of the Eternal Life Society's, and it would be much easier to get it.

I just don't know what kind of changes the three stone needles will bring.

 A banned chapter appeared inexplicably, 157.

(End of this chapter)

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